The SIRC Office has prepared a number of general risk assessments for chemical agents to aid workers is addressing the hazards posed by various classes of chemicals. The ultimate aim of a (opens in a new window)Chemical Agents Risk Assessment is to assess the risk from the use / presence of a chemical agent in the University, to the health and safety of persons and to identify control measures designed to reduce the risk from those chemicals to as low a level as possible. These documents must be reviewed by chemical users in order to ensure that they adequately manage the risks posed by the specific chemicals that they use and the processes that they undertake.
(opens in a new window)Click Here to View completed General Risk Assessments
- General chemical agents risk assessments can be modified to include additional risk control measures and more specific information on the chemical in question (not applicable to carcinogens and / or mutagens).
- The chemical user can complete a new risk assessment using the UCD Pro Forma Chemical Agents Risk Assessment Template.
- The chemical user can use their own designed template.
In order to complete a risk assessment, the (opens in a new window)Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for every chemical under review, along with the (opens in a new window)UCD Chemical Safety Manual, must be available for consultation.