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Aedin Elise Sarff

BESS Landscapes

The future of Landscape Architecture is branching out to connect many overlapping fields in the hopes of creating a green future. Studio 4a and 4b set to further these connections with a focus on the main producer of renewable energy in Ireland, wind. Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly central to our energy mix, but the current state of the Grid cannot handle today’s demand, let alone tomorrow’s.

I chose to focus on energy storage rather than more energy generation, it’s a significant problem that seems to have largely been ‘swept under the rug’. If the Grid cannot handle today, how can we expect it to handle the demand of tomorrow? What can I do as a Landscape Architect to solve these limitations? What would a Grid Level Storage System look like in the Landscape? After all, we will be seeing them more and more often in the future.

Contact UCD Landscape Architecture

School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy. University College Dublin. Richview, Clonskeagh, Dublin, D14 E099, Ireland
T: +353.1-716 2757 | E: architectureadmin@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)