We provide the following systems and services that support the human resources (HR) function in UCD.
HR Staff Management & Reporting
This is a comprehensive suite of reports to enable managers to review their staffing information. It is automatically available under the Human Resources tab in InfoHub to College Principals, Vice Principals, College Finance Managers, and heads of school, unit or institute. Other staff who require access must email the HRIS team in UCD HR at hris@ucd.ie with authorised approval from their Head of School or Unit. The Staff Management and Reporting suite includes present summary and detailed drill-down views of information in the following areas:
- Headcounts and FTEs
- Staff on various types of leave
- Staff on fixed term or specified purpose contracts with expected end dates
- Probation reviews
- Upcoming retirements
- Additional payments
- HR trends over past 5 years
- Team structures
The reporting suite also includes a set of Gender Analytics reports, which are used to support Schools and Colleges in their applications for awards under the Athena SWAN charter.
- Contact: UCD HR Helpdesk - (opens in a new window)hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie
My Staff Profile
The Staff Profile is available to all staff automatically on commencement in UCD. It enables each staff member to view the following details about themselves:
- Personal & Job Information including their employment history in UCD
- Location, Contact & Team Details, which can be updated here by the staff member
- Training Profile, including training attended and upcoming training for which the employee has registered
- Sick Leave Profile, which shows sick leave absences as recorded on the HR system
- Conference Allowance, displaying current and historic conference allowances and associated claims
Where information is incorrect, the staff member can contact UCD HR to have it rectified. NOTE: Profile information is not available for hourly paid or affiliates.
- Contact: UCD HR Helpdesk - (opens in a new window)hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie
Staff Recruitment
The Online Post Authorisation Form (PAF) process in InfoHub, which enables authorised users in schools and units to initiate the hiring process into a new or vacant post. This system includes a full suite of reports to enable tracking of post authorisations from initiation all the way through to the creation of a hiring competition.
Recruitment Management Reporting, under the Human Resources tab in InfoHub, includes Active Competitions showing recruitment competitions that are currently active in a school or unit and all their associated events. Enabling hiring manages to keep track of the status of competitions within their area. In addition, UCD HR have formally defined Recruitment Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with their customers, regarding what service will be delivered and in what time-frame. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the metrics used to measure the success or failure of those SLAs. These reports show the success rate of how HR is performing against all SLAs in each college, school and unit.
All current UCD internal and external vacancies can be viewed and applied for through eRecruitment in Employee Self Service (ESS), which is accessed via UCD Connect. Documents associated with competitions are also available to interview panel members in ESS.
- Contact: UCD HR Helpdesk - (opens in a new window)hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie
Time & Attendance Management
This is a suite of reports under the Human Resources tab in InfoHub which enables an administrator to monitor sick leave, annual leave or flexi leave for staff in their area, as recorded in the PeopleXD system (if applicable).
Staff members can view their own sick leave under their 'My Staff Profile' in InfoHub. They can view their Annual Leave and Flexi Time in Employee Self Services (ESS) if this information is recorded on Core.
- Contact: UCD HR Helpdesk - (opens in a new window)hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie
Consultancy & External Work (Devlin Time)
This is an online system in the Human Resources tab in InfoHub which enables academic staff to submit an application to engage in consultancy or external work outside of their UCD commitments. The process includes a workflow allowing relevant Heads of Schools and College Principals review applications submitted in their area and subsequently approve or reject applications. The system also incorporates a full suite of reports for both Schools and Colleges to allow authorised users see the status of applications within their area and management reports for UCD HR.
Submission of applications for approval is available automatically to all current academic staff. Approval of applications is available to current College Principals and Heads of Schools. Reporting suites are only available on request to authorised users.
Further information on consultancy and external work is available on the UCD Human Resources website.
- Contact: UCD HR Helpdesk - (opens in a new window)hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie
Training & Seminar Management
An Event Booking System is available to areas that run free staff training and events across the university. Events are advertised in InfoHub and staff can register for these events online. They can also view a full training history via their staff profile. A full reporting suite is available to areas that 'own' events so they can track sessions, record attendance, add and remove places, and assess which training events are most popular with staff.
To view and book training courses online, visit the UCD People Development website.
- Contact for technical assistance in creating events: EAG, UCD IT Services via https://www.ucd.ie/ithelp
Case Management
This system enables UCD HR Partners to record details of actions taken in relation to HR issues that they deal with. The system provides a confidential record of each case, including actions that were taken to resolve. High level reporting is available from the system, facilitating UCD HR in reporting to College Principals and Vice-Principals on a number of issues being dealt with each quarter.
Access, via InfoHub, is granted only to authorised users and under instruction from the UCD HR Relationship Director.
- Contact: UCD HR Helpdesk - (opens in a new window)hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie
UCD IT Services
Computer Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp