Policies and Guidelines
Student Guide Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy
(opens in a new window)Click to watch the presentation (30 min)
SNMHS Student Guide for Effective Academic Writing
Relevant links.
Process Map for School Investigation Procedure
(opens in a new window)UCD Library resources Academic Integrity and Referencing
If you have any questions, please contact
Assoc. Prof. Michael Connolly (School Plagiarism Advisor) (opens in a new window)michael.connolly@ucd.ie
- SNMHS Student Guide for Effective Academic Writing
- SNMHS Student Guidelines for submission of Written Assignments
Useful Links
(opens in a new window)Harvard Style Guide: Introduction
UCD Library resources for effective writing. Click hereto access study skills and subject guides.
UCD Writing Centre. Click here to access more effective writing resources.
Extenuating Circumstances applications are made online via (opens in a new window)SIS Web (under the Programme Services Tab “My Extenuating Circumstances”). The supporting documentation can be uploaded to the online application, in pdf or jpeg format, prior to submitting the application. Please retain the original copy for possible future inspection.
Note:Applications for extenuating circumstances must be submitted as close as possible to the time the circumstances occurred and must be submitted within the following timeframes:
- For in-trimester assessments, within 10 working days of the date of the assessment deadline.
- For end-of-trimester examinations, within 5 working days of the end of the University examination period.
(opens in a new window)Extenuating Circumstances Academic Policy and and Student Guide