
Kick-off Meeting Agenda - SAMPLE

This standard meeting template outlines the most typical agenda items included in a kick-off meeting. The project manager is responsible for creating the meeting agenda.

Project Name:
Project Manager Name:
Meeting Date:
Meeting Time:
Meeting Location:


  1. Introductions – brief introductions from people at the meeting and their role on the project
  2. Project Overview – a general overview of the project
  3. Project Details – more specific details including:
    • Scope, Goals, Objectives
      • What the project is intended to accomplish
      • What the project is NOT intended to accomplish
    • Project Timeline: High-level Project Plan
      • Key milestones and deliverables
      • Key target dates
    • Identified challenges and risks
  4. Project Team Roles and Responsibilities – don't forget to talk about yourself as the project manager. Everyone needs to know what to expect from you with regard to communication, process, timelines, etc.
  5. Users' Roles and Responsibilities – distribute and discuss a list of users, their contact information, and their roles and responsibilities.
  6. Stakeholder Communications – distribute and review the stakeholder communications plan that was developed prior to the meeting.
  7. Next Steps and actions – a specific instruction to everyone about what is happening next, including what each consortium partner is expected to do.


We acknowledge the following website for this information: