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Obesity Stigma Education for All

A research programme to co-design an inter-professional e-Learning resource

to support destigmatisation of obesity among healthcare professionals.

Improving healthcare for people with obesity by educating healthcare professionals.

(opens in a new window)TAKE THE HCP STUDENT SURVEY HERE

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About the Programme

Knowledge users and researchers together to conduct research that address a specific need within the Irish health or social care system.

This is a Health Research Board of Ireland funded Applied Partnership Award (APA), awarded in 2023 for a two-year programme of research beginning March 2024 and ending February 2026.

This research recognises that obesity is a chronic progressive disease of enormous national and global significance. Weight stigmatisation results in significantly poorer overall treatment outcomes for people with obesity. Notably these poorer outcomes are associated with stigmatisation more so than obesity itself, highlighting the importance of tackling weight stigma and its causes amongst healthcare professionals.

The OSE4ALL programme seeks to support obesity destigmatisation in healthcare by co-designing an evidence-based e-learning resource for healthcare professionals in collaboration with people with obesity which will equip healthcare professionals, students and educators with knowledge and skills to recognise and address weight bias in healthcare and thereby improve patient care and outcomes for people living with obesity.

The OSE4ALL partnership includes people living with obesity as core partners, and senior interdisciplinary academics and clinicians from a range of backgrounds to provide an appropriate blend of expert programme management, knowledge and support to co-design an e-learning resource, and the opportunity to embed the resource in national graduate and undergraduate national curricula and continuing professional development.

This programme will develop a cost effective and easily accessible interdisciplinary e-learning resource which can equip healthcare professionals, students and educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to support effective care of people living with obesity.

It is supported by national partners, experienced interdisciplinary obesity academic researchers, clinicians, people living with obesity and educators.

(opens in a new window)https://www.hrb.ie/

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Collage of logos

(opens in a new window)https://asoi.info/

(opens in a new window)https://icpobesity.org/

(opens in a new window)https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/healthwellbeing/

(opens in a new window)https://www.ucc.ie/en/


(opens in a new window)https://www.rcsi.com/dublin/

(opens in a new window)https://www.universityofgalway.ie/

(opens in a new window)https://www.dcu.ie/

(opens in a new window)https://www.ul.ie/

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Meet the Team

Programme Management Board

  • Dr Jean O'Connell 
  • Dr Gráinne O’Donoghue 

Scientific Advisory Group / Public Patient Involvement 

  • Sarah Browne - UCD
  • Michael Crotty - GP
  • Karen Gaynor - HSE
  • James Matthews - UCD
  • Deirdre O'Donnell - UCD
  • Leona Ryan - UCG
  • Fiona McGillicuddy - UCD
  • Susie Birney - ICPO
  • Caitriona Cunningham - UCD


  • Sarah O'Brien - HSE
  • Donal O'Shea - HSE
  • Suzanne Seery - HSE
  • Sinead McMahon - UCD
  • Audrey Tierney - UL
  • Ita Fitzgerald - RCSI
  • Majella O'Keefe - UCC
  • Manigindan Chockalingam - UCG


(opens in a new window)https://asoi.info/

(opens in a new window)https://icpobesity.org/

(opens in a new window)https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/healthwellbeing/

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ACTION Ireland Survey

ACTION IRELAND logoWhile the science of obesity is rapidly advancing, providing equitable care for the increasing population of people living with obesity can be challenging to all healthcare professionals.  Obesity stigma directly affects the health and quality of life outcomes for people living with obesity. The Awareness, Care, and Treatment In Obesity maNagement (ACTION) Ireland HCP survey, seeks to identify healthcare professionals (HCPs) knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes about obesity and to assess the potential barriers to effective obesity care in the Irish context. The survey was previously conducted in 11 countries globally among doctors and people living with obesity.

The ACTION Ireland survey will provide a comparative benchmark. The surveys were completed by 200 HCPs from the 8 healthcare disciplines named in the Irish Model of Care for Obesity and a national representative sample of over 500 people living with obesity. The data provided will contribute to the development of an Obesity Stigma Education Resource for HCPS and is currently in analysis. Thank you to all our participants.

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News and Events

Our ACTION Ireland Surveys are now closed and in data analysis. Thank you to all our participants.

Our (opens in a new window)HCP Student Survey is now open.

The OSE4All Student survey seeks to identify student healthcare professionals (HCPs) knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes about obesity. The survey is open to students from seven healthcare disciplines in University College Dublin; Dietetics Nursing, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Clinical Psychology and Medical Social work, core members of the Multidisciplinary Team in the Model of Care for Obesity.

It will provide a benchmark for attitudes and beliefs about obesity among entry level HCP students in Ireland. The data provided will contribute to the development of an Obesity Stigma Education Resource for HCPS.

(opens in a new window)Take the Student HCP Survey

Student HCP Participant Information Leaflet

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Contact Us

For all queries please contact:

Dr Gráinne O’Donoghue 

OSE4ALL Programme Manager    

(opens in a new window)grainne.odonoghue@ucd.ie


Dr Fiona Curran

OSE4ALL Project Manager

(opens in a new window)fiona.curran@ucd.ie

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UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 3442 | E: public.health@ucd.ie