Chang’an-Dublin International College (CDIC) of Transportation, founded in 2020, is a joint international college established in collaboration between University College Dublin (UCD) and Chang’an University (CHD).
Chang’an-Dublin International College (CDIC) of Transportation, founded in 2020, is a joint international college established in collaboration between University College Dublin (UCD) and Chang’an University (CHD).
Located on the CHD campus, in the historic city of Xi’an, CDIC provides a world-class international educational experience that equips its multilingual graduates with the talents to thrive in an increasingly globalised and connected society.
CDIC's focus is on transportation and particularly the discipline areas of transportation infrastructure, automotive engineering and transportation planning & environmental policy.
CDIC is one of three joint international colleges UCD operates in China. Beijing-Dublin International College (BDIC) focuses on information, communications and technology (ICT) and finance and economics. Guangzhou-Dublin International College (GDIC) in Guangzhou is dedicated to life sciences and technology in the context of the agriculture and food science environments.

Message from the Provost Paul Fanning
Welcome to CDIC and University College Dublin (UCD)!
UCD is Ireland’s Global University – our global engagement strategy is to provide a ‘global experience for all’ by bringing ‘the best of the world to Ireland and the best of Ireland, including its distinct culture, to the world’. CDIC is the embodiment of this global engagement strategy.
Our students enjoy a truly international educational experience in an immersive English language environment with face to face teaching from UCD academics all year around in addition to multiple opportunities for long and short stay study periods at UCD’s campus in Dublin.
I look forward to seeing you at CDIC!