Below are links to current research projects associated with one or multiple themes and from which publications and additional data are expected to help inform Sustainable Peatland Management:
Funded by: Irish Research Council COALESCE / INSTAR+ scheme; Duration: 2022-2026
The (opens in a new window)Irish Peatland Archaeology Across Time (IPeAAT) project, is in the process of collating archaeological, chronological and environmental datasets derived from archaeological excavations and associated analyses from indu
strially extracted bogs. This will enable a better understanding of the timing, nature and purpose of human activity in Ireland’s peatlands, in relation to environmental and climatic changes.
Climate and peatlands
Funded by: EPA; Duration: 2022-2025
The project is working on the development of a research framework that will complement and enhance current approaches in the reporting of CO2 emission and removal estimates for peatlands at the national level.
Funded by: EPA; Duration: 2022-2025
The project aims to improve the current National Inventory Reporting methodologies by providing an analysis of GHG emission and removals and contributing to the development of site-specific tier 2 emission factors (EFs) from rewetted areas.
Funded by EPA; Duration: 2024-2027
The project aims to measure Nitrous oxide emissions from managed peat soils.
Funded by EPA; Duration: 2021-2023
The Irish Peatland Resilience (IPR) project, funded by the EPA, aims to protect Ireland's peatlands—critical carbon sinks threatened by climate change and human activities. Using a Peatland-Forestland Bi-Stability Model, it identifies tipping points in peatland ecosystems and supports the development of a national restoration framework to prioritize conservation efforts and inform policy.
Funded by: EPA Duraction: 2025-?
In this project, the postdoc researcher will help us develop a new proxy for bog evapotranspiration through stable isotopic monitoring of a blanket bog's water and plant cellulose in the Wicklow Mountains of Ireland. Using this new proxy, we aim to reconstruct a local history of Holocene bog aridity through peat cores taken at our field site.
Peat soils, Climate and Technology/Mapping
Funded by: Teagasc ; Duration: 2024-2028
The primary objective of D-TECT is to map the drainage status (shallow versus deep water table) of grasslands on peatlands in Ireland and deliver tools to deliver this data broken down as required at different Tiers within the NIR matrix.
Peat soils, Grassland, Climate and Water
- Carbosol
Funded by : Teagasc; Duration: 2022-2026
Quantifying impact of water table and farm management on GHG dynamics of grassland on peat soil. Project will use eddy covariance to quantify the GHG budget and water use efficiency and chamber systems will partition respiration
Funded by : Teagasc; Duration: 2022-2026
The main objective of ReWET is to assess the application and impact of water table management on carbon-rich soils. Specific aims are:
1. Establish the suitability of lands for rewetting and identify the optimum locations for rewetting efforts.
2. Identify artificial drainage features and design efficient methods to undermine these effectively.
3. Quantify the impacts on field-scale hydrology.
4. Measure impacts on the hydrology of surrounding lands.
5. Evaluate the benefits in emission reduction, biodiversity and wider ecosystem services and appraise land use options in rewetted areas.
Rewetting of peat soils / Paludiculture
- Palus-Demo
Funded by : EU Horizon; Duration: 2025-2030
Palus Demos will work to put in place capacity, viable business entities, business models and market research to stimulate investment and the development of supply chains that can drive the scaling-up of paludiculture.
Restoration of peatlands
Funded by : EU Horizon; Duration: 2022-2026
EU Horizon project examining how we can best upscale the restoration of wetlands, including peatlands. Peatland case studies in Ireland, UK and Estonia.
Water and peatlands
Funded by : EPA; Duration: 2022-2024
Characterizing oligotrophic isoteid lake habitat 3110 and acid oligotrophic lake habitat 3160 using algae specifically desmids, macrophytes and invertebrates specifically Odonata and Coleoptera.
Forestry and Peat soils
Funded by : TeagascA; Duration: 2021-2025
The project aim is to increase Irish forest resilience to changing climate conditions in three fronts: i) forest genetics and timber quality; ii) forest management and its impact on carbon sinks (forest site on peatland assessed in Co. Offaly) ; iii) forest protection and biosecurity.