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We welcome new UCD/CDIC teacher

Monday, 1 July, 2024

Dr Meisam

Dr. Meisam Gordan received his PhD in Civil Engineering, specialising in Structural Health Monitoring, Data Mining, and Artificial Intelligence from University of Malaya in 2020, funded by a High Impact Research scholarship. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the school of Civil Engineering at UCD. Meisam worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with several research groups and projects, including the Structural Dynamics and Assessment Laboratory (SDA-Lab) at UCD, the Horizon 2020-funded PRECINCT project at UCD, and the University of Malaya Engineering Structural Health Monitoring (UMEngSHM) Group. He also worked with the Structural Health Monitoring Research Group (StrucHMRSGroup) and Advance Shock and Vibration Research (ASVR) Group at UM. He has published ≈40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, international conferences, and book chapters. Recognised as a reliable referee, he has reviewed various papers for different scientific journals. He is also contributing to the process of knowledge sharing through his role as the Editorial Board Member, Academic Editor, and Guest Editor of several journals and publishers.

Dr Meisam Gordan will be teaching three modules on the Civil Engineering Infrastructure programme at CDIC from Autumn 2024.

Welcome Meisam!

Contact the UCD China Joint Colleges Office

Room 504, James Joyce Library Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1945 |