2024-2025 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Events |
Date & Venue | Description |
EMS Distinguished Lecture The annual EMS Distinguished Lecture, established in 2022, celebrates the Economics, Mathematics, and Statistics (EMS) degree program jointly managed by the School of Economics and the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Held in the Spring term, this lecture series highlights outstanding research in economics, mathematics, and statistics while fostering stronger links between the two Schools. Past speakers have included internationally renowned researchers of the highest distinction. |
2021-2022 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Events |
Date & Venue | Description |
Starting January 2022 |
Senior Mathematics Enrichment Classes
2020-2021 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Events |
Date & Venue | Description |
Wednesday 12/05/2021 at 2pm | Women in Mathematics Day 2021 The UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics will host a virtual event to celebrate the international day of Women in Mathematics. The event will take place on Wednesday 12th May from 2pm-4.45pm and it will consist of 3 talks, a panel discussion and a quiz on history of Mathematics. |
Thursday 15/10/2020 at 17.00 via zoom | As part of the Maths Week 2020, the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics will host the virtual event ''A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy of Mathematics''. The event will take place on Thursday 15/10 at 17.00 via zoom and it will consist of 5-minute presentations from academic members of our school. Its main goal is to capture an audience of teenagers/young adults to showcase all the different routes maths can take you. Please find below the link of registration: (opens in a new window)https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/a-hitchhikers-guide-to-the-galaxy-of-mathematics-registration-124077058823?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing |
2018-2019 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Events |
Date & Venue | Description |
Starting 21 September 2019 |
Junior Mathematics Enrichment Classes UCD will again host Junior Mathematical Enrichment classes in the 2019-20 academic year, on Saturdays starting from 21st September. The classes are aimed at motivated second, third and fourth year secondary school students. |
Starting January 2020 |
Senior Mathematics Enrichment Classes
Bookings will open in November |
Other Activities that the School is Involved with in 2016-2017 |
Maths Sparks |
The School of Mathematics and Statistics runs a series of extra-curricular mathematics workshops for senior cycle post-primary students. Designed and delivered by students in the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, the series of Maths Sparks problem solving workshops aims to bring the wonder of mathematics to life through interactive and engaging activities, and talks from mathematics graduates and professors. Workshops are held one evening per week for 6 weeks and resources are made available for teachers or other institutions to use.
There is no charge for this event. |
That's Maths Blog | Professor Peter Lynch has a twice-monthly column "That's Maths" on the science page of the Irish Times (first and third Thursday each month). This is aimed to try to assist public understanding of matters mathematical. The blog is available at (opens in a new window)thatsmaths.com |
College of Science Outreach Events | The School is also involved with in a number of outreach events organised by the College of Science. |
Undergraduate Ambassador Scheme Module 30060 | The Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme (UAS) module is a module offered by the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin. This module offers Stage 3 or Stage 4 undergraduates who have taken an appropriate level of undergraduate mathematics, the chance to work with mathematics teachers and students in local secondary schools. The undergraduate receives five academic credits for successful completion of the module and this contributes towards his or her final degree. |