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Flow Cytometry Core

Assoc. Prof Alfonso Blanco ((opens in a new window)alfonso.blanco@ucd.ie) directs the UCD Conway Flow Cytometry Core, which uses this incredibly efficient technique for counting and examining the physical and biological characteristics of cells and particles. The technique has many applications in humans, animals, plants and microorganisms. What really differentiates our service is the expertise of our team in assisting with the analysis of complex results for our clients and research partners. Further information here


A benchtop analyzer for every application

Isolating and analyzing blood or cultured cells, bacteria, algae, yeasts, microparticles and even nanoparticles like extracellular vesicles pose no challenge for this compact but powerful cytometer in any of its configurations.

CytoFLEX Platform flow cytometers demonstrates outstanding sensitivity and reproducibility with six excitation wavelengths  (375 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561nm, 638 nm, 808 nm), able to collect 21 fluorescent markers. The CytoFLEX LX is equiped with a 96 well plate loader station.

The only cytometer on the market with the ability to reliably detect 80 nm polystyrene beads, the CytoFLEX is a trustworthy partner in your extracellular vesicle and other small particle research.

Contact: (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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A benchtop analyzer for every application. Isolating and analyzing blood or cultured cells, bacteria, algae, yeasts, microparticles and even nanoparticles like extracellular vesicles pose no challenge for this compact but powerful cytometer in any of its configurations.

CytoFLEX Platform flow cytometers demonstrates outstanding sensitivity and reproducibility with six excitation wavelengths (355 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561nm, 638 nm, 808 nm), able to collect 21 fluorescent markers. It includes repositionable bandpass filters, 405/10, 405/30, 450/45 (2), 525/40 (3), 585/42, 610/20 (3), 660/10 (2), 675/30 (2), 690/50, 710/50, 712/25, 763/43 (3), 840/20, 885/40. The CytoFLEX LX is equipped with a 96 well plate loader station.

The only cytometer on the market with the ability to reliably detect 80 nm polystyrene beads, the CytoFLEX is a trustworthy partner in your extracellular vesicle and other small particle research.

Contact (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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Cytoflex S flow cytometer


A benchtop analyzer for every application

Isolating and analyzing blood or cultured cells, bacteria, algae, yeasts, microparticles and even nanoparticles like extracellular vesicles pose no challenge for this compact but powerful cytometer in any of its configurations. CytoFLEX Platform flow cytometers demonstrates outstanding sensitivity and reproducibility with four excitation wavelengths  (405 nm, 488 nm, 561nm, 638 nm), able to collect 13 fluorescent markers. The CytoFLEX S is equiped with a 96 well plate loader station. The only cytometer on the market with the ability to reliably detect 80 nm polystyrene beads, the CytoFLEX is a trustworthy partner in your extracellular vesicle and other small particle research.

Contact: (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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Cytoflex SRT cell sorter


CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter is a benchtop sorter.

It is capable of meeting requirements for a wide range of sorting needs. And like the CytoFLEX Platform, it includes innovative technologies that simplify the setup and operation, empowering investigators to focus on the research questions. CytoFLEX Platform flow cytometers demonstrates outstanding sensitivity and reproducibility with six excitation wavelengths (405 nm, 488 nm, 561nm, 638 nm), able to collect 13 fluorescent markers. It includes repositionable bandpass filters, 450/45, 525/40 (2), 585/42, 610/20 (2), 660/10 (2), 690/50 (2), 712/25, 780/60 (2).

It is capable of complex sort logic with different combinations of sort settings on each of four streams, including the ability to catch aborts of one of the other streams. The unit is installed in a Biosafety Cabinet including aerosol evacuation. Capable of complex sort logic, including 4-way sorting, Mixed Mode sorting, and the ability to catch aborts and preserve precious cells.

Setup is smart and simplified, using automation to establish and maintain the sort stream.

Contact: (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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FACSAria IIIu Cell Sorter

FACSAria IIIu Cell Sorter

This high-speed cell sorter (40,000 events/second) has 4 lasers: 488nm (blue), 561nm (green), 633nm (red) and 407nm (violet) for detection of FSC, SSC and up to 10 fluorescent parameters. It is able to sort 4 populations of cells at the same time and perform single cell cloning in well plate platforms with a 100% purity level and 95% viability.

Contact: (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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Incucyte S3 analyzer

Incucyte S3

See What Your Cells Are Doing and When They Do It. Derive deeper and more physiologically relevant information about your cells – plus real-time kinetic data.

The Incucyte® automatically acquires and analyzes images around the clock, providing an information-rich analysis that is easy to achieve.

Change can happen in an instant.  Whether simply assaying cell health or more complex processes like migration, invasion, or immune cell killing, see what happened and when—without ever removing your cells from the incubator.

Contact: (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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Luminex MAGPIX analyzer

Luminex MAGPIX

This compact multiplexing unit performs up to 50 different tests in a single reaction volume and reads a 96-well plate in just 60 minutes. MAGPIX® features self-cleaning routines and magnetic bead compatibility (with MagPlex® beads), making the instrument easy to learn and easy-to-use.

The MAGPIX System features an innovative design based on imaging technology that allows for a more compact, robust system. It’s also easy to operate and maintain with streamlined start-up and shutdown protocols and easy-to-perform preventative maintenance. MAGPIX is supported by a broad menu of commercially available assay kits, as well as reagents to build your own assays.

Contact: (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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NanoSight NS300 nanoparticle characterization

NanoSight NS300

The Malvern Panalytical NanoSight NS300 Instrument provides an easy-to-use, reproducible platform for nanoparticle characterization.

The NS300 allows rapid analysis of the size distribution and concentration of all types of nanoparticles from 0.01 - 1 µm* in diameter, depending on the instrument configuration and sample type.

It has a 488nm laser and the possibility to use a Green filter, so fluorescent labels can be analyzed. Sample temperature is fully programmable through the Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) software.

Contact: (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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Seahorse Pro Analyzer

Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer

Agilent Seahorse XF Pro Analyzers measure the oxygen consumption (OCR) and extracellular acidification rate (ECAR/PER) of live cells in a 96-well format. The XF Pro Analyzer features better OCR precision at low rates, verified instrument performance and repeatability specifications, optimized temperature control, and is automation enabled.

OCR and ECAR or PER are key indicators of mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis as well as ATP production rate. Together, these measurements provide a systems-level view of cellular metabolic function in cultured cells and ex vivo samples.

Contact: (opens in a new window)Alfonso Blanco

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