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Exam Results Information

Results from the Autumn semester Grade Approvals Process will be released to students on Thursday 30 January 2025.

You will receive an email at some point on the day containing a secure personalised link which will bring you directly to your results page. This is the only way in which you will be able to access your results on the day.

The personalised page will contain such information as your module and component results, your Stage and Trimester GPAs, and your Award GPA where relevant.

From the day after, you will be able to access your approved results, and transcripts where relevant, through the normal (opens in a new window)SISWeb channels. 

 Common issues that may occur relating to accessing your results:

Problem Solution
You can’t remember your login details

Your SISWeb password is the same as your password for your UCD email account. You can reset your password using the "Forgot Password" link on SISWeb. If you are having difficulty, contact the IT Services Helpdesk at (opens in a new window)IT Support Hub

Students who left before completing their programme or studied prior to 2013 cannot reset their passwords themselves and should contact theStudent Desk.

I have logged in, but can’t see any results You may have a hold on your Student Record due to outstanding fees or documentation you have not submitted (e.g. original transcripts). Such holds will be flagged to you on to (opens in a new window)SISWeb and you can contact the  Student Desk for assistance.
Some of my module results are missing. If you have any queries in relation to your final grade, you should contact the School or relevant Module Coordinator. Consult the online Module Descriptor for the particular module you wish to query, this will show both the School and Module Coordinator names.


Results are released when they been ratified by your Programme Examination Board and will include Stage GPA, and, where applicable, Award GPA and Award Classification. See Assessment Key Dates.

No, all grades displayed in Brightspace are considered indicative and provisional. Only grades that have been ratified by your Programme Examination Board are considered final.

All Extenuating Circumstances application forms which were submitted within the required timeframe are considered at the Programme Examination Boards. Please contact your Programme Office should you require more information.

If you have any queries in relation to your grades, you should contact the School or Module Coordinator. Consult the (opens in a new window)online Module Descriptor for the particular module you wish to query, this will show both the School and Module Coordinator names. You can then consult the (opens in a new window)UCD Staff Directory for contact details. If you have any queries in relation to your final grade, you should contact the School or Module Coordinator.

Are you locked out of your SISweb? If so please use the  Student Desk Connector  to have your PIN reset. You may also have a hold on your student record due to outstanding fees or documentation you have not submitted (e.g. original transcripts). Such holds will be flagged to you on to  (opens in a new window)SISWeb  and you can contact the  Student Desk  for assistance.

Official copies of your results are available once Final Results have been released. Certificate of Attendance, Statements of Results, Academic Transcripts, etc., are available to you free of charge through the My Official Documents link on  (opens in a new window)SISWeb.

Please note that you must enable these documents if you want third parties (such as the Garda National Immigration Bureau, employers etc) to be able to view them online. Further details are available on the  Student Desk web pages.

You should contact the relevant School or Module Coordinator. They will advise you what arrangements will be put in place to view and receive feedback on scripts or other types of assessment that contributed to your final module grade.

Students are entitled to a copy of their submitted assessment/ examination script if they request it.  Please also note the following:

  • You should ensure to request this from the Module Coordinator or the School Office contact where appropriate.
  • A request must be made within 12 months of the assessment taking place (assessment submissions and scripts are retained for 13 months).
  • You might be asked to put the request in writing where possible and you will need to to verify your identity.
  • A copy should be provided to you as soon as possible and within a month of receipt of the request. You should be informed if a delay is anticipated with an approximate timeframe that will not exceed one month.
  • The copy will be provided to you in the format as designated by the School/ Module Coordinator and it might be a digital copy or hard photocopy.
  • You will not be able to take a copy yourself and the copy must be made by a member of UCD staff.
  • Where the Module Coordinator or School have clarified that an exception to the above is required, they will confirm this with you. 

Use the (opens in a new window)Course Search to find your module and look at the 'What happens if I fail?' section of the module description. Contact your Module Coordinator or School for more information should you like to receive feedback on why you failed the module. Information on how to register for repeats/resits is available on the Current Students website.

You must wait until you have received your results from the university, see Assessment Key Dates. Further information on how to appeal can be found on the  Assessment Appeals website.

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
