VIP Invitation Protocol
VIP Invitation Protocol
In order to coordinate invitations from across the University to key individuals the following protocol should be adhered to:
- President of Ireland– all requests to invite the President of Ireland must be sent to the UCD President’s Office for consideration and only the UCD President can issue an invitation on behalf of the University.
- Taoiseach- all requests to invite the Taoiseach must be sent to the UCD President’s Office for consideration and only the UCD President can issue an invitation on behalf of the University.
- Government Ministers– all invitations must be issued via the relevant College Principal/Vice-President and the President’s Office and UCD University Relations Office informed.
- Ambassadors– all invitations must be issued via the relevant School or College Office and the President’s Office and UCD University Relations Office informed.
- Key Donors– all invitations must be issued in conjunction with the Office for Development and Alumni Relations.
Inviting key individuals (as outlined above) to visit campus and participate in university organised or hosted events is an important opportunity for the University to pursue its strategic objectives. It is essential that all visits are managed to ensure our guests have a pleasant and smooth visit to campus. This can only be achieved if invitations are centrally coordinated and all relevant support services aware of the visit.
Invitations to the President
As the President receives many invitations and attends many university events, a protocol for inviting the President to UCD organised events has been implemented. This protocol can be accessed on the (opens in a new window)staff intranet (UCD Connect username and password required).