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Clarissa Frascadore

Clarissa Frascadore

  • School: School of Art History and Cultural Policy
  • Supervisor: Dr Róisín Kennedy

The Anthropology of the Modern Artist: A Study of Piet Mondrian’s Reception

My research explores the reception history of Dutch artist Piet Mondrian, with a particular focus on the contrasting depictions of his personality and artistic identity in biographical sources. While some of his contemporaries portrayed him as a withdrawn and solitary figure, others emphasized his sociability and active participation in dance and nightlife. By analysing artistic critiques, personal recollections, and unpublished archival materials, my study traces the construction and evolution of Mondrian’s dual image as both a “hermit-genius” and a “bon vivant.“ Through this case study, I aim to reflect on the role and significance of biography as a methodological approach in the study of Modern artists.

Contact details:
Email: (opens in a new window)clarissa.frascadore@ucdconnect.ie
LinkedIn: (opens in a new window)https://www.linkedin.com/in/clarissa-frascadore/

UCD Humanities Institute

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4690 | E: humanities@ucd.ie |