Sole Source Justification Form (SSJ)

While for the vast majority of purchases a competitive process must be carried out, either by way of a formal tender for all purchases over the €25,000 threshold or obtaining a minimum of three quotations for anything under €25,000, there is from time to time a particular or unique product or service where they is only one supplier. When this occurs an SSJ must be completed in full prior to any requisition or purchase order being raised.

The SSJ is then emailed to the Procurement, Contracts & Buying Function where it will be reviewed to determine whether it is a product / service where there is only one supplier or whether there maybe alternative suppliers in the market. If the justification is accepted the form will be approved, signed and returned to your School / Unit buyer. The approved form must be kept with the purchase order in case of any subsequent audit.

Should the decision be there are potentially other suppliers of the product / service the justification maybe either challenged or refused. In the case of a challenge the form will be returned detailing the reasons for the challenge and you then may revert with further information in support of the case for sole source. In the case where the justification is refused the form will be returned detailing reasons for the refusal. You will then be required, depending on the potential spend, to either source a minimum of two alternative quotations or engage with the Procurement, Contracts & Buying Function to carry out a formal tender process.

When completing an SSJ please include the potential spend with the supplier over the period of time you intend engaging with the supplier. For instance if the initial value of the purchase is €5,000 but you intend purchasing a further €10,000 of the product / service over the next two years, the value on the SSJ should be €15,000 and not €5,000.

Approved SSJ’s will be given a validity period of two years after which you will be required to source the market for alternative quotations should you continue to require that particular good / service.

Download Single Source Justification Form (DOCX)

Examples of sole source justification:

  1. A piece of software was purchased through a tendering process and the software now needs to be supported outside of the original warranty or support period
  2. A bespoke piece of research or laboratory equipment was purchased through a tendering process and the equipment now requires a maintenance contract as the original warranty / maintenance period has expired
  3. Subscriptions to a particular publication or journal
  4. A venue was hired for an event and the venue mandates that you use their catering facilities / contractor

Examples where sole source justification would be challenged or rejected:

  1. A preference for a particular supplier
  2. UCD is paying a supplier but recouping the payment from a 3rd party
  3. A particular product or service is more preferable than alternatives that are available
  4. A particular supplier has been used historically