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Registration to Labs/Practicals

Students will be automatically registered to Laboratories, Practicals and Tutorials associated with the following modules. Students registered to any of these modules will receive an email when this process is complete.

Last updated: 3 November 2024

Module ID Module Title Trimester
ACM10060 Appl of Differential Equations Spring
ACM10080 Intro to Applied & Comp Math Autumn
ACM10100 Differential & Diff Equations Spring
ACM20030 Computational Science Autumn
ACM20150 Vector Calculus Spring
AESC20060 Soil Science Basics Autumn
AESC30010 Scientific Writing & Review Spring
AESC30100 Pests, Parasites & Beneficials Autumn
AESC30220 Soil Science Applications Autumn
ANSC30010 Animal Reproduction Autumn
BIOL00010 Fundamentals of Biology Autumn
BIOL10010 Animal Biology and Evolution Spring
BIOL10030 Cell and Plant Biology Spring
BIOL10110 Biology-Cell Biology&Genetics Spring
BIOL10130 Biology in Action Autumn
BIOL10140 Life on Earth Autumn
BIOL20060 Scientific Communication Spring
BIOL30010 Plant Diseases: Biology Autumn
BMOL20060 Biomolecular Lab Skills 1 Autumn
BMOL20070 Biomolecular Lab Skills 2 Spring
BMOL20090 Molecular Genetics and Biotech Autumn
BMOL30020 Molecular basis of disease Spring
BMOL30030 Regulation of Gene Expression Autumn
BMOL30040 Cell signalling Autumn
BMOL30050 Genomics and Proteomics Spring
CELB20060 Principles of Cell&Mol Biology Autumn
CELB30100 Developmental Biology Spring
CELB30110 Plant Cell Biology Autumn
CHEM00010 Introductory Chemistry Autumn
CHEM00020 Introductory Chemistry (Ag) Autumn
CHEM10010 Intro to Biomolecules Spring
CHEM10030 Chemistry for Engineers Autumn
CHEM10040 The Molecular World Autumn
CHEM10050 Basis of Organic & Biol Chem Spring
CHEM20040 Organic Chemistry (Level 2) Autumn
CHEM20050 MedChem and ChemBio (level 2) Spring
CHEM20080 Basis of Physical Chemistry Autumn
CHEM20090 Chemistry for Biology Autumn
CHEM20100 Basis of Inorganic Chemistry Autumn
CHEM20120 Physical Chemistry (level 2) Spring
CHEM20140 Introductory Transition Metal Spring
CHEM30060 Quantum Mechanics Autumn
CHEM30110 Instrumental Analysis Autumn
CHEM30200 Carbonyl Chemistry & Synthesis Autumn
CHEM30210 Struct Determ&Heterocyc Chem Autumn
CHEM30220 Mechanism and Stereochemistry Autumn
CHEM30230 Symmetry & Computational Chem. Spring
CHEM30310 Soft matter & interfacial chem Spring
CHEM30320 Chemical thermody & Phys Tran Spring
CHEM30360 Advanced Transition Metal Chem Spring
CHEN10040 Introduction to Engineering Computing Autumn
COMP10010 Introduction to Programming I Autumn
COMP10020 Introduction to Programming II Spring
COMP10030 Algorithmic Problem Solving Autumn
COMP10040 Intro to Comp Architecture Autumn
COMP10060 Computer Sci for Engineers I Spring
COMP10070 Formal Foundations Autumn
COMP10110 Computer Programming I Autumn
COMP10290 Computation for Scientists Autumn
COMP10300 Functional Programming Autumn
COMP20020 Digital Systems Autumn
COMP20050 Software Engineering Project 2 Spring
COMP20070 Databases and Info.  Systems I Autumn
COMP20110 Discrete Maths for Comp. Sci. Autumn
COMP20180 Intro to Operating Systems Spring
COMP20280 Data Structures Spring
COMP20320 Computer Networking Autumn
COMP30030 Introduction to AI Autumn
COMP30040 Networks and Internet Systems Autumn
COMP30950 Multi-paradigm Programming Autumn
EEEN10010 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Autumn
ENVB20050 Principles of EnvBiol&Ecology Spring
ENVB30010 Systems Ecology Autumn
ENVB30100 Ecolog & Environ Microbiol Spring
ENVB30110 Food Microbiology Autumn
ENVB30140 Analysis of Env. Materials Autumn
FDSC20100 Agricultural Biochemistry Spring
FOR20100 Applied Biostatistics Autumn
GENE20020 Principles of Genetics Spring
GENE30010 Genetics Autumn
GENE30030 Genetic Basis of Disease Spring
GENE30040 Programming for Biologists Spring
GEOL10060 Introduction to Earth Sciences Autumn & Spring
GEOL10070 Understanding Earth Systems Spring
HORT20070 Agricultural Botany Autumn
MATH00010 Introduction to Mathematics Autumn
MATH10040 Numbers & Functions Autumn
MATH10200 Matrix Algebra Autumn
MATH10210 Found. of Math. for Com.Sc. I Spring
MATH10220 Found. of Math. for Com. Sc II Spring
MATH10230 Mathematics for Agriculture I  Autumn
MATH10240 Mathematics for Agriculture II Spring
MATH10250 Introduction to Calculus for Engineers Autumn
MATH10290 Linear Algebra for Science Spring
MATH10310 Calculus for Science Autumn
MATH10320 Mathematical Analysis Spring
MATH10340 Linear Algebra 1 (MPS) Spring
MATH10350 Calculus (MPS) Autumn
MATH20060 Calculus of Several Variables Autumn
MATH20150 Graphs and Networks Autumn
MATH20300 Linear Algebra 2 (MathSci) Autumn
MEIN30240 Bioinformatics Autumn
MICR20010 Agricultural Microbiology Autumn
MST20010 Algebraic Structures Autumn
MST20040 Analysis Spring
MST20050 Linear Algebra II Spring
MST20070 Multivariable Calculus Autumn
MST30030 Financial Mathematics Spring
MST30070 Differential Geometry Spring
NEUR30060 Sensory Neuroscience Spring
NEUR30070 Higher Cortical Function Spring
NEUR30080 Membrane biology Autumn
PHAR30010 Chemotherapeutic agents Autumn
PHAR30020 Drug action in body systems II Spring
PHAR30030 Toxicology Spring
PHAR30040 Advanced CNS pharmacology Spring
PHAR30050 Molecular pharmacology Spring
PHAR30080 Drugs used in CNS diseases Autumn
PHYC10050 Astronomy & Space Science Autumn
PHYC10070 Foundations of Physics Autumn
PHYC10080 Frontiers of Physics Spring
PHYC10150 Physics for Engineers 1 Autumn
PHYC10180 Physics for Ag. Science Autumn
PHYC10190 Aspects of Physics for Ag. Sci Spring
PHYC10250 Thermal Physics and Materials Autumn
PHYC10260 Foundations of Physics (NEU) Autumn
PHYC20020 Introductory Quantum Mechanics Autumn
PHYC20040 Exploring the Solar System Spring
PHYC20080 Fields, Waves and Light Spring
PHYC20090 Electronics and Devices Spring
PHYS20030 Organ and Systems Physiology Spring
PHYS20040 Cell and Tissue Physiology Autumn
PHYS30010 Cardiovascular Physiology Autumn
PHYS30090 Digestion and Excretion Autumn
RDEV10020 Information Skills Autumn
RDEV30380 Knowledge Tfr for Farm Innovat Autumn
SCI10010 Scientific Enquiry Autumn
STAT10010 Research Methods Autumn
STAT10060 Statistical Modelling Spring
STAT10430 Statistics with Python Spring
STAT20060 Statistics and Probability Spring
STAT20070 Data Modelling for Science Autumn
STAT20100 Inferential Statistics Spring
STAT20110 Introduction to Probability Autumn
STAT20180 Intro to Bayesian Analysis Spring
STAT20200 Probability Autumn
STAT20230 Modern Regression Analysis Autumn
STAT30010 Time Series Analysis Autumn
STAT30080 Models - Survival Autumn
STAT30250 Advanced Predictive Analytics Spring
STAT30270 Statistical Machine Lrng Spring
STAT30340 Data Programming with R Autumn
STAT40150 Multivariate Analysis Spring
ZOOL20020 Animal Behaviour Autumn
ZOOL20030 Principles of Zoology Spring
ZOOL30010 Functional Morphology Spring
ZOOL30020 Arthropoda Spring
ZOOL30040 Diversity of Vertebrates Spring
ZOOL30050 Diversity of invertebrates Autumn

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
