Clinical research aims to help improve health and well-being by increasing our understanding of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Patient involvement is the creation of a partnership between patients, members of the public and researchers to try to make the research process more effective.
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) refers to patients, service users, carers, families using health and social care services, people with lived experience of health conditions (who may or may not be current patients), patient advocacy organisations, and members of the public.
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) define public involvement in research as “research being carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them”. Examples of public and patient involvement activity include working with researchers to develop or comment on research materials, providing advice as members of a project steering group, and undertaking elements of research e.g. conducting interviews with participants.
CEPHR wishes to create a new PPI group to engage with and support the research they are conducting. This new PPI group wishes to recruit new participants, primarily people who engage with the Infectious Diseases services.
What you contribute as a PPI representative can be shaped around your interests, skills and time. Some commit to regular activities while others may volunteer as opportunities arise.
Given the broad and diverse research activities being carried out by CEPHR, we anticipate several research activities that would either directly involve people or facilitate their involvement in activities such as:
If you wish to become a part of our team as a PPI participant, we are looking for representatives that have experience, knowledge or interest in any of the following:
Essential Attributes
Desirable Attributes
CEPHR believe that people who engage with the Infectious Diseases services should have a guiding voice in shaping our research. PPI involvement will ensure that the research we conduct reflects the needs of patients and service users, thereby helping to ensure that our work has impact.
We value the professional experience and time that you will give to us as a PPI participant, and we will offer payment for your time as well as reimbursements for any travel costs.
If you wish to become a PPI participant for CEPHR, please contact us at to find out more.