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Outgoing PPE

As a BSc Philosophy, Politics & Economics student, there are a number of exciting destinations available for you to study abroad during Stage 3.  Below is some important information to help you decide whether to apply for an exchange or Erasmus opportunity, but if you have any further questions, please contact the Global Engagement Programme Manager: (opens in a new window)outgoing.socialsciences@ucd.ie

BHSOC010 Exchange Programme & Subject Pathway Credit Requirements

Students studying abroad should register to 30 ECTS  (or Non-EU credit equivalent). at host university for one-trimester.

Exchange Duration

ECTS Credit Programme Requirements*

Credit Requirements breakdown per subject pathway

One Trimester

Min of 20 ECTS

15 ECTS must be earned in your Thematic Subject areas.

The remaining 5 credits can be earned in electives.

Non-EU  Exchange Credit equivalent is applicable to student who go on a exchange outside Europe. Please see here for conversion guide.

  • Who is eligible to apply?

To be eligible for an exchange you must achieve an average of 3.0 GPA in stage 1 and stage 2 of your degree. Generally, for students going on exchange in stage 3, the average GPA is calculated as follows:(Stage 1 + Stage 1 + Stage 2 trimester 1) divided by 3.

If you are successful in your application, you will need to have completed 60 credits at Stage 1 including all cores, and at least 50 credits in Stage 2, to be eligible to take your exchange or Erasmus place. N.B. Please note that your progression to stage 4 might be affected if you don’t achieve 60 credits in Stage 2.

  • When and for how long can I go abroad? 

You can apply to study abroad in a host university for one trimester (either Trimester 1 or Trimester 2) in Stage 3 of your programme.

  • How many modules do I need to take and what do I need to study while I am abroad? 

As a PPE student, you are required to pass a minimum of 20 ECTS credits at your host institution. However, it is recommended that you attempt up to 30 ECTS at your host institution. While studying at the host university you should study modules in some or all of the PPE subject areas; an equal balance of subjects is not required. Note that this credit quantity might equate to different numbers of modules at different partner universities. 

Note: If you take exchange outside of Europe, you will be required to take specific course workload relevant to each university, as outside of Europe institutions don’t use the ECTS system.

  • Where Can I go?

The destinations available for 2022/23 Stage 3 are listed below, to discuss with your Programme Director.

BSc Social Sciences PPE students wishing to go abroad for one trimester in Stage 3 can apply to approved destinations on the UCD Global website. PPE students should note: they are expected to study at least two of their subjects while on exchange, and some universities may not cover all PPE students and may need to be discussed with the Programme Director in advance. Destinations available for application are based on current agreements between UCD and our partner universities. Destinations listed on the UCD Global website are subject to change based on a number of factors, including availability of places and agreements with host universities.

Inside Europe

Destinations are listed on the UCD Global website as per the 'PPE' section.

 Outside of Europe (Non-EU Exchanges)

The destinations are available on  the UCD Global website under the Social Sciences section and listed by region. You will need to contact the Progamme Director about the suitability of module offerings at a host university in preparation for the exchange.

Please note: Destinations listed are for guidance and are subject to change based on a number of factors, including availability of places and agreements with host universities.

Contact for more information:

The Programme Director/Exchange Coordinator of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics will advise on academic requirements when you are abroad. Please see here for contact details.

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777