School of Medicine Equality, Diversity and Inclusion launches student survey - share your voice!

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) of students and staff is a key focus of the School of Medicine at the moment and going forward. We are launching a survey this week as we need to hear from you about your experiences of equality in the School of Medicine and the impact of the School's equality, diversity & inclusion initiatives to enhance your student experience and to identify and prioritise steps we can take to address or further enhance your experiences. 

We are currently renewing our Athena Swan Bronze Award, which recognises our dedication to gender equality and inclusion, and together with that and our ongoing commitment to all areas of EDI, we really need to hear what your experience and thoughts are.

We are asking each students to complete the survey on EDI at the link below, which will take edi,studentsurvey,medicinestudentsurveyless than 10 minutes to complete.

Answers will be to support our gender equality, and diversity and inclusion planning processes, as we develop an action plan for the next 3 years.

This survey is anonymous, optional and confidential. You are not required to answer any questions you feel uncomfortable answering. You can be assured that all of the data collected is anonymous and it will be analysed together with the other anonymous participant data, so as to make claims about a group rather than any individual. We hope you will give us your honest opinions - positive and negative. Every answer is valid and much appreciated.

Those who participate will have the option to enter a raffle when they submit their survey for one of 4 prizes of €50.

We will be in the Health Sciences Foyer today, Wednesday 1st February, with some goodies for all, so please do come along and say hello! Your help and participation is much appreciated.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us (