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Promotion to Senior Technical Officer

Page updated 8th July 2024

This section sets out the procedures for promotion from the grade of Technical Officer to Senior Technical Officer. Below you will find information on eligibility and promotional criteria as well as details of the application process.


The policy provides details of the promotional process, eligibility criteria and Committee structure. This section contains a summary of a UCD policy, however, in all cases the Policy remains the definitive source of information on the topic.

Read the Policy for Promotion to Senior Technical Officer now.

Eligibility & promotional criteria

Eligibility criteria for Application for Promotion to Senior Technical Officer

  • Candidates must be at the top of the Technical Officer pay scale
  • Have at least 5 years experience at Technical Officer grade
  • Hold a N.C.E.A. Diploma or equivalent (for individuals who commenced in UCD pre November 2006) OR
  • Hold a Masters Degree (for individuals who commenced in UCD post November 2006)

Criteria for Promotion to Senior Technical Officer

Promotion to Senior Technical Officer is based on assessment against the criteria outlined in the Technical Staff Development Framework as follows:

  • Academic achievement as demonstrated by the award of a Masters Degree equivalent (post November 2006) or N.C.E.A. Diploma or equivalent (pre November 2006) or its recognised equivalent;
  • Have at least 5 years experience at Technical Officer grade
  • Evidence, as appropriate to the discipline, of:
    • Technical Skills
    • Health and Safety
    • Management and Planning
    • Interpersonal Skills
    • Service Requirement
    • Innovation/Flexibility/Adaptability

Candidates should review the Technical Staff Development Framework and are encouraged to discuss potential applications with their Line Manager.

The promotional process

The promotional process can be broken into 3 broad phases: Application, Assessment and Notification of outcome.



  • The assessment of applications will be a rolling process and the Technical Staff Committee meets to review applications for promotion to Senior Technical Officer when an application is submitted. For meeting dates please contact (opens in a new window)promotions@ucd.ie 
  • In all cases, the Technical Staff Committee will consider your application documents including the Head of School/Unit’s commentary.
  • The relevant Head of School/Unit or nominee may be invited to the Technical Staff Committee meeting to answer questions that the Committee may have in relation to your application.


Following the Technical Staff Committee meeting:

  • The names of candidates recommended for promotion will be forwarded to the President for approval.
  • You will be advised of the outcome of your application for promotion by Promotions and Grading.


Prior to applying for promotion to Senior Technical Officer, candidates are advised to familiarise themselves with the Policy for Promotion to Senior Technical Officer and the assessment criteria which will form the basis of the application for promotion and particularly those set out in the Technical Staff Development Framework. Candidates should also discuss their intention to apply with their Head of School/Unit. If the outcome of the discussion is that the candidate is ready to apply for promotion, they should submit their application, by email, to (opens in a new window)Promotions@ucd.ie .

One potential outcome of the discussion is that the Head of School/Unit believes that the candidate  is not ready to apply for promotion. In this instance, the Head of School/Unit and candidate need to identify areas, together, for personal and professional development that will support later readiness for promotion, and put a development plan in place. A candidate may apply for promotion to Senior Technical Officer without agreement from their Head of School/Unit, however, the Head of School/Unit is still obliged to provide a commentary on the candidate’s application (see Section b of the application form).

Application Process

The application form requires candidates to self-assess their performance against the assessment criteria outlined in the Policy for Promotion to Senior Technical Officer. It is important that candidates include all relevant information on their application form as the Technical Staff Committee reviewing the applications will base their decision on the information provided. It is recommended that as part of the application process candidates review and discuss their self-evaluation with their Head of School/Unit to align on content.

Head of School/Unit Evaluation

The Policy for Promotion to Senior Technical Officer requires candidates to include a Head of School/Unit commentary as part of their application for promotion. The Head of School/Unit is required to comment on the candidate’s work and suitability/readiness in relation to the assessment criteria for promotion. In larger Schools, it is recognised that the Head of School/Unit may consult with the Head of Section most familiar with the work of the candidate. In such cases, following consultation, the Head of School/Unit will complete and sign off on the commentary.

During the Assessment Process

The Technical Staff Committee will review all applications on the information provided as outlined in the “Application Process”. An interview will not form part of the assessment process; however, Heads of School/Unit may be invited to the Technical Staff Committee meeting to answer questions that the Committee may have in relation to a particular application for promotion.

Accurate notes will be taken as part of the process that reflect the basis of the decision made, these notes will support the communication of the promotion decision and regardless of outcomes should be incorporated into the candidates ongoing development plan.

Post Application

Candidates will be provided with feedback on their application by the Technical Staff Committee. Candidates should work with their Head of School/Unit on a development plan that incorporates the feedback on areas where they require additional development and experience to be successful in future applications for promotion. A Development Framework for Technical Staff is available on the HR website to support this conversation.


Prior to applying for promotion to Senior Technical Officer, candidates are advised to discuss their intention to apply with their Head of School/Unit.

If the outcome of the discussion is that the candidate should apply for promotion then they should email a completed application form to Promotions.

If the outcome of the discussion is that the Head of School/Unit believes that the candidate is not ready to apply for promotion then they need to identify areas, together, for personal and professional development and put a plan in place to facilitate future readiness for promotion. A candidate may apply for promotion to Senior Technical Officer without agreement from their Head of School/Unit, but the Head of School/Unit is still obliged to provide a commentary as part of the application form.

Head of School/Unit Commentary

The Policy for Promotion to Senior Technical Officer requires that the Head of School/Unit provides a commentary, as part of the candidate’s application, on the candidate’s work in relation to the assessment criteria for promotion. In larger Schools it is recognised that the Head of School/Unit may consult with the Head of Section most familiar with the work of the candidate prior to completing the commentary.

During the Assessment Process

Heads of School/Unit may be invited to the Technical Staff Committee meeting to answer questions that the Committee may have in relation to individual applications for promotion. If a Head of School/Unit is required to attend they will be invited by HR Promotions, Grading and Reward on behalf of the Technical Staff Committee.

Post Application

The candidate will be advised of the outcome of their application for promotion from Technical Officer to Senior Technical Officer by the Technical Staff Committee. All candidates will be given written feedback by the Technical Staff Committee and should work with their Head of School/Unit on a development plan that accounts for the feedback on areas where they require additional development and experience to be successful in future applications for promotion.

A Development Framework for Technical Staff is available to support this conversation on the HR website.

In the interests of transparency, best practice and staff development, all candidates will be given written feedback on their application by the Chairperson, or nominee, and one other member of the Technical Staff Committee.

This feedback will be made available after you have been formally advised of the outcome of your application for promotion. Accurate notes will be taken as part of the process that reflect the basis of the decision made, these notes will support the communication of the promotion decision.

Name School / College
Professor Jeremy Simpson Principal, UCD College of Science, Chair
Dr Jessica Whelan UCD School of Chemical and Bioprocess  Engineering
Professor Frank Monahan UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science
Dr Jimmy Muldoon UCD School of Chemistry
Caroline McQuinn UCD HR

The Technical Staff Committee normally meets three times a year to consider applications for promotion from the grade of Technical Officer to Senior Technical Officer. Please note the closing date for the submission of applications is normally four weeks in advance of each meeting.

Please see below the specific closing and meeting dates for the current year.

*Dates of Technical Staff Committee  Meetings 2024 - 2025 Closing Date for Receipt of Applications to UCD HR Promotions & Grading
23rd September 2024 2nd September 2024
27th January 2025 7th January 2025
26th May 2025 6th May 2025

*Note: The meeting dates listed above are provisional and are subject to change.

Late applications are not accepted. Any applications received after a closing date are automatically included in the next Technical Staff Committee meeting available.

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