A new UCD EDI Neurodiversity Subgroup is being established to oversee the development and implementation of an action plan based on recommendations from the recently published research report, Making UCD a Neurodiversity Friendly Campus Research Report. The action plan will be prepared for submission to UMT for approval. This group will be responsible for the following:
- Translate report recommendations into a three-year action plan
- Engagement with key stakeholders and action owners
- Research best practice nationally and internationally to inform actions relating to neurodiversity in the university sector
- Prioritisation of actions to be delivered
- Oversee the implementation of the action plan.
Expressions of interest from colleagues to become members of the group are currently being sought. It is essential that this group consists of individuals who will bring different perspectives as well as lived experiences, skills and expertise to guarantee that the work of the group aligns with the objectives set out.
Please ensure that you discuss participation on this group with your line manager in advance of submitting an expression of interest due to the time commitment involved in being on a sub-group including attending meetings and supporting the implementation of initiatives
Completed expression of interest forms and any queries should be sent to: edi@ucd.ie by 11 October, 5pm with Neurodiversity Sub-Group as the subject text.
You are advised to read the following documents: