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Embodied Subjectivity Conference

The School of Philosophy, University College Dublin

Third International UCD Conference on the Body


as part of the IRCHSS-funded project “The Phenomenology of Consciousness and Subjectivity”

(Principal Investigator: Dermot Moran)

Royal Irish Academy
19 Dawson Street
Dublin 2, Ireland

25–27 May 2010

Organizers: Professor Dermot Moran (UCD), Dr Rasmus Thybo Jensen (UCD), Luna Dolezal (Ph.D.-student, UCD), Sheena Hyland (Ph.D.-student, UCD)

Aim of the Conference

The primary aim of this conference is to explore the nature of embodied subjectivity and more specifically the contribution of phenomenology as a methodology for exploring this first-person dimension of human experience. The conference will bring together leading international researchers from a variety of disciplines and cover a range of topic (Perception, Gender, intercorporeality bodily agency, disorders of the body etc.). The two previous body conferences were held in 2007 and again in 2008.

Keynote Speakers

Sara Heinämaa (University of Helsinki): Gender as a Perceptual Type

Tom Baldwin (University of York): Traces of Merleau-Ponty in Derrida's writing

Thomas Nenon (University of Memphis): Embodiment, Relativity, and Intersubjectivity in Husserl’s Life-World Manuscripts 

Confirmed speakers and titles

Matthew Ratcliffe (University of Durham): The Bodily Phenomenology of Free Will

Katherine Morris (University of Oxford): Chronic pain in phenomenological-anthropological perspective

Sarah Richmond (University College London): Sartre and the Doctors

Dorothée Legrand (École Polytechnique/CNRS, Paris): Sartre on the Female Body: the Case of Anorexia

Joona Taipale (University of Helsinki): Embodiment and the Birth of Selfhood in Psychoanalysis and Phenomenology

Timo Miettinen (University of Helsinki): Husserl and the Body Politic

Ignacio de los Reyes (Complutense University of Madrid): Typifying Apperception, its Genesis and the Tendency to Concordance

Simo Pulkkinen (University of Helsinki): Husserl on the Second-level Sensibility - Dynamics of Activity and Passivity and  the Embodiment of Spiritual Meaning         

Tim Mooney (University College Dublin): On the Intelligence in Concrete Movement: Merleau-Ponty’s Proper Conclusion

Luna Dolezal  (University College Dublin): The Body Shaped by Shame: Reflections on the Phenomenology of Shame and Embarrassment

Rasmus Thybo Jensen (University College Dublin): Intentional Action and Motor Intentionality


There is a registration fee to cover the cost of refreshments and wine reception. Please register on-line here.

  • Early Registration Fee (before 1 May 2010: €10 (€5 for students).
  • Late Registration Fee (after 1 May 2010): €20 (€10 for students).

The Early Registration Fee must be paid before the first day of the workshop. Payment by cheque (see below). All payments upon arrival at the venue will be according to the late registration fee. Payments are to be made in EUROS (€), British Pounds Sterling (GB£) or US Dollars (US$) only. No refunds will be made after 1 May 2010. Cheques are preferred.

Cheques should be made payable to UCD School of Philosophy, and send to Helen Kenny, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland. Please mark envelope "WORKSHOP".


For further information, please contact Rasmus T. Jensen, (opens in a new window)rasmus.jensen@ucd.ie, Tel.: ++353 1 7168130, Fax: +353 1716


The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSSS), the Royal Irish Academy, the UCD College of Human Sciences and the UCD School of Philosophy, and the French Embassy in Ireland.

UCD School of Philosophy

Fifth Floor – Room D501, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)

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