Partnership Approvals

Exchange and Study Abroad Partners

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Approvals for Student Mobility Agreements

The approval process for Student Mobility Agreements is in place to ensure that UCD is partnering with the appropriate universities, ensuring complementary academic arrangements for our UCD students.

    • 4: Endorsement and Agreement Progression

      The UCD Global Partnerships team will  coordinate with the proposer to determine the appropriate agreement template. The Global Partnerships team will then draft the agreement with the partner university. The University provides templates for such agreements, and assistance in developing them is available from the UCD Global Partnerships team. For further information for staff, please see the New Mobility Partnership Proposal Forms Infographic or complete the UCD Partnership Request Form.


Exchange (Mobility) Agreements

Student exchanges are generally proposed to ensure that there is enough high quality, appropriate exchange options for UCD students in order to partake in a semester/year overseas/outbound mobility. These places are essential for some UCD academic programmes that involve language modules or have an in-built overseas studies element to their studies.

Study Abroad Agreements

Study abroad agreements are drafted to respond to a need for UCD to host a cohort of students from a partner university or third-party provider for a semester or year in UCD. These types of partnerships do not lead to a UCD award and they are managed by UCD Global in collaboration with exchange co-ordinators and study abroad officers in the Colleges.

Before you Start!

Before embarking on the approvals process it is important to check if UCD has an existing partnership with the University via Rowan (UCD’s Global Partnership database).

For initial guidance on mobility agreements and study abroad agreements please email  for more information and the associated approvals process.

Contact Global Partnerships

As Ireland’s Global University, UCD seeks to develop and support partnerships with other institutions, governments and research agencies around the world. It does so in support of its Global Engagement Strategy and to underpin the fundamentally collaborative nature of the university’s core missions in teaching and learning, and research and discovery. UCD Global plays a key role in supporting UCD’s global relations and partnerships, working collaboratively with the University’s senior management, Colleges and Schools to develop strategic international relationships and networks for the long term.

The UCD Global partnerships team supports the development of bilateral and multilateral partnerships, securing external funding where possible. For a list of our current university partners, please search our directory here.

Please email if you are interested in exploring a global partnership.

