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Step 7: Implement

Step 7: Implement

Implementation will commence when the policy has been approved. Planning and preparation for implementation should start at the policy planning and drafting stage. Any major implementation issues, such as developing new processes or reviewing existing ones, along with training needs, should be resolved before the policy is approved. At the latest this should be done by the date the policy becomes effective.


  • Plan implementation from the very start of a policy development process. Make sure the plan identifies:
    • Changes to administrative processes and associated timelines that may require testing, training and communicating,
    • Systems that may set limits to implementation or need changes,
    • Any new and existing resources needed for policy implementation,
    • Measures for monitoring policy implementation,
    • Who is responsible for oversight of implementation, and
    • Actions required to address all implementation issues, a timeline and who is responsible for each action.
  • Specify who is responsible for overseeing implementation.
  • Discuss implementation with all areas, including committees, with a role in implementing the policy to agree a timeline for all required activities.
  • Assign responsibility for each activity.
  • Establish a log for issues that arise during implementation to inform future reviews of policy


  • Implementation Plan
  • Issues log
  • Measures for monitoring policy implementation

Step by Step Policy Guide

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T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie