Thinking of taking part in a Clinical Trial?

By taking part, each participant is making a valuable contribution to improving the health care of our own and future generations.

Why Take Part?

There are many advantages to taking part in a clinical trial. You will be observed very closely throughout and always have access to a team of experts. However, there are much wider benefits. The role of the participant in the trial is central, and through your participation, we hope to increase our understanding of many of the world’s most serious illnesses.

Clinical Trials

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There are several steps involved in taking part in a study:

Research staff at the Centre will chat to you about studies that may be of interest to you. If you are interested in a study, they will explain all the necessary information and the steps for how you can get involved.

Once we have asked you to participate in a study, the next step is to provide you with all the information you will need to make up your mind. We will provide you with two forms: a Participant Information Leaflet (PIL) and a Consent Form. The PIL will explain the study in detail, setting out:

  • Why the study is taking place
  • How long it will take
  • What steps are involved in the study
  • What are the benefits of the study
  • What are the possible risks involved

If you then feel happy to participate, we will ask you to sign a Consent Form. The Consent Form is an agreement between you and the research team that details:

  • That you have read and understood the Participant Information Leaflet (PIL)
  • That you agree and understand what the study is about and why you are taking part
  • That you agree and understand how your data is being used, stored and processed
  • That you can withdraw from the study at any time 


Taking part in a study usually involves visiting our Centre at certain times for clinic visits. The research team will let you know how often and when you will need to attend the Centre. A doctor or nurse involved in the study will be available to respond to any questions or concerns you might have at any time.