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Publications and preprints

  1. Quantum work statistics across a critical point: full crossover from sudden quench to the adiabatic limit
    Zhanyu Ma, Andrew K. Mitchell, Eran Sela
    (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2502.01601 (2025)
    Keywords: Quantum thermodynamics, quantum information, quantum work statistics, Kibble-Zurek mechanism, quantum criticality, non-equilibrium dynamics

  2. Topological phases of the interacting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model: An analytical study
    E. Di Salvoe, A. Moustaj, C. Xu, L. Fritz, A. K. Mitchell, C. Morais Smith, D. Schuricht
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B 110, 165145 (2024)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2408.01421 (2024)
    Keywords: (opens in a new window)Quantum condensed matter physics, topological quantum matter, electron interactions, quantum field theory 

  3. Quantum Sensing with Nanoelectronics: Fisher Information for an Adiabatic Perturbation
    George Mihailescu, Anthony Kiely, Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2406.18662 (2024)
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Quantum sensing, metrology, quantum information, quantum dots, quantum technologies, quantum transport

  4. Many-body quantum interference route to the two-channel Kondo effect: Inverse design for molecular junctions and quantum dot devices
    Sudeshna Sen and Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 076501 (2024) -- Editor's Suggestion   //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2310.14775
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Molecular electronics, quantum dots, inverse design, rational design, quantum interference, machine learning

  5. Nanoscale single-electron box with a floating lead for quantum sensing: Modeling and device characterization
    N. Petropoulos, X. Wu, A. Sokolov, P. Giounanlis, I. Bashir, A. K. Mitchell, M. Asker, D. Leipold, R. B. Staszewski, E. Blokhina
    (opens in a new window)Applied Physics Letters, 124, 173503 (2024)
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Quantum sensing, metrology, quantum dots, Equal1, cryogenic CMOS, quantum technologies

  6. Unsupervised Model Learning for Quantum Impurity Systems
    Jonas B. Rigo, Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043044 (2024) // (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2401.13600 (2024)
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Machine learning, effective models, downfolding, quantum impurities, quantum dots, molecular electronics

  7. Multiparameter critical quantum metrology with impurity probes
    George Mihailescu, Abolfazl Bayat, Steve Campbell, Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Quantum Science and Technology 9, 035033 (2024)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2311.16931
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Metrology, quantum sensing, critical quantum metrology, thermometry, multiparameter estimation

  8. Kondo effect in twisted bilayer graphene
    A. S. Shankar, D. O. Oriekhov, Andrew K. Mitchell, Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B 107, 245102 (2023)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2303.02492
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Twisted Bilayer Graphene, Magic Angle, Moire, twist materials, magnetic impurities, Kondo effect

  9. Quantum simulation of an exotic quantum critical point in a two-site charge Kondo circuit
    Winston Pouse, Lucas Peeters, Connie L. Hsueh, Ulf Gennser, Antonella Cavanna, Marc A. Kastner,
    Andrew K. Mitchell,* and David Goldhaber-Gordon*
    (opens in a new window)Nature Physics 19, 492 (2023)
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Analogue quantum computation, quantum simulation, nanoelectronics, quantum dots, quantum criticality

  10. Z3 Parafermion in the double charge-Kondo model
    Deepak Karki, Edouard Boulat, Winston Pouse, David Goldhaber-Gordon, Andrew K Mitchell, Christophe Mora
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett.130, 146201 (2023)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2210.04937
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Parafermions, quantum criticality, fractionalization, quantum dotsl

  11. Thermometry of strongly correlated fermionic quantum systems using impurity probes
    George Mihailescu, Steve Campbell, Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. A 107, 042614 (2023)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2212.09618
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Quantum metrology, quantum thermometry, impurities, quantum thermodynamics, quantum technologies

  12. Entropy measurement of a strongly coupled quantum dot
    Timothy Child,Owen Sheekey, Silvia Luscher, Saeed Fallahi, Geoffrey C. Gardner, Michael Manfra, Andrew Mitchell, Eran Sela, Yaakov Kleeorin, Yigal Meir, and Joshua Folk
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett.129, 227702 (2022)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2110.14158
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Entropy, quantum dots, Kondo effect

  13. Linear response quantum transport through interacting multi-orbital nanostructures
    Emma L. Minarelli, Jonas B. Rigo, Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2209.01208
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)quantum transport, thermoelectrics, quantum dots, molecular electronics

  14. Two-channel charge-Kondo physics in graphene quantum dots
    Emma L. Minarelli, Jonas B. Rigo, and Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Nanomaterials 12, 1513 (2022)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2204.02226
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Graphene, Kondo, quantum dots

  15. Fractional Entropy of Multichannel Kondo Systems from Conductance-Charge Relations
    Cheolhee Han, Z. Iftikhar, Yaakov Kleeorin, A. Anthore, F. Pierre, Yigal Meir, Andrew K. Mitchell*, and Eran Sela*
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett.128, 146803 (2022)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2108.12878
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Entropy, quantum transport, nanoelectronics, quantum dots

  16. Automatic Differentiable Numerical Renormalization Group
    Jonas B. Rigo and Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Research. 4, 013227 (2022)  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2108.09575
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Machine learning, differentiable programming, backpropagation, automatic differentiation, NRG, computational physics

  17. Monolithic Integration of Quantum Resonant Tunneling Gate on a 22nm FD-SOI CMOS Process
    Imran Bashir, Dirk Leipold, Elena Blokhina, Mike Asker, David Redmond, Ali Esmailiyan, Panagiotis Giounanlis, Hans Haenlein, Xuton Wu, Andrii Sokolov, Dennis Andrade-Miceli, Andrew K. Mitchell, Robert Bogdan Staszewski
    (opens in a new window)Preprint, arXiv:2112.04586
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)CMOS, quantum computing, quantum dots

  18. SO(5) critical point in a spin-flavor Kondo device: Bosonization and refermionization solution
    Alon Liberman, Andrew K. Mitchell, Ian Affleck and Eran Sela
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B 103, 195131 (2021)--Editor's Suggestion  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint arXiv:2103.10680
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Nanoelectronics, quantum dot devices, non-Fermi liquids, NRG, bosonization

  19. SO(5) non-Fermi liquid in a Coulomb box device
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Alon Liberman, Eran Sela, Ian Affleck
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett.126, 147702 (2021)--Editor's Suggestion  //  (opens in a new window)Preprint arXiv:2009.12700
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Nanoelectronics, quantum dot devices, non-Fermi liquids, NRG, CFT, bosonization

  20. Electric and heat transport in a charge two-channel Kondo device
    Gerwin A. R. van Dalum, Andrew K. Mitchell, Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B 102, 205137 (2020)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:2007.07239
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Nanoelectronics, quantum dot devices, thermoelectrics, quantum transport, non-Fermi liquid

  21. The Mott transition as a topological phase transition
    Sudeshna Sen, Patrick J. Wong, and Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B 102, 081110(R) (2020)--Rapid Communication & Editor's Suggestion  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:2001.10526
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)strongly correlated materials, topology, quantum matter, Mott transition, DMFT, SSH

  22. Wiedemann-Franz law in a non-Fermi liquid and Majorana central charge: Thermoelectric transport in a two-channel Kondo system
    Gerwin A. R. van Dalum, Andrew K. Mitchell, and Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B 102, 041111(R) (2020)--Rapid Communication  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1912.04919
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Thermoelectric quantum transport, non-Fermi liquids, charge Kondo, Wiedemann-Franz law

  23. Machine learning effective models for quantum systemsJonas B. Rigo and Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B 101, 241105(R) (2020)--Rapid Communication  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1910.11300
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Machine learning, quantum boltzmann machines, effective models, molecular electronics

  24. CMOS Position-Based Charge Qubits: Theoretical Analysis of Control and Entanglement
    E. Blokhina, P. Giounanlis, Andrew K. Mitchell, D. Leipold, R. Staszewski
    (opens in a new window)IEEE Access, 8, 4182-4197 (2019)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1912.11544
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Charge Qubits, CMOS technology, quantum dots

  25. Enhanced photocatalysis and biomolecular sensing with field-activated nanotube-nanoparticle templates
    Sawsan Almohammed, Sebastian Tade Barwich, Andrew K. Mitchell, Brian J. Rodriguez, James H. Rice
    (opens in a new window)Nature Communications, 10, 2496 (2019)-- Open Access
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)quantum transport, nanostructure simulation, molecular electronics

  26. Multiband quasiparticle interference in the topological insulator Cu_x Bi_2 Te_3
    E. van Heumen, G.A.R. van Dalum, J. Kaas, N. de Jong, J. Oen, Y.K. Huang, Andrew K. Mitchell, L. Fritz, M.S. Golden
    (opens in a new window)arXiv:1110.4406
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Topological Quantum Matter, Quasiparticle Interference, Topological Insulators

  27. Tunable Quantum Criticality and Super-ballistic Transport in a 'Charge' Kondo Circuit
    Z. Iftikhar, A. Anthore, Andrew K. Mitchell, F.D. Parmentier, U. Gennser, A. Ouerghi, A. Cavanna, C. Mora, P. Simon, F. Pierre
    (opens in a new window)Science, 360, 1315 (2018)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1708.02542
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Quantum nanoelectronics, quantum criticality, fractionalization, quantum transport, multi-channel Kondo, quantum dot

  28. Kondo blockade due to quantum interference in single-molecule junctions
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Kim G. L. Pedersen, Per Hedegaard, and Jens Paaske
    (opens in a new window)Nature Communications, 8, 15210 (2017)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1612.04852
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)molecular electronics, quantum interference, Kondo blockade

  29. Kondo impurities in the Kitaev spin liquid: Numerical renormalization group solution and gauge-flux-driven screening
    Matthias Vojta, Andrew K. Mitchell, Fabian Zschocke
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 037202 (2016)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1604.03557
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)spin liquid, Kitaev honeycomb compass model, Kondo impurity, quantum phase transitions

  30. Universality and scaling in a charge two-channel Kondo device
    Andrew K. Mitchell, L. A. Landau, L. Fritz, E. Sela
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 157202 (2016)--Editor's Suggestion  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1602.02093
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)two-channel Kondo, non-Fermi liquid, charge-Kondo, quantum criticality, quantum transport

  31. Interleaved numerical renormalization group as an efficient multiband impurity solver
    Katharina Stadler, Andrew K. Mitchell, Jan von Delft and Andreas Weichselbaum
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B93, 235101 (2016)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1602.02182
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Numerical renormalization group, NRG, multi-band impurity solver, iNRG, interleaved-NRG, numerical methods, Kondo

  32. Signatures of Weyl semimetals in quasiparticle interference
    Andrew K. Mitchell and Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B93, 035137 (2016)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1512.06392
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Topological quantum matter, Weyl semimetals, Fermi arcs, quasiparticle interference (QPI)

  33. Screening mechanisms in magnetic nanostructures
    Andrej Schwabe, Mirek Hänsel, Michael Potthoff and Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B92, 155104 (2015)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1508.03157
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Magnetic nanostructures, quantum confined systems, RKKY, Kondo, NRG

  34. Validity of the local self-energy approximation: application to coupled quantum impurities
    Andrew K. Mitchell and Ralf Bulla
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B 92, 155101 (2015)--Editor's Suggestion  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1508.00394
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Dynamical mean field theory, Impurity-DMFT, iDMFT, Inhomogeneous-DMFT, Real-space DMFT, two-impurity Kondo, parallel quantum dots

  35. Kondo effect in three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl systems
    Andrew K. Mitchell and Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B92, 121109(R) (2015)--Rapid Communication  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1506.05491
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Dirac semimetal, Weyl semimetal, 3D topological insulator, impurities, Kondo effect

  36. Multiple magnetic impurities on surfaces: scattering and quasiparticle interference
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Philip G Derry, and David E. Logan
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B91, 235127 (2015)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1504.05421
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Magnetic impurities on surfaces, scattering, STM, QPI, two-impurity Kondo, RKKY

  37. Quasiparticle interference from magnetic impurities
    Philip G Derry, Andrew K. Mitchell, and David E. Logan
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B92, 035126 (2015)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1503.04712
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Quasiparticle interference, QPI, magnetic impurities, scattering theory, Kondo effect

  38. Generalized Wilson Chain for solving multichannel quantum impurity problems
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Martin R. Galpin, Samuel Wilson-Fletcher, David E. Logan, and Ralf Bulla
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B89, 121105(R) (2014)--Rapid Communication  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1308.1903
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Multi-channel Kondo, Numerical Renormalization Group, interleaved NRG (iNRG)

  39. Conductance fingerprint of Majorana fermions in the topological Kondo effect
    Martin R. Galpin, Andrew K. Mitchell, Jesada Temaismithi, David E. Logan, Benjamin Beri, and Nigel R. Cooper
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B89, 045143 (2014)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1312.5971
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Majorana fermions, nanowire/superconductor heterostructures, topological Kondo effect

  40. Quantum phase transitions and thermodynamics of the power-law Kondo model
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Matthias Vojta, Ralf Bulla, and Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B88, 195119 (2013)--Editor's Suggestion  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1309.0167
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Unconventional metals, quantum phase transitions, perturbative renormalization group, RG, NRG

  41. Kondo effect with diverging hybridization: realization in graphene with vacancies
    Andrew K. Mitchell and Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B88, 075104 (2013)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1212.2631v2
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Graphene, defects, vacancies

  42. Local moment formation and Kondo screening in impurity trimers
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Thomas F. Jarrold and David E. Logan
    (opens in a new window)J. Phys. Chem. B117, 12777 (2013)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1302.6034
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)magnetic frustration, triangular triple quantum dot, impurity clusters

  43. Kondo effect on the surface of 3D topological insulators: Signatures in scanning tunneling spectroscopy
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Dirk Schuricht, Matthias Vojta and Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B87, 075430 (2013)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1211.0034
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)topological insulators, quasiparticle interference, QPI, Kondo effect

  44. Universal low-temperature crossover in two-channel Kondo models
    Andrew K. Mitchell and Eran Sela
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B85, 235127 (2012)--Editor's Suggestion  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1203.4456v1
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Two channel Kondo, Two impurity Kondo, non-Fermi liquid, CFT, quantum dots

  45. Local magnetization in the boundary Ising chain at finite temperature
    Eran Sela and Andrew K. Mitchell
    (opens in a new window)J. Stat. Mech. (2012) P04006  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1202.3458v1
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)quantum 1d transverse field Ising model, quantum criticality, RG flow, form factor method

  46. Two-channel Kondo physics in two-impurity Kondo models
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Eran Sela, David E. Logan
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 086405 (2012)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1111.6503v1
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)two-channel Kondo, two-impurity Kondo, non-fermi liquid, conductance

  47. Real-space renormalization group flow in quantum impurity systems: local moment formation and the Kondo screening cloud
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Michael Becker, Ralf Bulla
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B84, 115120 (2011)--Editor's Suggestion  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1105.0560v2
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Kondo screening cloud, entanglement, real-space RG

  48. Two-channel Kondo physics in odd impurity chains
    Andrew K. Mitchell, David E. Logan, H. R. Krishnamurthy
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B84, 035119 (2011)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1103.5038v3
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)coupled quantum dots, two channel Kondo, non fermi liquids, Kondo effect

  49. Exact Crossover Green Function in the Two-Channel and Two-Impurity Kondo Models
    Eran Sela, Andrew K. Mitchell, Lars Fritz
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 147202 (2011)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:1101.3028v2
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)Quantum dots, two channel Kondo, two impurity Kondo, non-fermi liquid, CFT, NRG

  50. Two-channel Kondo phases and frustration-induced transitions in triple quantum dots
    Andrew K. Mitchell, David E. Logan
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B81, 075126 (2010)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:0910.5143v2
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)triangular triple quantum dot, two channel Kondo, magnetic frustration

  51. Quantum phase transition in quantum dot trimers
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Thomas F. Jarrold, David E. Logan
    (opens in a new window)Phys. Rev. B79, 085124 (2009)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:0902.4816v1
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)triangular triple quantum dots, ferromagnetic Kondo, magnetic frustration

  52. Gate voltage effects in capacitively coupled quantum dots
    Andrew K. Mitchell, Martin R. Galpin, David E. Logan
    (opens in a new window)EPL (Europhysics Letters) 76 (1), 95 (2006)  //  (opens in a new window)arXiv:cond-mat/0611219v1
    Keywords:(opens in a new window)double quantum dot, SU(4) Kondo

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Theoretical Nanoelectronics Group

UCD Science Centre North, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2520 | E: andrew.mitchell@ucd.ie