

Animal Welfare Advocacy

Animal Welfare Advocacy will explore the role, impact and capacity building needs of animal welfare advocacy in Ireland, and explore the contrasting opinions of the status of animal welfare in the state.

This event is hosted by the UCD Earth Institute in partnership with UCD School of Veterinary Medicine and includes presentations by Professor Siobhan Mullan (UCD Professor of Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics), Caroline Rowley (Founding and Director of Ethical Farming Ireland) and, Mark D’Alton (UCD Veterinary Ireland Welfare Committee) and Oisin Coghlan (Chief Executive of Friends of the Earth Ireland).

Tuesday 25 February 2025
Museum of Literature Ireland

Prof Siobhan Mullan (UCD) is a veterinary surgeon who worked in practice before transitioning away from clinical work to focus on research to deliver large scale, long term impactful improvements in animal welfare. She is particularly interested in the intersection of animal welfare with other societal priorities such as environmental concerns and how these play out in policy formation. She is a member of the Farmed Animal Welfare Advisory Committee and the Advisory Committee on Companion Animal Welfare and Chair of the Brachycephalic Working Group.

Caroline Rowley is the founder and director of Ethical Farming Ireland, a farm animal welfare group that campaigns against factory farming and live export. It is comprised of a small group of volunteers, with a growing membership and following on social media. The tagline is ‘campaigning for a better existence for all farm animals that doesn't cost the earth’ and the goal is to support high welfare, more sustainable farming systems where animals can fully carry out all natural behaviours. The main activities involve raising public awareness of cruel practices, live export in particular, and working with other groups across Europe to push for changes in legislation.

Mark D’Alton Director Biomedical Facilities, Designated Veterinarian and Compliance Officer, UCD. Member, Veterinary Ireland Animal Welfare Committee. Passionate lover of the outdoors with a deep concern about what we are doing to our planet and the animals we share it with.

Oisin Coghlan has extensive experience of facilitating NGOs to work together effectively to deliver real world change. In 2007 he co-founded the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition with organizations like Trócaire, Concern and NYCI, and led the 14-year campaign for a climate law which culminated in the passing of the 2021 Climate Act. Oisín co-founded the Environmental Pillar of social partnership, the advocacy platform of national environmental NGOS in 2009, and is on the steering committee of Coalition 2030, the Irish civil society coalition championing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.



Beyond the green backdrop: Exploring the plant-human connection through art | coffee morning research talk with Joanna Kacpryzk

Join us each Thursday morning from 10.45am to hear about new environmental, climate and sustainability research and initiatives, from UCD and beyond.

Live in the Institute kitchen, 4th floor UCD Science East and on Zoom – all welcome!


Screening of Our Blue World with panel discussion

Friday 28 February  |  Screening of Our Blue World with panel discussion  |  16.30-18.30  |  Trapdoor Theatre, Newman building  |  further information and registration 
As part of Dublin International Film Festival 2025, the Earth Institute is pleased to be supporting a free screening of Our Blue World, a new documentary directed by Ruán Magan exploring humanity’s profound relationship with water. It will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Dr Sarah Comyn featuring: Ruán Magan, Director of Our Blue World, Dr Deirdre Crowe, Water Museum of Ireland, Prof Tasman Crowe, UCD VP for Sustainability, Dr Shane Mc Guinness, Project Co-coordinator of WaterLANDS. This DIFF event is supported by the UCD Creativity Futures Academy, the UCD Earth Institute, and the UCD Sustainability Office.


The human impacts of climate change - a journalist's perspective

Tuesday 4 March: The human impacts of climate change - a journalist's perspective, with Sally Hayden in conversation with Ronan McDermott (UCD Centre for Humanitarian Action and UCD School of Agriculture & Food Science) and Graham Finlay (UCD School of Politics and International Relations)  |  12.00-13.00, UCD Clinton Auditorium

Sally Hayden is an award-winning journalist and photographer who has covered humanitarian crises and conflicts across Europe, the Middle East and Africa for outlets including CNN, the BBC, the Irish Times, the Guardian, the New York Times, Magnum Photos and more. Her book “My Fourth Time, We Drowned: Seeking Refuge on the World’s Deadliest Migration Route” won the 2022 Orwell Prize for Political Writing and was named the An Post Irish Book of the Year. Sally, a UCD Law alumnus, has recently been appointed as an Adjunct Professor in the Sutherland School of Law and joins us in conversation with Ronan McDermott (UCD Centre for Humanitarian Action and UCD School of Agriculture & Food Science) and Graham Finlay (UCD School of Politics and International Relations)  |to discuss the climate dimension of the human crises she has covered in her international reporting work over the past few years. Sally has reported on Somalia and Niger on drought, malnutrition and famine and this summer will go to Bangladesh to report on climate migration. She will also talk about some of the challenges related to journalism on these topics. 

Register here


Earth Institute International Women's Day Research Celebration

Thursday 6th March 15.00 - 16.30

Room Q118 Quinn School of Business

Would you like to learn more about how to include gender in your research design and implementation? Research funding agencies require all proposals to identify gender dimensions in the research content, across all disciplines. UCD Earth Institute is delighted to mark International Women’s Day with this celebration of gender through sharing of research case studies. The event will be opened by Professor Orla Feely, UCD President, followed by a short talk by Dr Marion Boland, Head of Research Policy at Research Ireland on the gender dimension of research content: a Research Ireland funding and policy context. We will then explore case studies from UCD researchers who have successfully incorporated research into their projects, and invite all researchers to consider potential directions to uncover gender dimensions of their own research.

Register here.


  1. UCD President Prof Orla Feely, Opening/Welcome remarks (5 minutes)
  2. Dr Marion Boland, Head of Research Policy,  Research Ireland: Gender dimension of research content, a Research Ireland funding and policy context (10 minutes)
  3. UCD Case Studies 5 minutes each
    1. Case 1: Gender Dimensions of Energy Policy using Natural Language Processing, Prof Eleni Mangina (School of Computer Science) /Assoc Prof Paula Carroll (School of Business) 
    2. Case 2:Implementing the BioBeo Gender Action Plan through Events and Learning Resources, Prof Tom Curran (School of Biosystems and Food Engineering)
    3. Case 3: It is time to talk about sex in biomedicine, Prof Dimitrios Zevgolis (School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering)
    4. Case 4: WECOADAPT, Integrating Gender Equity in co-design labs for Urban Climate Change Adaptation, Dr Louise Dunne/ Ronja Walter (UCD Environmental Policy Centre)
    5. Case 5: Gender Aspects of Ireland's Clean Energy Transition, Dr Dervla MacManus (School of Philosophy)
    6. Case 6: Woman or Master? Challenging gender stereotypes through the combined strengths of Archaeology, History and Science, Dr Anita Radini (School of Archaeology) 
  4. Moderated brainstorming/breakout groups to identify potential opportunities in own research (20 minutes).
  5. Wrap up/next steps

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