The Person-centred Lean Six Sigma Model Launched
Monday, 27 January, 2025
The Person-centred Lean Six Sigma Model is a guide designed for staff working within health systems who are using Lean Six Sigma methodologies for their process and quality improvement work and who wish to take a more person-centred approach to improvement initiatives.
Esta guía está destinada al personal de las organizaciones sanitarias que utilizan metodologías Lean Six Sigma en sus proyectos de mejora en procesos y en la calidad, y quienes desean adoptar un enfoque más centrado en la persona en sus iniciativas de mejora.
The General Council of Official Nursing Boards of Spain (CGE) regulates and represents the nursing profession in Spain. It is widely recognised and respected by nurses and healthcare organisations in Spanish-speaking countries.
The CGE has awarded its official certificate of endorsement and emblem to the work titled 'Modelo Lean Six Sigma Centrado en la Persona', recognising its significant scientific and professional value to nurses and healthcare organisations.
El Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Enfermería de España (CGE) regula y representa la profesión enfermera en España. Su labor es ampliamente reconocida y respetada por enfermeras y organizaciones sanitarias de países hispanohablantes.
El CGE ha otorgado su certificado oficial de aval y su emblema a la obra titulada 'Modelo Lean Six Sigma Centrado en la Persona', reconociendo así su considerable valor científico y profesional para las enfermeras y las organizaciones sanitarias.
The guide enables healthcare staff to reflect deeply on their quality improvement practices, contextualising and critiquing them to gauge the extent to which they align with the principles and values that underpin person-centredness and Lean Six Sigma.
The model was developed over a seven-year period, from initial inception as a PhD study to deployment and testing across 12 clinical sites in both acute hospital and community sectors in public and private settings in Ireland. It is currently in use by person-centred improvement practitioners in 9 countries. A presentation on the use of the guide in clinical settings in Ireland won the best abstract award at the 2023 Stanford Medicine Lean Academic conference.
You can access the soft copy version at the below link.
- Download The Person-centred Lean Six Sigma Model booklet (English Version)
- Download The Person-centred Lean Six Sigma Model booklet (Spanish Version)