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About the UCD Policy Interface

Why connect research and policy?

The need for evidence-informed policymaking has never been more striking.

We face a host of complex global challenges – like climate breakdown, pandemics, cost of living crises, energy poverty, ageing populations, and food security – none of which can be meaningfully addressed without insights from academic research.

But it’s not only these towering global issues that benefit from evidence. Academic findings can improve the design, implementation and evaluation of policies in all areas, from taxation to education, and at all levels, whether local, regional, national or international.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen by magic. We need infrastructure and mechanisms to facilitate the routine movement of people, ideas, expertise, data, and results between the worlds of research and policy.

To that end, Ireland is experiencing rapidly increasing demand for initiatives that enable evidence-informed policymaking; that can help academic and policy communities to better understand one another, can foster constructive partnerships, and can ensure the right evidence gets to the right decision-makers at the right time.

How does the UCD Policy Interface fit in?

The Policy Interface is one such initiative, supporting researchers across all Schools, Colleges, Institutes and Centres to rise to the increasing demand for evidence-informed policymaking.

It is a direct response to Breaking Boundaries  the UCD strategy to 2030, which envisions a university that works much more closely with different societal partners to drive impact. It states that "we will grow our capacity to inform public policy through our research" and "facilitate more effective exchange of people and ideas through ethical partnerships with policy-makers".

Through online resources, collaborative events, training sessions, exchange programmes, and other activities, this new support, the first of its kind in an Irish university, will help UCD's academics to navigate the murky waters where research and policy meet.

Importantly, the UCD Policy Interface will complement and build upon the excellent policy-engagement work already taking place in different corners the university, such as by the UCD Geary Institute, Earth Institute, Energy Institute and the Institute of Food and Health, as well as others in various Schools and Colleges.

So join our network, explore policy-engagement tools and resources from UCD and beyond, and take a look at opportunities to develop policy-engagement skills and connect with policymakers.

So is this about 'impact'?

In a way, yes!

Over the past ten years or so, Ireland has seen the emergence of a so-called “impact agenda”. This means that academics and universities are increasingly required to to contribute to positive societal change through research, and to capture and communicate those impacts in various settings, including research funding applications.

In response, UCD developed a range of supports and initiatives, many of which are compiled in our Impact Toolkit.

The UCD Policy Interface represents an expansion of our impact activity, providing additional support for activities that can foster policy impact in particular.

Who's in charge?

The PI for the UCD Policy Interface is Dr Ciara Leonard, Public Affairs Manager at UCD, and it is managed by (opens in a new window)David Bennett, Policy Engagement Project Manager.

Our Steering Group – with representatives from across UCD and the local, national and international policy sectors – is responsible for setting the strategy and assessing the effectiveness of the Policy Interface.


How is the UCD Policy Interface funded?

We would like to thank the HEA for funding this initiative.

UCD Research and Innovation

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777