Workshops and Application Process

VentureLaunch Workshops

  • The 7 workshops which will run from 10am to 2pm each Wednesday beginning in early Octber through to mid-November.
  • Sessions will combine a mix of taught content and interactive workshops as well as regular pitching sessions to the VentureLaunch Programme Board. The content will be delivered by external experts as well as involve talks from leaders of UCD spin-out successes.
  • Expect approximately 10 hours of scheduled meetings over the 2 months with the Project Team (including the relevant UCD Knowledge Transfer Case Manager and New Ventures Manager) as well as independent working requirement for completion of the programme.
  • Final Event: Participants will present their business pitch to an assessment panel consisting of VentureLaunch Programme Board members and members of our entrepreneurial and investment community.
  • Based on evaluation of the business pitch the panel will chose a winner of the programme which will be announced at the VentureLaunch showcase event held in late November.

Entry Criteria and Application Process

A maximum of seven projects will take part on the annual programme. Projects are screened by UCD’s Knowledge Transfer team and participants are chosen by the VentureLaunch Programme Board.

  • Interested participants should complete an expression of interest form and send to the relevant Knowledge Transfer Manager.
  • You should speak with the relevant Knowledge Transfer Manager to discuss your application in advance of submission.
  • Expressions of interest forms must be submitted by June. Projects will be notified on the outcome of their application in late June.

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Dr Ciaran O’Beirne


Dr Tony Donnelly

Information and Communications Technologies

Dr Stephen Donoghue


Dr Hugh Hayden

Physical Sciences, Engineering

Dr Stacey Kelly

Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Róisín Scallan

Case Manager, Knowledge Transfer, MedTech

Dr Ena Walsh

Life Sciences

Factors Used in Assessing Eligibility

Requirement for a credible team made with a commercial advisor (If a commercial advisor is not currently involved we can assist in identifying an appropriate individual for the duration of the programme).

Requirement for evidence and first-hand engagement of a scalable market opportunity which can be accessed to support the development of a robust new business venture.

Requirement for tangible IP with a clearly defined technology roadmap with appropriate IP strategy and freedom to operate.

Requirement for technology funding through to launch of a new business venture within one year.