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Step 1: Identify need and Submit Proposal

Questions To Consider Before Developing a New Policy

  • Does a pre-existing Policy, Regulation, or Statute address the issue?
  • Could a pre-existing Policy, Regulation, or Statute be amended to address the issue?
  • Would the issue be better addressed as a different type of regulatory instrument (e.g. a Procedure)?
  • Would the policy apply to the University as a whole?

If the first three answers are No and the fourth answer is Yes, then you should proceed with developing a new policy.



  • The Approval Body will either approve the proposal to develop a new policy/review a pre-existing policy, or decline the proposal, outlining the rationale for the decision

Step by Step Policy Guide

Contact the UCD University Secretariat

Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie