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Deliverable Title Nature Dissemination Level Delivery Date
D1.1 Consortium Agreement Report Confidential 31 May 2019
D1.2 Gender Action Plan Report Confidential 31 May 2019
D1.3 Supervisory Board Other Confidential 31 May 2019
D7.1 Training Network website  Websites, patents filling, etc. (opens in a new window)Public 30 Jun 2019
D9.1 Data Management Plan (DMP) ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot Confidential 30 Sep 2019
D7.2 Social media activities  Websites, patents filling, etc. (opens in a new window)Public 31 Oct 2019
D5.1 State-of-the art in energy use and sustainability of the dairy industry  Report (opens in a new window)Public 31 Dec 2019
D4.1 Assessment regarding state-of-the-art in microbial modelling approaches  Report (opens in a new window)Public 31 Mar 2020
D8.1 POPD – Requirement No. 1 Ethics Confidential 31 Mar 2020
D8.2 EPQ – Requirement No. 2 Ethics Confidential 31 Mar 2020
D8.3 H – Requirement No. 3 Ethics Confidential 31 Mar 2020
D1.4 Progress Report Report Confidential 30 Apr 2020
D3.1 Literature review mycotoxin and microbial risk assessment in dairy products Report (opens in a new window)Public 30 Apr 2020
D1.5 ESR Career Development Plan Report Confidential 31 May 2020
D5.2 Modelling the dairy chain: single and multi-product manufacturing and distribution  ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot Public 31 Dec 2020
D3.2 Database Report Confidential 31 Mar 2021
D4.2 Modelling tool for describing microbial dynamics in dairy food and process water  ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot Public 31 Mar 2021
D2.1 Report on outcome of summer school programme and workshops  Report Confidential 31 May 2021
D3.3 FCRA and QMEA models  ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot Confidential 30 Sep 2021
D5.3 Design of efficient and sustainable hygienically designed manufacturing systems  Demonstrator Public 30 Sep 2021
D2.2 PCDPS designed by all ESRs  Report Confidential 31 Mar 2022
D5.4 Energy evaluation of the dairy supply chain  Report Public 31 May 2022
D5.5 Integrated RA, LCA and Energy methodology  Demonstrator Public 31 May 2022
D3.4 Process mitigation strategies Report Public 30 Sep 2022
D4.3 Sensitivity and scenario analysis Demonstrator Public 30 Sep 2022
D5.6 Application and validation of the combined methodology  Report Public 30 Sep 2022
D6.1 White Paper and integrated Decision Support System Report Public 30 Sep 2022
D7.5 Project Conference Other Public 30 Sep 2022
D1.6 Potential inputs for policy feedback (if applicable) Other Public 31 Mar 2023
D7.3 Report on Dissemination and Exploitation Activities  Report Confidential 31 Mar 2023
D7.4 Communication and Outreach Report Public 31 Mar 2023

Protect ITN

UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering, Room 303a, UCD Agriculture & Food Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: protect.itn@ucd.ie