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Step 4: Consult

Step 4: Consult

Consultation takes place when drafting a policy. It is a feedback process in which stakeholders review the draft policy, negotiate policy issues and/or actively engage in resolving implementation issues. Consultation can support successful communication. A new policy or amendments to a policy will not come as a surprise to stakeholders, if they are consulted during the development.

Policy consultation has two aspects:

  • Consultation of stakeholder groups and other interested parties during the development or review of policy, and
  • Formal consultation of university committees.

Consultation helps identify gaps, test policy principles, identify implementation issues and test the usability and language of a policy. You can, for example:

  • Establish a policy development working group with key stakeholders
  • Consult a key group of experts as a policy advisory group at different stages of drafting
  • Interview policy experts
  • Organise focus groups to resolve specific policy issues or implementation issues
  • Organise a policy workshop for key groups to discuss policy principles, review draft policy or resolve implementation issues
  • Consult key groups as part of regular communication to these groups or as part of regular meeting(s) with these groups
  • Consult university wide or with specific groups in the form of a survey
  • Send tailored emails
  • Provide online material, such as an open consultation on a website or forum or open feedback forms


  • Make the draft policy available for formal consultation with the relevant approval body and any other University Committee with responsibility over implementation of the policy. To determine the requirements for formal consultation and endorsement specific to your policy read Policy Approval Bodies. You can also look into the approval of other policies in the same area as examples.
  • Consider all constructive feedback and where deemed necessary or useful, incorporate in the policy.


  • Draft Policy Version 2 and subsequent versions

Step by Step Policy Guide

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T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie