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Step 5: Submit for Approval

Step 5: Submit for Approval

Policy approval follows agreed approval steps which must be established at the outset of policy development or review. Sometimes a number of committees must be consulted on a draft policy before final approval.


  • Make sure appropriate consultation has been completed before submitting the policy for approval.
  • Submit final draft of the policy for formal approval to the relevant Committee. These include the Governing Authority, Academic Council (and Academic Council Executive Committee) and University Management Team.
  • Accompany the policy with a report providing the background information needed for an informed decision on the policy. 
  • The policy must be resubmitted for approval in cases where the Approval Body:
    • Recommends amendments,
    • Requires clarification, or
    • Requires a further review, if they determine that the necessary steps for policy development have not been taken


  • Final Approved Policy

Step by Step Policy Guide

Contact the UCD University Secretariat

Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie