Partnership Approvals

Collaborative Programmes

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Approval for Collaborative Programmes

If any element of a partnership programme that counts towards a UCD award, then is considered a collaborative programme. The approval of these partnerships may require academic approval outside of UCD Global’s remit. For advice on academic approval, please refer to the information provided by the Registry Curriculum Team. The approvals process for collaborative partnerships ensures that the standards and quality of the partnership programme are equivalent to that of standard (non-partnership) University provision. The University must consider the level and content of programmes, appropriateness of assessment, and the student experience (including facilities and student support) when developing and accrediting shared provision. For a list of collaborative awards, please see the University Secretariat’s site here.

Additionally, where a programme of study is offered through the partnership, the following principles will apply:

  1. Demonstrate financial viability and sustainability defined in an appropriate business plan.
  2. Deliver the comparable quality of the student learning experience with equivalent student support arrangements.
  3. Ensure that all elements contributing to a University College Dublin award are normally delivered and assessed in English unless that element is a non-English course.
  4. Be compliant with all relevant criteria of TrustEd Ireland (also known as the International Education Mark, “IEM”).

Contact Global Partnerships

As Ireland’s Global University, UCD seeks to develop and support partnerships with other institutions, governments and research agencies around the world. It does so in support of its Global Engagement Strategy and to underpin the fundamentally collaborative nature of the university’s core missions in teaching and learning, and research and discovery. UCD Global plays a key role in supporting UCD’s global relations and partnerships, working collaboratively with the University’s senior management, Colleges and Schools to develop strategic international relationships and networks for the long term.

The UCD Global partnerships team supports the development of bilateral and multilateral partnerships, securing external funding where possible. For a list of our current university partners, please search our directory here.

Please email if you are interested in exploring a global partnership.

