UCD School of Medicine were delighted to celebrate conferring 24 graduands with BSc Degrees in BHLS (Biomedical Health and Life Sciences) at a graduation ceremony on Thursday 5 September.
The conferrals were followed by an intimate celebration at the Kevin Barry Gallery for graduates, their families and friends, and staff members.
A special congratulations goes to Eabha Shiel for being awarded the student-nominated BHLS Student of the Year.
The four-year BHLS undergraduate degree programme is designed for students in secondary education, who have a keen interest in science and how research and technology can impact on human health. During the programme students learn how scientifically driven investigations can advance knowledge of disease prevention, detection and treatment and they immerse themselves in modern medical and biological sciences and focus on the application of scientific developments.Speaking about the graduation, Bill Watson, Professor of Cancer Biology, UCD School of Medicine, Director of the BHLS BSc programme said, ‘‘I would like to warmly congratulate our graduates and say how proud we are of them. These graduates will follow medical and scientific careers in biomedical research, pursuing opportunities in academia, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and other areas allied to health. I would like to wish them all the best with their future careers.’’
Well done to all and best wishes for the next life chapter.