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School Seminars

Our seminars have moved to E0.61 Science Centre and take place each Wednesday at 1pm. If you wish to attend via zoom please email (opens in a new window)ucdsesseminars@ucd.ie for a link (updated 13.09.2023)


  • 30th April: Kaja Fenn (University of Liverpool) 'Earth’s Fine Print: From loess geochemistry to atmospheric transport pathways'
  • 23rd April: Renée Tamblyn (University of Bern) 'In situ Lu-Hf LA-ICP-MS/MS geochronology: applications and outlook'
  • 16th April: Derya Gürer (Heidelberg University) 'Carbonate Veins in Basalts: Tracing the Timing and Conditions of LIP Emplacement and Carbonation'
  • 9th April: Michelle Harris (University of Plymouth) 'Using hyperspectral core scanning to investigate seafloor hydrothermal systems'
  • 2nd April: PhD Talks (Oceans and Earth Systems Theme) Georgia Ballabio (UCD & iCRAG); Phoebe Walsh (UCD & iCRAG)
  • 26th March: Mark Bentley (Heriot Watt University & Langdale Geoscience) Title TBC: CCS and Reservoir Modelling
  • 5th March: James Hickey (University of Exeter) 'Volcano deformation: a magma-mush perspective'
  • 26th February: Uisdean Nicholson (Heriot Watt University) 'Into the Nadir: seismic evidence for a new K-Pg aged impact crater'
  • 19th February: Vincent Roche (UCD & iCRAG) 'Structural controls of natural and induced seismicity'
  • 12th February: PhD Talks Geophysics Theme (UCD); Bernard Owusu (DIAS & UCD) 'Determining temperature beneath Krafla using geophysical-petrological modeling'; Prithwijit Chakraborti (UCD & iCRAG) 'Improved subsurface characterization through geophysical modelling with integrated drill hole and physical property constraints for mineral exploration'
  • 5th February: Audrey Morley (University of Galway Paleoceanography) 'A solution for constraining past marine Polar Amplification'
  • 29th January: Pablo Rodriguez Salgado (UCD Earth Sciences) 'The Fossil-Lagerstätte maar of Camp dels Ninots. Structural, stratigraphic and paleoclimatic implications'
  • 22nd January: Edith Kubik (Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth) 'Core–mantle isotopic fractionation in large terrestrial planets'


  • 4th December: Prof. Andrew Sweetman (Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)) 'Detection of novel oxygen production at the manganese nodule-covered aphotic abyssal seafloor'
  • 27th November: Dr Susanna Ebmeier (University of Leeds) 'Magmatic architecture and ascent rate from satellite measurements'
  • 20th November: Dr Duygu Kiyan (DIAS) 'The 3D electrical structure of the lithosphere beneath Ireland'
  • 13th November: Prof. Peter LaFemina (Alfred Wegener Institute, University of Bremen) 'Cascading Hazards in a Migrating Forearc-Arc System: Earthquake and Eruption Triggering in Nicaragua'
  • 6th November: UCD PhD Research Talks Tom Johnston 'Examining the deposits of the 2015 Volcan de Colima dome collapse'  Amy Myers 'Analogue modelling of lava dome growth following repose'
  • 30th October: Prof. Paul Dunlop (University of Ulster) 'The Role of Geological Minerals in Ireland’s Defective Concrete Scandal'
  • 23rd October: Dr. Pablo Rodriguez Salgado (iCRAG/UCD) 'Unravelling the Cenozoic Exhumation History of the Celtic Sea Basins: A Multidisciplinary Approach'
  • 16th October: Intel Theatre – Room H1.26: Dr. Carlos Corella Santa Cruz (UCD) 'Subduction cycling in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand' Dr. Oluwayemisi Olomo (iCRAG/UCD) 'The perceived need for Critical Raw Materials (CRMs)'
  • 9th October: Various SES staff (UCD) 'UCD School of Earth Science Facilities Showcase & Updates'
  • 2nd October: Catherine Crotty (Winsome Resources Ltd.) 'Exploring for Archaean lithium pegmatites in the Canadian Shield, Quebec'
  • 25th September: Dr Matthias Sinnaesal (Trinity College Dublin) 'Temporally calibrating the Cambrian first occurrence of trilobites using astrochronology'
  • 18th September: Prof. Cedric John (ECORD Distinguished Lecturer – Queen Mary University London) 'Drilling Down the Data: A Deep Learning Dive into IODP Cores'
  • 8th May bonus extra seminar: Dr Danny Hnatyshin (Geological Survey of Canada & ex-iCRAG member at UCD) 'Dating with Danny – Geochronology of Ore Deposits'
  • 24th April: Prof. Joe Licciardi (University of New Hampshire) 'Timing and patterns of glacier thinning and recession along the northern sector of the Iceland Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation'
  • 17th April: UCD PhD Student Talks Rioko Moscardini 'Temporal and spatial variation in depositional environment and its effect on reservoir quality in the Sherwood Sandstone Group, Northern Ireland'  Vincent Adongo 'A three-dimensional segmented fault zone model' Nanyu Wei 'Petrophysical characterization of the Zn -Pb mineralisation of the Lisheen deposit in Ireland'
  • 10th April: Dr Ana Jesus (University of Lisbon) 'Metal and sulfur sources of VMS deposits from the Samail Ophiolite, Oman'
  • 3rd April: UCD PhD Student Talks Thomas Austin 'Benchmarking a Distinct Element Method model of volcanic deformation' Mahdi Khoshlahjeh Azar 'Monitoring Irish Peatland Restoration with Satellite-based Synthetic Aperture Radar' La Donna Fredericks 'Geometry and nature of inversion structures in the Irish Orefield and their impact on mineral deposits and associated mineralization'
  • 27th March: George Reynolds (Metrics Consulting) 'Minerals are Semiconductors'
  • 6th March: Prof. Chris Greenwell (Durham University - MinSoc Distinguished Lecturer Series) 'Swelling, wettability alteration and applications of clay and other layered minerals'
  • 28th February: UCD PhD student talks Clara Crowell 'TOPDOWN: Examining the vertical expression of the last glaciation of Ireland' Kendra Ní Nualláin 'Volcanic dome collapse: exploring post-emplacement stability as a function of hydrothermal alteration' Nikita Turton 'Global weathering rates and sediment fluxes during early Cenozoic hothouse climates'
  • 21st February: Dr Thomas Belgrano (UCD Earth Sciences) 'Levering remote data to modernise geological maps of Earth’s largest ophiolite'
  • 14th February: Dr Seán Jordan (Dublin City University) 'From protocells to protosigns: Investigating the origin of life on Earth and potential existence of life elsewhere in our Solar System'
  • 7th February: Dr Marlène Villeneuve (Montanuniversität Leoben) 'Better Together: Linking Geology, Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics'
  • 31st January: Dr Bethan Davies (Newcastle University) 'Accelerated glacier volume loss on Juneau Icefield driven by hypsometry and melt-accelerating feedbacks'
  • 24th January:  Prof. Katrien van Landeghem (Bangor University) 'ECOWind- ACCELERATE: Ecological implications of accelerated seabed mobility around windfarms'


  • 6th December: UCD PhD student talks Rachel Healy; 'Conservation palaeobiology approaches to the assessment of environmental change; A case study from Galway Bay' Hannah Othen; 'Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the complexly faulted basin margins across the Irish Carboniferous' Victor Vincent; 'Phase transition of copper sulfides from hypogene to supergene conditions; Insights from the Lubambe Cu-Co deposit'
  • 29th November: Dr Daniel Palmowski (Terranta GmbH Germany) 'Geological Process Modelling. Applications to Mineral Systems and Hydrogen Exploration'
  • 22nd November: Adriana Lemgruber-Traby (IFP Energies nouvelles France) 'Overview and applications of multiphysics evolutive basin modelling'
  • 15th November: Dr Marc Alban-Millet (Cardiff University) 'Tracing crustal formation and evolution with titanium isotopes'
  • 8th November: Dr Anna Lim (AEGEO Norway) 'Exploring the deep ocean: discoveries at the nexus of tectonic, volcanic and hydrothermal activity'
  • 1st November: Dr Pete Rowley (University of Bristol) 'Shear madness - complexity in pyroclastic density current deposits'
  • 25th October: Dr Filipa Luz (Almina Mining Portugal) 'Iberian Pyrite Belt storytelling: from Roman times to the future with a backward stop at Devonian times'
  • 18th October: Prof. Katherine Joy (university of Manchester) 'TBC'
  • 11th October: Kieran Craven (Climate Change Advisory Council Ireland) 'Navigating Climate Change: Pathways to 2050'
  • 4th October: Dr Alexis Hrysiewicz (UCD, iCRAG) 'SAR and InSAR application on temperate raised peatlands'
  • 27th September: UCD PhD student talks Eleanor Dunn; 'Unrest and Dynamic Triggering on Sierra Negra Volcano, Galápagos' Elena Geiger; 'Spodumene pegmatite haloes: characterization, exploration vectoring and ore potential' Malena Martinez Cazorla: 'Unravelling the controls on high grade cobalt mineralization in the Central African Copperbelt'
  • 20th September: Dr Elliot Carter (Trinity College Dublin) 'There and back again: tracking mantle and subducted volatiles using halogens and trace elements'
  • 26th April: Prof. Stephen Hesselbo (University of Exeter) 'Towards an understanding of Early Jurassic Earth system and timescale: recent results from new and legacy cores'
  • 19th April: Dr Jeremy Ely (University of Sheffield) 'Can two wrongs make a right? Model-data comparison of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet'
  • 12th April: Dr Phil Renforth (Heriot-Watt University) 'Geochemical carbon dioxide removal – a new frontier in climate change mitigation'
  • 5th April: Dr Nicole Richter (RWTH Aachen University) 'A tale of penguins and volcanoes'
  • 29th March: Prof. Eleonora Rivalta (GFZ, Potsdam) 'Forecasting the pathway of dikes and eruptive fissure location by inversion of volcanic edifice stresses'
  • 8th March: Prof. Raúl Fonseca (Ruhr University Bochum) 'Experimental and Natural constraints on Ti isotope fractionation in the Earth and Moon'
  • 1st March: Dr Martin Schöpfer (University of Vienna) 'On the spacing of fold-related fractures'
  • 22nd February: Dr Jason Briner (University at Buffalo) 'Project GreenDrill: Site selection for cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating of the Greenland Ice Sheet bed'
  • 15th February: PhD Student Special! Three 15 minute talks lined up: Prithwijit Chakraborti: 'Mapping the 3D distribution of volcanic rocks in the Limerick Basin (Ireland) subsurface using petrophysics as a guide for regional geophysical data analysis and inverse geophysical modelling' Maurice Weber: 'Origin of high-frequency tremor on Mount Etna - investigating sources and mechanisms of tremor in high frequency ranges rarely looked at through large deployments of dense arrays of seismic stations in summit region' Regina Maass: 'Time lapse and virtual source seismic imagery at Krafla'
  • 8th February: Dr Bruce Misstear (Trinity College Dublin) 'Groundwater: making the invisible visible (a personal view)'
  • 1st February: Research Exchange Seminar, hosted by the NUI SEG Student Chapter. Students will give a 3 minute flash talk about their research with the intention of finding new areas of collaboration within the geoscience community.
  • 25th January: Conor Moynihan (Teck Resources Ltd.) 'Deep Zn Exploration in the Irish Midlands'


  • 15th December in person 12pm: Prof. Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho (University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Brazil) 'The APIOM3E Project: Active and Passive Imagery for Oil Monitoring in Mangroves and Marine Environments'
  • 30th November: Prof. Helen Williams (University of Cambridge) 'Hard rock and heavy metal: transition metal stable isotope tracers of mantle mineral heterogeneity'
  • 23rd November online (streamed in G01): Moritz Kirsch (HZDR, Freiberg) 'Hyperspectral Imaging of Outcrops'
  • 16th November: UCD School of Earth Sciences PhD Talks - Giorgia Ballabio 'Seawater Re-Os oscillations during the Early Jurassic' - Victoria Susin 'Insights into the Limerick Basin from geology- and petrophysics-guided reprocessing of 2D seismic data'
  • 9th November online (streamed in G01): Dr Anne-Laure Argentin (affiliated University of Michigan and University of Rennes) 'Modelling landslide dams and their impact on landscape evolution'
  • 2nd November online (streamed in G01): Dr Edgar Zorn (LMU, Munich) 'Using analogue sandbox models to constrain deformations, structures and stability of volcano flanks and lava domes'
  • 26th October: Dr Duygu Kiyan (DIAS) 'Magnetotelluric studies on hydrothermal systems in volcanic regions: an example from the Azores'
  • 19th October: Emer Caslin (iCRAG) 'Geoscience in Action: An Atlas for Advancing Sustainability in Geoscience'
  • 12th October: Dr Dave McCarthy (British Geological Survey) 'Geological disposal of radioactive waste, the role of a geological survey'
  • 5th October: Dr Stephen Gallagher (University of Melbourne) 'The Australian palaeomonsoon'
  • 28th September: Claire Geel (iCRAG) 'Pyrite geochemistry as a vector toward mineralization in Irish-type Zn-Pb deposits'
  • 21st September: Dr Nat Lifton (Purdue University) 'Exposing the potential for in situ cosmogenic 14C'
  • 27th April Online: Alumni Professor David Moecher (University of Kentucky, who is visiting TCD as Fulbright Ireland Scholar 2022) 'The Great Reach of the Hot, Giant, Long-Lived Grenville Orogen: Its Influence on the Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic Clastic Sedimentary Record of Laurentia and Amazonia'
  • 20th April Online: Dr Thomas Lamont (University of Bristol) 'Squeeze and trigger: compression followed by crustal relaxation as a cause of high-grade hypogene porphyry copper mineralization?'
  • 13th April Online: Prof Jenni Barclay (University of East Anglia) 'Unrest, eruptions and impacts: insights into volcanic behaviour from the historical and recent eruptions of La Soufriere, St Vincent'
  • 6th April Online: Dr Alexandra Costanzo (NUI Galway) 'Fluid Inclusion studies and their applications'
  • 30th March Online: Dr Jim Hendry (Iapetus Geoscience Limited) 'Origin, significance and implications of fault- and fracture-related dolomitization in Lower Carboniferous limestones on the Isle of Man and the NE margin of the Dublin Basin'
  • 23rd March Online: Dr Kathryn Goodenough (British Geological Survey) 'Critical Raw Materials for the Energy Transition'
  • 1st March Online: Dr Gael Lymer (UCD) '3D Jurassic development of the Porcupine Basin offshore West of Ireland'
  • 23rd February Online: Dr Kier Nichols (Imperial College London) 'Investigating the long-term history of Thwaites Glacier with a subglacial bedrock core'
  • 16th February Online: Dr Quentin Crowley (Trinity College Dublin) 'Radon, Geoscience and Public Health'
  • 9th February Online - cancelled: Dr Alice-Agnes Gabriel (University of Munich) 'Supercomputing of large earthquakes'
  • 24th January Online: Dr Roberto Rizzo (University of Edinburgh) 'Advanced Image Analysis for the interpretation of (micro)structural data'
  • 19th January Online: Prof. Eun-Jung Holden (University of Western Australia) 'Geological Knowledge Discovery using Machine Augmented Intelligence'


  • 1st December Online: UCD School of Earth Sciences PhD Talks - 'Getting the measure of holes in the ground: digital mapping and morphometric characterisation of karst depressions and collapse calderas' Rob Watson and 'The role of fractures in influencing dome stability at volcanoes' Amy Myers
  • 14th November Online: Dr John Murray (NUI Galway) 'The History of Life project'
  • 10th November Online: Dr Zhou Zhang (Zhejiang University) 'Re-examining Geochemical Data through the Lens of Data Science'
  • 3rd November Online: Dr Richard Gloaguen (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg of Resource Technology)'Innovative mineral exploration using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning'
  • 27th October Online: Dr Vanessa Johnston (Karst Research Institute, Slovenia) 'My journey looking into cave speleothems as palaeoclimate archives'
  • 18th October Online: Prof. Julia Steinberger (University of Lausanne) 'Living well within planetary limits: is it possible? And what would it take?'
  • 13th October Online: Dr Sophie Norris (Dalhousie University) 'Dynamic response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation: implications for Lake Agassiz drainage'
  • 6th October Online: Thomas Garabetian (European Geothermal Energy Council) 'Overview of geothermal energy in Europe, and prospects to 2030'
  • 29th September Online: Dr Vinciane Debaille (Université Libre de Bruxelles) 'Life on Mars?'
  • 22nd September Online: Esther Harris (Murdoch University) 'Stakeholder perspectives in minerals exploration'
  • 15th September Online: Dr Koen Verbruggen (GSI) & Dr Marie Cowan (GSI) 'Geoscience and Government: Updates from the Geological Surverys of Ireland and Northern Ireland'
  • 12th May Online: Prof. Janine Kavanagh (University of Liverpool) 'What lurks beneath? Unravelling the dynamics of Volcanic Plumbing Systems'
  • 5th May Online: Prof.Simon Todd (Capriole Energy & UCD) 'The energy transition: drivers, risks and the role of earth scientists and engineers'
  • 28th April Online: Hallelujah Ekandjo (iCRAG, UCD) 'Geology overview of the Neoproterozoic Rosh Pinah Zn-Pb deposit in southern Namibia' and David Drejing-Carroll (iCRAG, UCD) 'Geology of the Nautanen North Cu-Au deposit, Norrbotten, Sweden'
  • 21st April Online: Assoc. Professor Lenny Winkel (ETH Zurich) 'Biogeochemical Cycling of Selenium'
  • 14th April Online: Dr Weimu Xu (UCD Earth Sciences) 'Carbon release & sequestration: Extreme global climatic change events in Earth history – lessons for future climate mitigation'
  • 31st March Online: Prof. Jorge M.R.S. Relvas (University of Lisbon) 'Iberian Pyrite Belt: from metallogeny, to mine remediation and science outreach'
  • 24th March Online: Prof. Kim Cobb (Georgia Institute of Technology) 'Corals and climate change - from impacts and solutions'
  • 3rd March Online: Dr Danielle Howlett (University of Bergen) 'Salty Stuff: Response of Deep-water Depositional Systems by Salt-influenced Topography'
  • 24th February Online: Dr Max Frenzel (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology) 'Geometallurgy of by-products – A case study of indium deportment in a VMS ore'
  • 17th February Online: Dr William Daniels (University of Massachusetts Amherst) 'What happens when the Bering Land Bridge' 
  • 10th February Online: Dr Brenhin Keller (Dartmouth College) 'From zircon to freeboard: Clues to the origin of the Great Unconformity'
  • 2nd February Online: Dr John Paul Moore (iCRAG Postgraduate Researcher) 'Quantitative analysis of faults and fracture systems and their impact on groundwater flow in the bedrocks of Ireland' 
  • 27th January Online: Dr Foivos Karakostas (University of Maryland) 'Seismology with InSight on Mars: focus on the seismic attenuation in the Lithosphere'
  • 20th January Online: Dr Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco (Trinity College Dublin) 'Reaction Pathways toward the Formation of Bastnäsite'

School Seminars 2016 - 2020