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ReCLAIM Internal Funding

ReCLAIM - UCD Research Culture - Local Actions, Initiatives and Measures


Funded by Wellcome Institutional Fund for Research Culture

Round 2 funding call now closed.

Apply through the (opens in a new window)UCD Research Management System Funding Opportunity page.

If you missed the Grant Writing Workshop for ReCLAIM please find the recording here: (opens in a new window)Grant Writing Workshop for ReCLAIM - recording

ReCLAIM Application Guidelines

Applications must be submitted via the (opens in a new window)UCD Research Management System Funding Opportunities page (https://ucd.elements.symplectic.org/GrantTracker/en/Portal/Page/Apply?roundid=32669560-6a21-433f-8b9e-b20500d60bbc).

Application layout:

  • Project Summary  (max 250 words)
  • Project Details (max 1,500 words)
  • Expected Outcomes (max 500 words)
  • Potential for Broader Impact (max 300 words)
  • Nature of Collaboration and Justification, if applicable (max 200 words)
  • Budget Justification (max 500 words)

Please note: Any member of staff experiencing difficulty accessing RMS or adding a co-applicant should notify the Research Culture team at research.culture@ucd.ie using ReCLAIM in the subject line.

Research Culture and Environment is one of four themes in UCD’s Strategy for Research, Innovation and Impact, ‘Shaping the Future’. The strategy states that “we want every member of our research community to experience a positive culture that clearly values research and an environment that supports them to reach their full potential.”  Based on surveys, focus groups and other means of engagement with the community, the Research Culture Team have identified a desire for funding of local initiatives, to complement institution-wide research culture activities. The ReCLAIM fund will provide support for teams wishing to explore new ideas to foster a positive and supportive research culture locally,  that also have the potential for wider impact across the university.  It is anticipated that projects will explore innovative approaches to enhancing the environment in which research takes place, and the culture in which research is performed.

Funding for this scheme is provided by the Wellcome Institutional Fund for Research Culture.

For further information on UCD Research Culture actions visit our pages:

Eligibility criteria are broad so as to encourage a wide range of proposals.  Applications are invited from individuals or teams, involving anyone directly or indirectly contributing to UCD research outputs.  This includes graduate research students, technical officers, research managers/administrators, post-doctoral research associates, research fellows, other research-funded staff, and faculty. Each project team must have a lead whose contract or, in the case of graduate students, registration spans the full duration of the project. Collaborators from outside UCD may be involved, if appropriate, though the lead applicant must be internal.

Please note: Any member of staff experiencing difficulty accessing RMS or adding a co-applicant should notify the Research Culture team at research.culture@ucd.ie using ReCLAIM in the subject line

Proposed projects should aim to develop and/or pilot initiatives that foster a positive and supportive culture within research teams, schools, colleges, units, or research institutes. They should demonstrate their potential impact by offering scope for adoption more widely across the university.

Types of projects that might be funded:

  • Interactive workshops promoting supportive research culture within research teams or schools;
  • Training in communications for research leaders, research team members and research managers;
  • Networking for specific cohorts – for example graduate research students, technical officers, ECRs;
  • Funding for seminars/short inward or outward visits, linked to enhancing research culture.
  • Projects aiming to enhance collegiality, interdisciplinarity, or integrity in and between research teams

These are only examples; we encourage applicants to be as creative as possible in their proposals.  There are no limitations on what activities might be funded, (within the funding limits indicated) as long as their relevance to enhancing research culture is clear.  Check out the ReCLAIM funded projects that were awarded funding here: https://www.ucd.ie/researchculture/reclaiminternalfunding/round1awardees/. For further ideas, see the outcomes of our consultations with the UCD research community at www.ucd.ie/researchculture. If you would like to check in advance whether a proposed project would be eligible, you are invited to email (opens in a new window)research.culture@ucd.ie and including “ReCLAIM” in the email subject line.

Impact within this scheme is looking at impact within a local context (i.e. project team, School or College) rather than within one's own career. Proposals should identify their potential for wider adoption across the research community, where possible.   Successful applicants will be expected to share their experiences (e.g. blog post, video, presentation at an event) outlining their experience in carrying out the project, and any follow-on plans. A portion of the budget can be allocated to such knowledge dissemination activities.  

Applications for projects up to 12 months duration are invited, with funding of up to €10,000 for each.  We expect to fund approximately eight awards in this round, and plan to hold two subsequent calls within the next 12 months.  

Eligible expenditure may include pay costs, consumables, equipment, travel and subsistence, and hosting of events.

Details of all equipment being requested for the Research Programme should be itemised. Costs associated with computers/laptops/tablets/cellular phones must be listed in the equipment section. Furthermore, purchase requests for equipment should be reasonable and justified. 

Guidelines for Contract Researchers Salary Guidelines

The following details should also be provided when requesting support for salary as part of the budget submission:

  • A clear reference to, and justification for, the salary scale being requested;
  • A statement outlining time commitments to the project (as a percentage of FTE)

Should an Employer Pension contribution of 20% be included as part of the overall budget?

In recognition of the fact that staff in contract research and other externally funded posts have entitlements to future pension benefits which is a deferred cost or liability for the Exchequer any such new posts created or any renewal / renegotiation of existing contracts must include an employer’s pension contribution charge of 20% of gross pay.  This represents the estimated contribution required from the project funder, in addition to the employee’s own personal pension contribution, to cover the deferred cost to the Exchequer of future pension entitlements.

Employer contributions should be included where appropriate:

  • Employer PRSI 11.05%
  • Employer Pension 20%

Helpful Resources: 

UCD General Budget Template: UCD General Budget (Template)

Visit UCD Research Portal for more information: Prepare and approve budget

​​IUA scales: (opens in a new window)IUA Researcher Salary Scale Framework

  • Round 2 opens: October 14, 2024
  • Deadline for applications: 12 noon Friday, November 22, 2024

Applications will be evaluated by a review panel appointed by the Research Culture team to include:

  • Research Culture Team nominees x 2 (one of whom shall be Chair)
  • HR Culture and Engagement nominee
  • Research Staff Association nominee
  • Graduate Studies nominee

All review panel members will be required to recuse themselves from review of any proposal for which they have a conflict of interest. 

The review panel will consider the following criteria, weighted as indicated.

  • Alignment with the objectives of the call (33%)
  • Potential for broader impact (33%)
  • Feasibility for completion of the project within the requested period and resources (33%)

In addition, budget and budget justification will be scrutinised.

  • Summary of achievements
  • Budget reconciliation
  • Knowledge dissemination activities over the project period and plans for any follow-on activities.

ReCLAIM Round 2 Timeline

  • 14 October 2024

    Round 2 Open

  • 22 November 2024

    Round 2 Application Deadline, 12 noon

  • week of 24 January 2025

    Round 2 Decisions Expected

Contact Us

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
E: research.culture@ucd.ie