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Planning Documents

Standard templates used in Planning 2024 are available for download from this site - see below.

Individual documents for each school/unit (e.g. a School Profile) are available from the Planning section of InfoHub ((opens in a new window)Home / Finance / Planning Documents menu).

Documents are due to be available from March 15th 2024.

Planning Documents in InfoHub

Individual planning documents for each school/unit will be published via the (opens in a new window)InfoHub Planning Documents page.

Documents are grouped by Category - the screenshot below shows an illustrative sample from last year. Categories can be expanded or collapsed to view the documents within the category.

Documents may be downloaded by clicking on them. Most documents relate to the particular school, but some are more general college-level in scope.

Planning Documents Main Screen

 Working documents uploaded during the planning process will be assigned the category of 'Working Drafts'.

Microsoft excel logo

Excel Registrations Template

Finance Managers will usually meet with Heads to discuss planned enrolments, and will enter information directly to the PBCS system during the meeting. Alternatively, some FMs will distribute an Excel Registrations Template for the Head to enter changes and will then meet to review and discuss any further alterations. Where the Excel Registrations Template is being used, it will be distributed via the InfoHub Planning Documents site.

The Excel Registrations Template is discussed further here.

FAQs - Planning Documents

Within the (opens in a new window)InfoHub / Finance / Planning Documents screen, click on the Document Uploader button to upload documents.

The Document Uploader enables the user to select one or more files from their computer or other device, to select a Document Type (i.e. Category), and to provide an optional comment before uploading. The Document Type for the submission is Submission by School or Unit.

Document Uploader Fields Empty


University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777