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President of Chang'an University visited UCD

Tuesday, 28 May, 2024

We were delighted to welcome Chang'an University President, Sha Aimin along with his colleagues from CHU Prof Zhang Jiupeng, Dean of Chang'an Dublin International College of Transportation at Chang'an University, Dr Bai Qiang Vice Dean of Chang'an Dublin International College of Transportation at Chang'an University, Du Qiang, President Assistant of Chang'an University and Meng Zhenjiang, Vice Dean of the Academy of Sciences at Chang'an University.

CHU Delegation

Prof Zhang with UCD teachers

The delegation from Xi'an was welcomed by Dean of China Joint Colleges Professor Paul Fanning, Dr Vincent Hargaden, Dr. William Smith, Dr. Aasifa Rounak from UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,  Dr Beatriz Martinez-Pastor and Dr Rui Teixeira from School of Civil Engineering and Professor Oliver Kinnane, Dr Paula Russell and Dr Luke Kelleher from School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy.

Contact the UCD China Joint Colleges Office

Room 504, James Joyce Library Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1945 |