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Module Exemptions

Module Exemptions

Here you will find information on what a module exemption is, why you might need one and how you can submit one. There is also some information covered on the approval process and how to track and report on exemption requests.

What is an exemption?

An exemption is required when there is a need to make a change to the module descriptor due to exceptional circumstances after module delivery has commenced or outside of CMS Edit Timelines. An exemption request is the way in which the change can be requested.

The ’Please Note’ section on the My Modules menu in the CMS gives an overview of:

  • what is open/closed for edit
  • when an exemption is required
  • sections in the module descriptor that can be amended without an exemption and how to request those changes

Requesting an exemption

An exemption request can be raised by the Module Coordinator or, in exceptional circumstances, by a colleague with school-level access on behalf of the module coordinator.

For further information on who has the above access in your school, you can refer to the Curriculum Management Access Roles report.

Exemptions can be submitted/requested via the My Modules menu in the CMS. You can refer to the Module Exemption guide, Module Exemption checklist or our (opens in a new window)How to request a Module Exemption video guide for instructions and information on how to submit an exemption.

Note: please ensure you are raising the exemption request for the correct academic year. 

You will not be able to submit an exemption to update a section of the module descriptor that is open for edit in the relevant academic year. Please refer to the CMS edit timelines for further details.

Changes that do not require an exemption

The following changes to the module descriptor do not require an exemption and can be submitted directly to your Curriculum College Liaison or (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie for implementation:

  • Removal of Requisites
  • Updates to Module Status
  • Reading List
  • Indicative Module Content
  • FTE or Brightspace set up
  • Module Places
    • when edits to module places have closed on the module descriptor, at certain times they can still be edited by school administrators with school-level access via the Module List Management menu in the CMS. Details of these Module List Management timelines are outlined on the CMS Edit Timelines section of our website.
    • when edits are closed on both the module descriptor and Module List Management, updates should be directed to (opens in a new window)systems.data@ucd.ie 

Exemption approval, tracking & reporting

Once you submit your exemption request, it will require approval from both the Head of School and the College Vice Principal for Teaching & Learning before it can be implemented.

If approved by the Vice Principal for Teaching & Learning, it will be directed to one of the following UCD Registry teams:

  • Grading Support (in Assessment): for exemptions relating to the Assessment and Feedback sections
  • Curriculum Team: for amendments to all other module descriptor sections

Automatic emails are generated at each step of the exemption process to inform those involved of its progress.

Exemption Tracking

Exemption requests that have been stored as a draft, submitted, approved or completed will appear in the 'My Exemption Requests' section via the Module Exemption Requests menu in the CMS.

If you have school/college-level access, you will see exemption requests that are in progress for modules associated with your school in the 'My School(s) Exemption Requests' section via the Module Exemption Requests menu in the CMS.

Exemption Reporting

Exemption requests can be reported on via the Module Exemption Reporting menu in the CMS. 

Exemption requests, including those that do not require a change to the module descriptor, such as delays to provision of feedback or grade entry are reviewed on an annual basis by the University Programmes Board.

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)