Cirrhosis-Acute Kidney Injury Cohort Study

The aim of this study is to figure out the ability of novel urinary biomarkers (which tell us information about your health) to predict response/progression of acute kidney injury in patients with liver disease. This Observational Non-Interventional Cohort Study (a study where people are observed over time but not given a study drug/treatment/procedure) will seek to determine if urine biomarkers of kidney injury help to predict the course and outcomes of acute kidney injury with standard medical care.

Study Type: Translational Study
Clinical Area: Hepatology/Renal
Condition: Hepatorenal Syndrome Acute Kidney Injury (HRS-AKI)
Principal Investigator: Associate Professor Michael Reardon WGH
Study Coordinator: Patricia Gordon
Key Eligibility Criteria: Hospitalised with Diagnosis of Cirrhosis and a new Acute Kidney Injury
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