var Accessibility = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Reasonable Accommodations (RA) are modifications to tasks, job structures or the workplace which allows qualified employees with disabilities to fully perform at their job and enjoy equal employment opportunities. You can find out more about RAs here as well as the forms you need to make a request.", "popupTitle": "Reasonable Accommodation", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Students' Union are your on-campus representatives who provide educational and welfare support. They also protest issues affecting UCD students, and the Welfare Officer in particular can offer support on accessibility needs. There is also a Disability Rights Campaigns Coordinator.", "popupTitle": "UCD Students' Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226650530344415, 53.30855901488843 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD campus offers a variety of room options across the Belfield and Blackrock campuses, as well as wheelchair accessible rooms across the Residence Villages. Priority is given to students with a physical or sensory disability and these rooms are available to students at any stage of their programme.", "popupTitle": "UCD ResLife", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+353 1 716 1008", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.218561981147918, 53.30353240961991 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Desk is students' hub or any administrative related matters. Students can consult over issues regarding payment, grants, loans, official documents, grades, scheduling and module information including substitutions. Many student desk resources and services can be accessed virtually via their website.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221259982810688, 53.30697353307791 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Students with a disability or significant ongoing illness can receive reasonable accommodations or supports from the university after they provide relevant documentation and attend a Needs Assessment meeting with Access and Lifelong Learning. Each year you are registered with UCD, these supports will roll over.", "popupTitle": "Access and Lifelong Learning", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222938162908253, 53.30692315355144 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Campus accessibility page displays information about how UCD is working to create a more accessible environment on-campus. It features videos and text about navigating life in the university's built and online environments as a person with disabilities.", "popupTitle": "Campus Accessibility", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "PEEPs are tailored to an individual's needs and help address challenges individual staff members may face in evacuating a university building in an emergency. PEEPs are advisable for those who suffer from sensory/physical or medical impairment that may make evacuation of a building more challenging.", "popupTitle": "Personal Emergency Egress Plans (PEEPs)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Willing Able Mentoring Programme (WAM) is part of UCD’s ongoing commitment to inclusion in collaboration with AHEAD. WAM unites graduates with disabilities with WAM’s network of employers so that graduates can gain paid work experience relevant to their qualifications.", "popupTitle": "Willing Able Mentoring Programme (WAM)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Fund for Students with a Disability allocates funding for colleges to provide supports and services to full and part-time students with disabilities. You can apply for the fund at any stage of your course through providing documentary evidence and attending a short Needs Assessment meeting.", "popupTitle": "Fund for students with a disability", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) and DARE (Disability Access Route) are admissions schemes which promote access to higher education for students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds or those with a disability or significant ongoing illness. UCD offers a number of reserved places to offer HEAR/DARE students who meet the criteria.", "popupTitle": "HEAR and DARE Schemes", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Community Vegetable Garden, located behind the Vet School is one of four main points of UCD’s Accessible sensory trail. This is a campus-wide project which utilises existing natural beauty to create walkways, forests and quiet areas accessible for all. Locations will be mapped out and signposted for all users.", "popupTitle": "Community Vegetable Garden (Accessible sensory trail)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222390753415114, 53.30928191416268 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Wildflower Meadowlands, behind the Conway Institute, are one of four main points of UCD’s Accessible sensory trail. This is a campus-wide project which utilises existing natural beauty to create walkways, forests and quiet areas accessible for all. Locations will be mapped out and signposted for all users.", "popupTitle": "Wildflower Meadowlands (Accessible sensory trail)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.224499569325932, 53.310363216278915 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "There are various disabled parking areas located across UCD Belfield campus.", "popupTitle": "Accessible parking", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.215498241560817, 53.306532983301395 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Staff Disability Network connects staff with disabilities and staff with an interest in disabilities to be a source of peer support in the workplace. The network promotes disability equality for staff through active involvement and consultation with the university and is represented by Tina Lowe, Campus Accessibility Officer. Access & Lifelong Learning Centre Level 1 James Joyce Library Building.", "popupTitle": "Staff Disability Network", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167564", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223508, 53.306298 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Centre for Disability Studies was founded in 1996 and is Ireland’s first university-affiliated disability centre. The centre’s activities consist of research, teaching, and public engagement as well as exploring the nature of disability in the society we live in. UCD School of Psychology Newman Building.", "popupTitle": "Centre for Disability Studies", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317168369", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221401, 53.305783 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Dignity and Respect hub was created to bring together information, guidance, and support regarding UCD’s commitment to supporting an inclusive and respectful environment. Here you can report any instances of bullying, harassment or discrimination to trained support staff. UCD DRSS, L532, James Joyce Library Building.", "popupTitle": "Dignity & Respect", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167716", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.22374, 53.306124 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Upper Lake is a campus biodiversity hotspot and a great place to visit for those looking for a peaceful, quiet space to recharge.", "popupTitle": "Upper Lake (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.218835992253748, 53.30564029197938 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Lower Lakes are a peaceful quiet space, full of local wildlife and plants, that are great to visit when you’re looking to recharge.", "popupTitle": "Lower Lakes (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2215317918954085, 53.307902833045915 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Writing Centre provides free, one-to-one tuition and a range of workshops on all aspects of the writing process. They also offer a limited number of online sessions.", "popupTitle": "Writing Centre", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167777", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222541, 53.306672 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Maths Support Centre assists students of level 0, 1, or 2 modules who need support with mathematics or statistics related work. All tutors are experienced and tutor in the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics. James Joyce Library.", "popupTitle": "Maths Support Centre", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167536", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.22367, 53.305964 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Estate Services and Unicare provide a Walk Safe service designed to assist people at UCD by providing walking escort services from one area of the campus to another. Members of UCD Campus Security provide this service, and it is available 24/7 through the campus services number.", "popupTitle": "Estate Services", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.21519798397628, 53.30634225935004 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD EDI is a strategy to increase inclusion across the university. EDI are involved with the Disability Sub-group and the Neurodiversity Group and offer the UCD community training and awareness-raising sessions.", "popupTitle": "Equality, Diversity & Inclusion", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2212428321958955, 53.30152172757321 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Estates Duty Managers are trained and experienced in first aid and seizure response for people with epilepsy. Get in touch with them by heading to UCD Estates reception or by phone.", "popupTitle": "Estates Duty Managers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.216339804104443, 53.30661816913587 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "University for All is a whole-institution, evidence-based approach to mainstreaming inclusion in UCD, ensuring that all students feel welcome, belong, and are valued and creating an inclusive educational experience for all students.", "popupTitle": "University for All", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222705701508639, 53.30711603369555 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Student Desk provides help and support to students for all things administration-related. They offer help with admissions-related queries, exam tips and any questions relating to your programme.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317161555", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.220565618900237, 53.306938005225526 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Newman building hosts the following sensory/quiet spaces: E114 which is only open during exam season, outside D104/D105, 1st floor section G, 1st floor section A beside A106, the basement, between double doors opposite UCD Observer & double doors outside the theatre.", "popupTitle": "Newman (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222195, 53.305651 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The top floor of the Moore Wing in the Quinn School of Business is an informally designated quiet space for students.", "popupTitle": "Quinn (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317164842", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.219605465268949, 53.304713583628654 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The ground floor right hallway at reception, room L014 in the Sutherland building is a formally designated quiet space.", "popupTitle": "Sutherland (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.21842993219569, 53.30428002966427 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Horticultural Society's Garden is open to all members of the society and encourages those interested in plant cultivation to foster a community through gardening and learning about plant science together. It is also a peaceful space on campus for those seeking to relax..", "popupTitle": "UCD Horticulture Society Garden (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.231380689708252, 53.30507361029733 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "There are many informally designed quiet spaces in the O'Brien building. Science East 4th floor. Hub Level 1. Hub Level 2. Science South on Ground, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Levels. Science East 1st, 2nd, 3rd Levels. Hub Levels 1 and 2 between Science West and South Corridors. 10 meeting pods in O'Brien on each floor of Science Hub and on 1st, 2nd, 3rd floors of Science East (booking essential.)", "popupTitle": "O'Brien (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223209019238393, 53.308478699766304 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Health Sciences building has several informally dedicated quiet spaces: C1, B1, B2, B3 couches. B concourse and Health Services centre library rooms.", "popupTitle": "Health Sciences (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.225356703894921, 53.30939847026494 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Village has an informally designated quiet space in the reception area on the first floor. The space includes two enclosed booths with desks for study and two sofas and a table. There are also bookable music rooms where students can practice instruments.", "popupTitle": "UCD Village (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.21876460389533, 53.303647309257734 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "On the second floor of the UCD Smurfit Blackrock Campus, the open space behind the upstairs atrium is an informally designated quiet space.", "popupTitle": "Smurfit (Sensory Quiet)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317168934", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.18467020150943, 53.29585183414341 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Estates Services map is an interactive map which showcases the services available across UCD campus from health services to accessible parking spaces, rest rooms and disabled bathrooms, among other things.", "popupTitle": "Estate Services Map", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167000", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Rendezvous AKA The Lady at the Lake, is one of the four main points of UCD’s Accessible sensory trail. This is a campus-wide project which utilises existing natural beauty to create walkways, forests and quiet areas accessible for all. Locations will be mapped out and signposted for all users.", "popupTitle": "Rendezvous (The Lady at the Lake)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221440626642441, 53.3080612634498 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var lgbtqia = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Students' Union are your on-campus representatives who provide educational and welfare support. They also protest issues affecting UCD students, and the Welfare Officer in particular can offer support on accessibility needs. There is also a Disability Rights Campaigns Coordinator.", "popupTitle": "UCD Students' Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226650530344415, 53.30855901488843 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Library is the main study space on campus and holds a special collection for LGBT+ History Month that is available for students to visit.", "popupTitle": "UCD Library", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+3531716 7583", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223662, 53.306307 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion is a group that is committed to creating an environment where everyone is treated fairly on campus. They are involved in LGBTI+ subgroups, attend Pride, offer community and awareness-raising sessions, and offer supports to LGBTI+ people.", "popupTitle": "Equality, Diversity & Inclusion", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2212428321958955, 53.30152172757321 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "There are various single-occupancy gender-neutral bathrooms on UCD campus. There are also multiple-occupancy gender-neutral stalls and showers available across the campus.", "popupTitle": "Gender-neutral facilities", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+353 1 716 7000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.215047765268873, 53.30635514234782 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Dignity & Respect Support Advisers are committed to provide a confidential service to all students, employees and UCD community members seeking support. This includes advice on dealing with any homophobic or transphobic bullying or harassment.", "popupTitle": "Dignity & Respect", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167716", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223367, 53.306942 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "At UCD Global LGBTQIA+ people from international places studying at the university can find a community who share culturally-specific experiences of queerness, and through that can experience pride together.", "popupTitle": "UCD Global", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317168500", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2203374229406405, 53.30557154722203 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Part of the UCD Strategy 2020-24: Rising to the Future, University for All is an evidence-based approach to inclusion in the university, ensuring that all students feel welcome, belong, and are valued as well as retaining a diverse student population.", "popupTitle": "University for All", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222705701508639, 53.30711603369555 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Student Desk provides help and support to students for all things administration-related. They offer help with admissions-related queries, exam tips and any questions relating to your programme. You can also have your name changed on your student records here if you wish to do so.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317161555", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221134232195522, 53.30697012037526 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Over the past 30 years, Gender Studies at UCD has become the most established programme of its kind in Ireland with a strong international reputation for feminist research, scholarship and engagement in public policy and activism. The School co-hosts the Centre for Gender, Feminisms, and Sexualities (CGFS)", "popupTitle": "Gender Studies", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2227125475391505, 53.3042451970431 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD LGBTQI+ Staff network is a place for LGBTI+ staff and any staff interested in LGBTI+ issues to gather. The group meets to network, exchange ideas and organise activities of interest to LGBTI+ people. It also functions as a safe space for LGBTI+ staff to engage with their community.", "popupTitle": "LGBTQI+ Staff network", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Gender Identity and Expression Policy provides information on the role of the university in supporting gender diverse students and staff and outlines legislation that protects students and staff from discrimination on the basis of their gender identity or expression.", "popupTitle": "Gender Identity & Expression Policy", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This document includes a flowchart with information for people transitioning at UCD about how to change their name at the Student Desk on campus.", "popupTitle": "Transitioning at UCD", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Report and Support is a service for students, employees and visitors to UCD to anonymously disclose any bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct they experience at UCD, which includes any homophobic or transphobic bullying. The UCD Dignity and Respect Service is a dedicated service to support and advise those reporting.", "popupTitle": "Report and Support", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+353117167716", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "LGBTI Pride month takes place in June each year. The parade in Dublin city centre is attended by UCD societies including the student’s union and LGBT+ society. This page offers information about some of the events taking place across UCD campus in June.", "popupTitle": "LGBTI Pride", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "From the 13th-19th of November people and organisations at UCD participate in Transgender Awareness Week to promote visibility and highlight issues faced by trans people. This page offers information about how to participate as a student or staff member.", "popupTitle": "Transgender Awareness Week", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Intersex Awareness Day takes place annually on the 26th of October. This page provides information on intersex identity and how to be an ally as well as further learning resources. If you are a member of the intersex community you can request to join the UCD LGBTI Subgroup here.", "popupTitle": "Intersex Awareness Day", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Bi Visibility Day is celebrated annually on the 23rd September. On this page you can learn about bisexuality, how to be an ally, or if you are bi yourself, submit an application to join the UCD LGBTI Subgroup.", "popupTitle": "Bi Visibility", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This page details UCD’s commitment to supporting gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Here you can find out about UCD’s ongoing Gender Equality Action Plan and the Gender Equality Action Group on campus.", "popupTitle": "Gender Equality in UCD", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD LGBTQ+ society is an inclusive space for LGBTQ+ people on campus. They host regular events like movie nights, coffee mornings and nights out, attend Pride and relevant protests, and offer support to individual students and access to the LGBT+ library. The society collaborates with the LGBT Staff Network.", "popupTitle": "LGBTQ+ society", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "During LGBT+ History Month, UCD Library partnered with UCD Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to bring attention to the many LGBTQI+ resources in the library collections.", "popupTitle": "Library Collection Spotlight: LGBT+ History Month", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var InternationalatUCD = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Students' Union are your on-campus representatives who provide educational and welfare support. They also protest issues affecting UCD students, and the Welfare Officer in particular can offer support on accessibility needs. There is also a Disability Rights Campaigns Coordinator.", "popupTitle": "UCD Students' Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226650530344415, 53.30855901488843 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "University for All is a whole-institution, evidence-based approach to mainstreaming inclusion in UCD, ensuring that all students feel welcome, belong, and are valued and creating an inclusive educational experience for all students.", "popupTitle": "University for All", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223451, 53.306666 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "An EDI Working Group has reviewed access to UCD for refugees and asylum seekers. Established guidelines were published in 2017 for Academic and Support Units to improve access to refugee and asylum applicants at UCD. More information can be found through University for All.", "popupTitle": "Access to the UCD Community for Refugees and Asylum Seekers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222463, 53.306747 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD is a University of Sanctuary, and is proud to welcome International Protection Applicants (asylum seekers), refugees, and those with Subsidiary Protection or Humanitarian Leave to Remain. This programme offers opportunities to study at different levels across UCD and provides free tuition and financial assistance to eligible applicants.", "popupTitle": "Refugees and Asylum Seekers Sanctuary Programme", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223376, 53.306442 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Student Desk provides help and support to students for all things administration-related. They offer help with admissions-related queries, exam tips and any questions relating to your programme.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317161555", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221134232195522, 53.30697012037526 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Library is the main study space on campus. It’s also home to many special collections accessible to students as well as the National Folklore Collection which may be of interest to those new to Ireland and interested in Irish culture.", "popupTitle": "UCD Library", "email": " ", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167583", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223738, 53.306020 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD is Ireland’s global university with over 9,500 international students.At UCD Global students from around the world who are studying at the university can find community and make friends from international places as well as their home countries.", "popupTitle": "UCD Global", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317168500", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.220911, 53.305269 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a Europe-wide student organisation. They support and develop student exchanges and foster connections between fellow Erasmus students in Ireland. The network also organises trips away for students to bond and experience Irish culture.", "popupTitle": "Erasmus Student Network", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226339394104534, 53.30851414110573 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "If you are coming to study at UCD and are a non-EEA/UK national you will need to follow student immigration guidelines to be compliant with local immigration legislation. At UCD Global, you can find further information about immigration to Ireland and connect with the Immigration Officer.", "popupTitle": "Student Immigration", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317168500", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.219974, 53.305325 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Centre for English and Global Languages, formerly the Applied Languages Centre, offers electives in 14 languages at levels ranging from beginner to advanced. Each elective is worth 5 credits.", "popupTitle": "Centre for English and Global Languages", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167900", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.220167930344521, 53.30652201105795 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Global Lounge is a multi-functional space which allows students, staff, and the wider UCD community to connect with each other and the world around them. The space and the events held there express UCD’s commitment to nurturing a global culture on campus.", "popupTitle": "Global Lounge", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2203374229406405, 53.30557154722203 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Open seven days a week, the Food Hall at UCD Village is inspired by international food halls and hosts seven different restaurants under one roof from Pan-Asian to Mexican food and more.", "popupTitle": "The FoodHall at UCD Village", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+353864400722", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.21937131685231, 53.3034625891207 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion is a group that is committed to creating an environment where everyone is treated fairly on campus. Ongoing subgroups within EDI include Anti-Racism and Multiculturalism and a University of Sanctuary group.", "popupTitle": "Equality, Diversity & Inclusion", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222705701508639, 53.30711603369555 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Every Thursday outside the James Joyce Library, there are pop-up food trucks with a variety of international foods like South Korean, Mexican, Lebanese and more.", "popupTitle": "Food Trucks", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222437480612212, 53.30714808745196 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD International Student Society is Ireland’s largest cultural society. The ISS helps students in UCD’s international community socialise and make new friends in Ireland, hosting annual trips, nights out and more.", "popupTitle": "International Student Society", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD World Aid Society is a fundraising and activism society committed to causes in Ireland and abroad. Each year they choose a charity to fundraise for as well as hosting social events for students from and new to Ireland to meet.", "popupTitle": "World Aid Society", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Volunteers Overseas is a registered charity whose aim is to create a global community working together for a more sustainable world. Their website details all their annual events as well as details on how you can apply to volunteer abroad with them.", "popupTitle": "Volunteers Overseas Society", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Multicultural Employee Network of UCD (MENU) provides a relaxed space that welcomes members of the multicultural UCD community to support each other, exchange experiences and promote multicultural awareness at UCD. More information on their events is available on their site.", "popupTitle": "Multicultural Employee Network of UCD (MENU)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Societies page showcases the many groups that celebrate different nationalities and cultures like Chinese, French, Indian and lots more. These societies host regular events to engage students from Ireland and abroad.", "popupTitle": "UCD Societies", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD’s Alumni Buddy Programme, organised by UCD Global, links incoming international students with local UCD Alumni. These Alumni help students get familiar with Dublin and offer support to newcomers. You can apply on their website here.", "popupTitle": "Alumni Buddy Programme", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Irish Council for International Students (ICOS) is a valuable resource for all students new to Ireland. On their page you can learn your rights as a student in Ireland, get immigration information, and more.", "popupTitle": "Irish Council for International Students", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35316605233", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Languages for Life initiative promotes the many benefits of language learning as an integral part of university strategy, supporting and celebrating the multilingual vitality of the global campus.", "popupTitle": "Languages for Life", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167777", } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland promotes Chinese language and culture through courses, such as Chinese language classes, research, events and more. The institute also features a restaurant offering authentic Chinese dishes.", "popupTitle": "Confucius Institute", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317163000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.217921703054181, 53.30602209778189 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var racialEthnicMinorities = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Desk is students' hub or any administrative related matters. Students can consult over issues regarding payment, grants, loans, official documents, grades, scheduling and module information including substitutions. Many student desk resources and services can be accessed virtually via their website.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221259982810688, 53.30697353307791 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Library is the main study space on campus. The library also provides guides and introductions to academic writing which may be of use for incoming students.", "popupTitle": "UCD Library", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167583", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222964, 53.306780 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "University for All is a whole-institution, evidence-based approach to mainstreaming inclusion in UCD, ensuring that all students feel welcome, belong, and are valued and creating an inclusive educational experience for all students.", "popupTitle": "University for All", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222449, 53.306678 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion is a group that is committed to creating an environment where everyone is treated fairly on campus. Ongoing subgroups within EDI include an Anti-Racism and Cultural Awareness group.", "popupTitle": "Equality, Diversity & Inclusion", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223759, 53.306152 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Dignity and Respect hub was created to bring together information, guidance, and support regarding UCD’s commitment to supporting an inclusive and respectful environment. Here you can report any instances of bullying, harassment or discrimination to trained support staff.", "popupTitle": "Dignity & Respect", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167716", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222705701508639, 53.30711603369555 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Students’ Union are your on-campus representatives who provide educational and welfare support. They also protest on issues affecting UCD students throughout the year.", "popupTitle": "UCD Students' Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226650530344415, 53.30855901488843 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The MA & GradDip Race, Migration and Decolonial Studies programmes are within the School of Sociology. They offer modules in critical race and decolonial scholarship, global migration and creative art/research practices, with optional modules available from across a range of disciplines, literatures and societal issues. ", "popupTitle": "Race, Migration and Decolonial Studies", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223090830692555, 53.306396903346474 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This page details UCD’s commitment to Race and Ethnic Equality. The University follows the Higher Education Authority’s Anti-Racism Principles, which are explained here. It also explains how and where you can report a racist incident in UCD.", "popupTitle": "#UCDAgainstRacism", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Multicultural Employee Network of UCD (MENU) provides a relaxed space that welcomes members of the multicultural UCD community to support each other, exchange experiences and promote multicultural awareness at UCD. More information on their events is available on their site.", "popupTitle": "Multicultural Employee Network of UCD", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Decolonising the Curriculum Platform UCD is a space to cultivate a community of decolonial practice in which to collectively discuss and develop ideas.This platform is organised by the UCD MA & GradDip in Race, Migration and Decolonial Studies.", "popupTitle": "Decolonising the Curriculum Platform UCD", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Grievance Policy is a document that explains the complaint process at UCD for employees. Causes for grievance include employee complaints regarding their terms and conditions of employment, working environment or working relationships and include discrimination or racism of any kind.", "popupTitle": "Grievance Policy for employees (to report discrimination or racist incidents)", "email": "", "website": "!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=GD-DOCLAND&ID=40", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Report and Support is a service for students, employees and visitors to UCD to anonymously disclose any bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct they experience at UCD, which includes racism and discrimination. The UCD Dignity and Respect Service is a dedicated service to support and advise those reporting.", "popupTitle": "Report and Support", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167716", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Through the Anti-Racism and Cultural Awareness sub-group, UCD commits to working collaboratively with students, employees and the wider community to create an inclusive environment where people from all backgrounds can reach their full potential. They are currently recruiting new members who send an expression of interest.", "popupTitle": "Anti-Racism and Cultural Awareness Group", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var matureStudents = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Desk is students' hub or any administrative related matters. Students can consult over issues regarding payment, grants, loans, official documents, grades, scheduling and module information including substitutions. Many student desk resources and services can be accessed virtually via their website.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221259982810688, 53.30697353307791 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Library is the main study space on campus and holds a special collection for LGBT+ History Month that is available for students to visit.", "popupTitle": "UCD Library", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167583", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223009, 53.307035 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Students’ Union are your on-campus representatives who provide educational and welfare support, including Welfare and Graduate Officers. They also protest issues affecting UCD students throughout the year.", "popupTitle": "UCD Students' Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226650530344415, 53.30855901488843 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Access and Lifelong Learning, located on level one of the James Joyce Library, provides multiple routes to studying for a degree at UCD, as well as specified information, supports, and scholarships for mature students.", "popupTitle": "Access and Lifelong Learning", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222513, 53.306716 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Part of the UCD Strategy 2020-24: Rising to the Future, University for All is an evidence-based approach to inclusion in the university, ensuring that all students feel welcome, belong, and are valued as well as retaining a diverse student population.", "popupTitle": "University for All", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223920, 53.306203 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD EDI is a strategy to increase inclusion across the university so that everyone is treated fairly regardless of their differences. They offer a range of supports that may be relevant to mature students.", "popupTitle": "Equality, Diversity & Inclusion", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222705701508639, 53.30711603369555 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "With a team of experienced career and skills consultants, the UCD Careers Network can advise you on how best to move into the world of work once you’ve completed your degree. They have a variety of jobs and internships as well as information on CVs and interview preparation..", "popupTitle": "Careers Network", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167574", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222551429028909, 53.30734404056904 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Mature Student Society provides a relaxed space where mature students can meet and get to know each other. Events include breakfasts, day trips and information sessions about supports available to students.", "popupTitle": "Mature Student Society", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This page offers information to mature students interested in applying to UCD. Guidance includes entrance requirements, necessary documents and CAO deadline dates among other things.", "popupTitle": "Mature applicants to UCD", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Here you can access information about fees, check if you are eligible for ‘free fees’ and find out more about financial support that may be available to you as a mature student.", "popupTitle": "Mature student finance", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Alumni Network gives graduates an opportunity to connect with fellow graduates, grow their professional network and act as a mentor to graduating students. Mature students will have access to the group once they have graduated from UCD.", "popupTitle": "Alumni Network", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317161447", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence. There are dedicated advisers for Mature Students.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var parents = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Desk is students' hub or any administrative related matters. Students can consult over issues regarding payment, grants, loans, official documents, grades, scheduling and module information including substitutions. Many student desk resources and services can be accessed virtually via their website.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221259982810688, 53.30697353307791 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Library is the main study space on campus and holds a special collection for LGBT+ History Month that is available for students to visit.", "popupTitle": "UCD Library", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167583", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223009, 53.307035 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Students' Union are your on-campus representatives who provide educational and welfare support. They also protest issues affecting UCD students, and the Welfare Officer in particular can offer support on accessibility needs. There is also a Disability Rights Campaigns Coordinator.", "popupTitle": "UCD Students' Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226650530344415, 53.30855901488843 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Access and Lifelong Learning, located on level one of the James Joyce Library, provides multiple routes to studying for a degree at UCD, as well as specified information, supports, and scholarships for mature students.", "popupTitle": "Access and Lifelong Learning", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222513, 53.306716 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Part of the UCD Strategy 2020-24: Rising to the Future, University for All is an evidence-based approach to inclusion in the university, ensuring that all students feel welcome, belong, and are valued as well as retaining a diverse student population.", "popupTitle": "University for All", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223920, 53.306203 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "There are various breast / chest feeding and expressing facilities across UCD Belfield campus and one at the Smurfit campus in Blackrock.", "popupTitle": "Breast / Chest feeding Facilities", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.215004849925445, 53.30636155321526 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Oakmount Creche has been in operation on UCD campus for over 30 years, and all staff are experienced and qualified childcare professionals who are more than happy to give parents a tour of the space’s facilities.", "popupTitle": "UCD Creche", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35312695143", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2302754033597605, 53.30561000306979 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD EDI is a strategy to increase inclusion across the university so that everyone is treated fairly regardless of their differences. They offer a range of supports that may be relevant to parents at UCD.", "popupTitle": "Equality, Diversity & Inclusion", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222705701508639, 53.30711603369555 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Child Protection Officer at UCD is responsible for following the university’s child protection policy and ensuring that suspected cases of child abuse or neglect are referred quickly to HSE Children and Family Services or An Garda Síochána. UCD’s Officer is Professor Jason Last.", "popupTitle": "University Child Protection Officer", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317161404", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.220311927177912, 53.30716399817036 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Parent Buddy Programme connects UCD employees who are preparing to be parents, going on and/or returning from maternity leave, adoption, paternity or parental leave or with children of any age to connect with a Buddy who is a fellow parent and employee at the University.", "popupTitle": "Parent Buddy Program", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Family Related Leave Supports are a range of family-friendly policies to help those with caring responsibilities, whether they are parents or carers. This page supplies information on the range of options available and outlines UCD’s family-related policies.", "popupTitle": "Family Related Leave Supports", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Open Learning at UCD offers a way to study flexibly, so that you can learn at your own pace and balance your studies with parenting or caring responsibilities.", "popupTitle": "Open Learning", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Child Safeguarding Statement explains the University’s policies, procedures and practices to ensure that UCD is a safe place for children, and that staff understand how to deal with a potential disclosure of child abuse.", "popupTitle": "Child Safeguarding Statement", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var healthWellbeing = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Students' Union are your on-campus representatives who provide educational and welfare support. They also protest issues affecting UCD students, and the Welfare Officer in particular can offer support on accessibility needs. There is also a Disability Rights Campaigns Coordinator.", "popupTitle": "UCD Students' Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226650530344415, 53.30855901488843 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Student Health Service offers a wide range of health care services to support students. These include routine GP visits, sexual health screenings, access to contraceptives and more.", "popupTitle": "Student Health Service", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317163134", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226688, 53.308110 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Student Counselling Service, located in the health service centre, is a confidential service available to all registered students free of charge and aims to provide easily accessible professional psychological support.", "popupTitle": "Student Counselling", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317163159", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2268404052105595, 53.30839362604402 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Sport offers more than 40 sports clubs for students to join. With choices ranging from team sports, adventure sports, water sports or martial arts, there’s something for everyone. Clubs can be joined at the Sports Expo or through SISweb.", "popupTitle": "UCD Sport", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317162183", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.229527374523698, 53.30820835703045 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Bikes is one of Dublin’s longest established bike shops and stocks a huge selection of new bikes, refurbished bikes and bicycle accessories. They also offer repair and service packages.", "popupTitle": "UCD Bikes", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+353852653922", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.216274149925366, 53.30703286622897 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Free period products are available in a variety of bathrooms and spaces across the Belfield and Smurfit campuses.", "popupTitle": "Free Period Products", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.215004849925445, 53.30636155321526 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The HSE has installed dispensers which provide condoms free of charge in six areas across the Belfield campus, including the Newman Building, Science Hub, and Quinn, among others.", "popupTitle": "Free Condoms", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.215514, 53.306506 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Condoms and lube are available for free at the SU help desk. If you are in need of STI testing on campus, the UCD Health Services provides testing on campus for a fee.", "popupTitle": "Free Sexual Health Products", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221080588016236, 53.306957298822134 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Procare Pharmacy is UCD’s on-campus chemist. You can sign up to receive a flu vaccination here and have prescriptions from your GP sent here too.", "popupTitle": "Procare Pharmacy UCD", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317163840", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.227912761031265, 53.30831283693264 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "DBC Clinic is UCD’s on-campus physiotherapy practice. They are open to staff and students and offer pitch-side and in-clinic treatments.", "popupTitle": "DBC UCD Chartered Physiotherapy", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317163240", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.232008927177729, 53.30988825501304 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "St Vincent’s Hospital is the closest hospital to UCD Belfield campus. In the case of an emergency when the Student Health Service is closed it is advised to attend the department at St Vincent’s.", "popupTitle": "St Vincents University Hospital", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35312214000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.211694502059162, 53.31698054863073 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Library is the main study space on campus, and provides students with access to a Health and Wellbeing collection which includes information on health services and supports available at UCD.", "popupTitle": "UCD Library", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167583", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222705701508639, 53.30711603369555 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Health Affairs is part of the College of Health and Agricultural Sciences (CHAS) and works with the 12 hospitals of Ireland East Hospital Group (IEHG), it's related community health organisations, and the five Schools at CHAS to improve collaboration and cooperation on health strategies.", "popupTitle": "UCD Health Affairs", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317163481", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.224548161031357, 53.307408675941 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Food Hall at UCD Village offers a wide variety of food options and aims to cater to all dietary requirements.", "popupTitle": "The FoodHall at UCD Village", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+353864400722", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.219060180612455, 53.30340488736162 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Students can access STI testing at the Student Health Centre (€60 for symptomatic testing and €40 for asymptomatic tests), or through free at-home testing kits provided by the HSE.", "popupTitle": "STI Screening", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317163134", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2268404052105595, 53.30839362604402 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "There are various drinking fountains across campus where you can easily refill your water bottle.", "popupTitle": "Drinking Fountains", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.21465079834216, 53.306310266248715 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD has multiple societies and clubs which centre different sports, physical activities, food and nutrition, and healthy activities. You can join these at any point during the year.", "popupTitle": "UCD Societies", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Colleagues are a group that was founded in 2021 to provide appointment-based non-judgemental and confidential support and information to employees who are feeling overwhelmed in any area or are struggling with their mental health.", "popupTitle": "Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Colleagues", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This page explains UCD’s menopause policy, setting out the commitments of the university in supporting those managing menopausal symptoms at work.", "popupTitle": "Menopause", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Student Advisors at UCD can help to counsel you through any personal issues that may crop up during your time at university. Each school has a dedicated student advisor that you can find through this page.", "popupTitle": "Student advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This page explains the variety of mental health supports available at UCD. The page includes information about access to learning programmes, temporary exam support and the student counselling service among others.", "popupTitle": "Mental Health Supports", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Healthy UCD is an on-campus strategy to promote the health and wellbeing of all staff and students, in collaboration with the government’s Healthy Ireland policy. You can read more about their ongoing efforts here.", "popupTitle": "Healthy UCD", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Niteline is a late-night peer support service run by students for students. They offer a listening ear and information to students every night of the week during term time between 9pm and 2:30am. All calls are on a confidential basis.", "popupTitle": "Niteline", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "1800793793", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UNICARE is a community approach to protecting the safety and wellbeing of all staff, students, and visitors to UCD. On this page you can find out more about campus security as well as accessing the 24/7 Walk Safe Service.", "popupTitle": "UNICARE", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167999", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var spiritualityFaith = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Chaplaincy welcomes all students who wish to explore, nurture, or celebrate faith and spirituality. It also offers mental health support to students.", "popupTitle": "UCD Chaplaincy", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.216879076910319, 53.30560947007556 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Newman Centre for the Study of Religions aims to provide a national and international forum for interdisciplinary research into religion and faith in all their aspects, with inclusivity towards different religious traditions, perspectives, and values.", "popupTitle": "Newman Centre for the Study of Religions", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221661974523856, 53.306108412424045 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Contemplation Room is located within St Stephen’s Chaplaincy Centre and offers a quiet space for individual reflection open to all students regardless of religious affiliation.", "popupTitle": "Contemplation Room", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2168576192386045, 53.305615881054976 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Church conducts regular services, both in-person and through livestream. Fr. Eamonn and Fr. Brendan are both available on request before and after all services to those who wish to connect.", "popupTitle": "Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Church", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2089229408551985, 53.30751432527559 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "As part of the UCD Islamic Society the Islamic Prayer Room offers a quiet space for Muslim students to convene in prayer throughout the day.", "popupTitle": "Muslim Islamic Prayer Room", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.2242179007792044, 53.31383022016634 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Multi Faith Prayer Room on Smurfit campus offers a quiet space for students of any faith to engage in quiet reflection and prayer throughout the day.", "popupTitle": "Multi faith Prayer Room Smurfit", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317168934", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.185523, 53.295142 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Islamic Centre of Ireland’s members belong to many different ethnic communities whose faith brings them together. The diversity of the congregation is also reflected in various different activities by the Centre and promotes pluralism within the community.", "popupTitle": "The Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35312080000", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.23344739410484, 53.30462130588971 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Islamic Society provides a platform where the Muslim student population can feel safe and represented. It also helps Muslim and Non-Muslim students to engage with each other and develop academically, spiritually and socially through hosting activities throughout the year.", "popupTitle": "Islamic Society", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Christian Union brings together people of all faiths and backgrounds who are interested in learning about and engaging with ideas about Christian scriptures and Jesus Christ. It hosts social events throughout the year that provide students opportunities to meet and socialise with each other.", "popupTitle": "Christian Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Newman Catholic Society encourages and supports Catholic belief on campus, promoting faith formation and an opportunity to meet others who are interested in learning about Catholicism. The society holds events throughout the year including prayer meetings, retreats and more.", "popupTitle": "Newman Catholic Society", "email": " ", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Livingstones Society is a group of Bible-believing students. They invite and encourage students of all backgrounds to join them, form friendships, and grow in their faith. It is open to Christians and non-Christians.", "popupTitle": "Livingstones Society", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "University Christian Outreach (UCO) is a Christian community of students that exists to spread the gospel and build community with many activities taking place on and off campus each year.", "popupTitle": "UCO Dublin", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Union of Jewish Students is a group that aims to be the voice of Jewish students in Ireland. Events like Friday night dinners are open to both Jewish and non-Jewish students. J-Soc is based at Trinity but open to all students in Dublin.", "popupTitle": "Dublin JSoc", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var Safety = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Safety, Insurance, Operational Risk and Compliance (SIRC) Office advises the university on matters concerning health and safety. They also manage the university’s insurance programme and claims. SIRC also provides a range of safety training courses.", "popupTitle": "SIRC Office", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317168771", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.220110878226537, 53.30268394161557 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Students’ Union are your on-campus representatives who also provide educational, welfare, and safety supports. The Union also operates a Campus Watch programme in collaboration with An Garda Síochána to keep all people on UCD campus safe.", "popupTitle": "UCD Students' Union", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226650530344415, 53.30855901488843 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Part of the UCD Strategy 2020-24: Rising to the Future, University for All is an evidence-based approach to inclusion in the university, ensuring that all students feel welcome, belong, and are valued as well as retaining a diverse student population.", "popupTitle": "University for All", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223920, 53.306203 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Desk is students' hub or any administrative related matters. Students can consult over issues regarding payment, grants, loans, official documents, grades, scheduling and module information including substitutions. Many student desk resources and services can be accessed virtually via their website.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221259982810688, 53.30697353307791 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Students with a disability or significant ongoing illness can receive reasonable accommodations or supports from the university after they provide relevant documentation and attend a Needs Assessment meeting with Access and Lifelong Learning. Each year you are registered with UCD, these supports will roll over.", "popupTitle": "Access and Lifelong Learning", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222938162908253, 53.30692315355144 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UNICARE is a community approach to protecting the safety of all staff, students, and visitors to UCD. They provide a 24/7 Walk Safe Service for all visitors to UCD campus.", "popupTitle": "UNICARE", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167999", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.215144324791588, 53.306342320610014 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Dignity and Respect hub was created to bring together information, guidance, and support regarding UCD’s commitment to supporting an inclusive and respectful environment. Here you can report any instances of bullying, harassment or discrimination to trained support staff.", "popupTitle": "Dignity & Respect", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167716", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222705701508639, 53.30711603369555 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Donnybrook Garda Station is the closest Garda Station to the Belfied campus and Gardaí are trained and experienced in working with and supporting victims of crime who wish to disclose. They also provide Garda Vetting services for employment. Emergency Line: 999/112", "popupTitle": "Donnybrook Garda Station", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35316669200", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.235884445686897, 53.32189198595881 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "An Garda Siochana provides confidential walk-in clinics Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 1-2 p.m. in Meeting Room 3 in the UCD Village. They are available for general policing information, reporting a crime or stamping forms like passport and PSC applications. The Gardai also run the Campuswatch programme collaboratively with the Student's Union. Emergency Line: 999/112. Garda Confidential Line: 1800 666 111..", "popupTitle": "An Garda Siochana walk-in clinics", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "1800666111", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.218957722940758, 53.303634486706805 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Emergency Line: 999/112. Garda Confidential Line: 1800 666 111. Campus Watch is developed in collaboration with An Garda Síochána, Ireland’s police service. Like a neighbourhood watch, it’s a crime prevention and community safety programme for UCD campus working in partnership with the Gardaí and campus occupants to improve on-campus safety and peace of mind.", "popupTitle": "An Garda Siochána Campus Watch", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "1800666111", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UNICARE is a community approach to protecting the safety of all staff, students, and visitors to UCD. On this page you can find out more about UCD campus security as well as accessing the 24/7 Walk Safe Service.", "popupTitle": "UNICARE", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167999", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Here you can learn about UCD’s mediation services for resolving conflict in interpersonal differences when working together or repairing the breakdown of a working relationship. Both students and staff can request mediation on this page.", "popupTitle": "Mediation", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Report and Support is a service for students, employees and visitors to UCD to anonymously disclose any bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct they experience at UCD. The UCD Dignity and Respect Service is a dedicated service to support and advise those reporting.", "popupTitle": "Report and Support", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167716", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Grievance Policy is a document that explains the complaint process at UCD for employees. Causes for grievance include complaints employees have regarding their terms and conditions of employment, working environment or working relationships.", "popupTitle": "Grievance Policy for employees", "email": "", "website": "!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=GD-DOCLAND&ID=40", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Walk Safe Service is designed to assist people at UCD by providing walking escort services from one area of the campus to another. Members of UCD Campus Security provide this service, and it is available 24/7 through the campus services number.", "popupTitle": "Walk Safe Service", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167999", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var FinancialEquity = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Desk is students' hub or any administrative related matters. Students can consult over issues regarding payment, grants, loans, official documents, grades, scheduling and module information including substitutions. Many student desk resources and services can be accessed virtually via their website.", "popupTitle": "UCD Student Desk", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221259982810688, 53.30697353307791 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Bikes is one of Dublin’s longest established bike shops and stocks a huge selection of refurbished second-hand bicycles at a lower cost. Phone: 085-2653922", "popupTitle": "UCD Bikes", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+353852653922", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.216274149925366, 53.30703286622897 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Free period products are available in a variety of bathrooms and spaces across the Belfield and Smurfit campuses. Phone: +353 1 716 7000", "popupTitle": "Free Period Products", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.215058494104708, 53.306342320610014 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The HSE has installed dispensers which provide condoms free of charge in six areas across the Belfield campus, including the Newman Building, Science Hub, and Quinn, among others.", "popupTitle": "Free Condoms", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.219916601508805, 53.30475205029776 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Condoms and lube are available for free at the SU help desk. If you are in need of STI testing on campus, the UCD Health Services provides testing on campus for a fee.", "popupTitle": "Free Sexual Health Products", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221080588016236, 53.306957298822134 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Student Assistance Fund, located on Level 1 of the James Joyce Library, provides financial support to students who are in significant financial difficulty and whose participation in college would be at risk without such help. It helps with the day-to-day costs associated with university and supports a number of student finance initiatives.", "popupTitle": "Student Assistance Fund", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223044, 53.306837 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The HR Helpdesk is the primary point of contact for all employment-related queries by email and telephone. They can help with questions about employee benefits, terms & conditions and HR policies and procedures.", "popupTitle": "Human Resources", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317164900", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.221296476375181, 53.30157943187694 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Employee Assistance Service is a 24/7 free and confidential support service designed to assist with any personal or work-related problems faced by UCD employees. The service can be used by employees, their spouse, civil partner and dependents over 18 residing in the family home.", "popupTitle": "Employee Assistance Service", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.220618, 53.301462 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Laptop Scheme is available to those who need a laptop for their studies but can’t afford to finance it. This is a long-term loan scheme where students borrow a laptop for the duration of their studies.", "popupTitle": "Laptop Scheme", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222727159180353, 53.30719296267048 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD IT Services provide all central IT support for staff and students. Students can avail of special offers on computers and software here.", "popupTitle": "IT Services", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.22443253643276, 53.30965505268956 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "With a team of experienced career and skills consultants, UCD Careers Services can advise you on how best to move into the world of work once you’ve completed your degree. They have a variety of jobs and internships as well as information on CVs and interview preparation.", "popupTitle": "Career Services", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167574", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.222723090402625, 53.30735686200601 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Student's Union Shops provide the best value hot and cold meals, treats, drinks, coffee, stationery, lab coats, and other necessities on campus. The shops have meal deals and monthly deals, as well as other savings. Money spent at UCDSU Shops goes back into UCD Students’ Union.", "popupTitle": "UCDSU Shops: Library Shop", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226859, 53.308242 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Student's Union Shops provide the best value hot and cold meals, treats, drinks, coffee, stationery, lab coats, and other necessities on campus. The shops have meal deals and monthly deals, as well as other savings. Money spent at UCDSU Shops goes back into UCD Students’ Union.", "popupTitle": "UCDSU Shops: Sports Shop", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.22746635006351, 53.30908081407785 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Great Donate is a yearly initiative organised by UCDSU where students can donate kitchenware and other essentials to students in need. Donations are collected in January and May. Exact dates of the event vary but details will be posted on @ucdsu Instagram in advance.", "popupTitle": "UCDSU Great Donate", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.226446682463129, 53.30850132001626 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Cinema offers subsidised ticket prices to students as well as weekly free screenings for members of the film society.", "popupTitle": "UCD Cinema", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317163810", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.227855004871809, 53.30841930122344 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "There are a number of special deals and agreements available to allow students to purchase software at greatly reduced prices including Adobe products and many more. Access through UCD IT Services.", "popupTitle": "Digital Softwares", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.224818774523616, 53.30960376967917 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "Student gym memberships entitles current students to free access to UCD Sport & Fitness Gym as well as the performance gym. Students can also access the pool on a pay-as-you-go basis or a once-off annual charge.", "popupTitle": "Gym and swimming pool ", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+3531716 3800", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.227670830344371, 53.30836613208197 ] } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This page details the number of financial supports that are available to students at UCD, including scholarships.", "popupTitle": "Financial support (Access & Lifelong Learning)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This page offers money management tips to students at UCD. There is a breakdown of student-related costs provided so that you can plan ahead financially. Additionally, spending diaries and budget spreadsheets are available to those interested.", "popupTitle": "Money Management and Learning (Access & Lifelong Learning)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "This page offers financial advice to students at UCD. There is a list of financial supports, student discounts and a financial planning checklist.", "popupTitle": "Financial support (Student Advisers)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Here you can find information on the scholarships available to current and prospective undergraduate and postgraduate students at UCD.", "popupTitle": "Scholarships", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "On this page you can access information about the range of partial and full scholarships available to you as an international student at UCD. You can apply for these scholarships after you’ve been offered a place on your chosen programme.", "popupTitle": "Global Scholarships", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Here you can find available part-time jobs for students advertised by the Students Union. The listings are regularly updated with a wide variety of opportunities.", "popupTitle": "UCDSU Job Listings", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Accommodation Pad is a website that helps students find off-campus housing. You can filter by area and price among other things. Accommodation provided is often 'digs' style arrangements which can be more accessible but restrictive depending on your needs.", "popupTitle": "Accommodation Pad", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Here you can find how to get STI testing at UCD. Screening is available both on-campus and by ordering a free home screening from the HSE. There is also a sexual health service available 24/7.", "popupTitle": "Free At Home STI Test Kit", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "On this website you can apply online for the Student Leap Card which entitles you to 50% off public transport fares. After applying online you should bring student ID and proof of age ID to your nearest Student Leap Card agent.", "popupTitle": "Young Adult and Student Leap Card", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Here you can apply for the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) which acts as an international form of student ID. With the card you can access a range of discounts and download a virtual ID.", "popupTitle": "International Student Identity Card", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD has multiple societies and clubs which centre different interests and activities. Many host regular, free events to engage students from varying financial backgrounds. You can join these at any point during the year. Membership normally costs 2 euro for the whole year.", "popupTitle": "UCD Societies", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Student Advisers can help with personal issues and provide support when it comes to UCD policies, procedures and services. Every academic programme in UCD has its own Student Adviser who can offer time and space to explore issues of concern in confidence.", "popupTitle": "Student Advisers", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD Student Legal Service is a dynamic society with an aim to provide free legal information to UCD students.", "popupTitle": "Student Legal Service", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] }; var sensory = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "UCD Neurodiversity group is a working group founded in 2021 to better understand UCD’s relationship to neurodiversity and to make recommendations and progress actions that aim to make UCD an equitable, supportive and neurodiverse-friendly environment for all that study and work there.", "popupTitle": "Neurodiversity Group", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "virtual", "properties": { "popupContent": "Every March, Neurodiversity Celebration week is held to improve awareness of neurodiversity in UCD. Neurodivergent speakers share their experiences of working in their chosen industries and share the challenges and barriers they have faced, as well as the advantages of being neurodivergent.", "popupTitle": "Neurodiversity Celebration Week", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "", } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The UCD James Joyce Library Hub offers a quiet space on level two which aims to provide low-level stimulation for neurodivergent people.There are also sensory rooms on level 3 which were designed alongside students with sensory needs. Additionally, there are quiet study rooms with dim lighting available.", "popupTitle": "Sensory/Quiet: JJ Library", "email": " ", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167583", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223315, 53.306510 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "The Chess Garden is one of the four main areas of UCD’s Accessible sensory trail. This is a campus-wide project which utilises existing natural beauty to create walkways, forests and quiet areas accessible for all. Locations will be mapped out and signposted for all users.", "popupTitle": "The Chess Garden (Accessible sensory trail)", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "", "telephone": "+35317167123", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.223092018703032, 53.30773399637324 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "popupContent": "", "popupTitle": "", "email": "", "website": "", "instagram": "", "twitter": "", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] } } ] };