As per UCD Policy on Extenuating Circumstances Student Guide, version 21 May 2019:-
Evidence must relate to the specific application for extenuating circumstances being made.
You may not use a family member to provide evidence.
The documentation provided must be consistent with the application in terms of matters such as dates, circumstances etc. The Programme Examination Board reserves the right to reject any application in cases where there are serious discrepancies between the documentation and the application.
The Programme Examination Board reserves the right to verify and seek further details on this documentation.
Only evidence from one of the following qualified professionals will be accepted:
- Registered medical practitioner/health professional
- Member of An Garda Síochána
- Registered counsellor/psychotherapist
- Psychologist
- UCD student support professional (i.e. UCD Student Adviser; member of the UCD Access/New ERA or Disability Support Service staff; official UCD student counsellor or UCD Chaplain). Any evidence must be on headed paper and must be legible, stamped and dated.