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How can we ensure safely managed water supplies and sanitation for all? How can we effectively conserve the world’s marine and freshwater resources? What role can water play in renewable energy generation? How can we understand and mitigate flooding and extreme weather events of increasing severity? How do we support the economic development of coastal communities while maintaining and protecting biodiversity?

The UCD Earth Institute’s multidisciplinary community of researchers are working to answer these questions.


Contact our Water theme leads (opens in a new window)Mary Kelly-Quinn (UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science) & (opens in a new window)Fiachra O'Loughlin (UCD School of Civil Engineering) or the (opens in a new window)Earth Institute team to find out more about our activities in this area.

Our centres of expertise

(opens in a new window)BEACON SFI Bioeconomy Research Centre

UCD Area 52 Lab: Conservation, Ecological and Population Genetics

(opens in a new window)UCD Dooge Centre for Water Resources Research

UCD Fat, Oil and Grease Research Group

UCD Marine Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution Research Group

Related UN Sustainable Development Goals

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UCD Earth Institute

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777