As an interdisciplinary project – namely one that combines issues relating to environmental law with socio-economic methodologies – it seems fitting that the Effective Nature Laws team presented their work at the Geary Institute for Public Policy’s seminar series this Tuesday, 27thof April. The presentation outlined our projected plans for the Effective Nature Laws project over the coming years. In particular we focussed on the fields of study covered, theoretical perspectives considered and methodologies envisioned.

The project is located at the intersection between the law and economics, socio-legal and governance/regulatory literatures, and brings together multiple methods from these fields to test its hypotheses. The Geary Institute is Ireland’s leading economic and social research establishment and so feedback from its expert staff proved invaluable for us. Specifically, they offered insights into better improving our leximetric, surveying, interviewing and experimental economic techniques during the course of the project. For this, we are grateful!

Dr. Geraldine Murphy