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Funding opportunities and support

The Earth Institute offers a range of supports to assist our members in developing new projects and initiatives, from identifying and connecting with potential collaborators to securing research funding across a range of national and international schemes.

The Institute administers three internal funding schemes detailed below that are open to its members and associate members to help establish new interdisciplinary research connections and collaborations and enhance the impact and profile of their research.

We run regular events to support new connections as well as information sessions on relevant funding schemes.

How can we help?

  • Are you you looking to develop a new interdisciplinary project?
  • Would you like to explore what opportunities for internal and external research funding are open to you?
  • Are you looking to connect with UCD expertise in environmental, climate and/or sustainability researchers?

Please contact our research manager (opens in a new window)Caitriona Devery.

Strategic Priority Support Mechanism

The Earth Institute Strategic Priority Support Mechanism aims to stimulate interdisciplinary activity across the Institute, the University and beyond, in the area of environmental research and its cognate disciplines. Funding up to €10,000 is awarded to 2-4 multi-disciplinary teams per annum, supporting non-research costs for targeted projects that are topical, achievable and impactful.

What's it for?

The scheme aims to stimulate targeted activities which address topical challenges over a 12-18 month period and contribute towards the achievement of the Institute’s objectives and where a short period of targeted activity will enable UCD researchers to establish or enhance a profile in this emerging area or substantially progress an agenda.

There is considerable freedom on what the scheme fund. Eligible activities can relate to developing and building interdisciplinary research capacity as well as more external-facing activities such as policy, societal and public engagement. However, it is important to note that direct research costs are not eligible.

Sample eligible costs include but are not limited to:

  • activities to support development of an emerging research area
  • visits to or of potential collaborators in other institutions
  • invited speakers and internal or external workshops
  • attendance at research networking, information or consortium building events
  • preparation costs for position papers, scientific publications or policy briefs
  • costs to support collaboration with external/partner organisation
  • societal engagement and public engagement activities
  • outreach or educational events or initiatives
  • social enterprise and social entrepreneurship
  • innovation, enterprise and commercialisation activities
  • knowledge transfer activities, development of industry links

We encourage budgeting for short-term appointments to assist in the project if appropriate. Please discuss your budget with us if you are unsure about eligible costs.

In addition to this financial award, the selected strategic projects can also draw on:

  • Administrative and operational support from the Institute’s management team
  • Communications support including website development and support with digital
  • Support in identifying and applying for future funding

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Each proposal must include a lead applicant and at least one other co-applicant from UCD.
  • There is no upper limit on the number of co-applicants. Co-applicants from outside UCD can be included in proposals, but it would be expected that the majority of each team would be based in UCD.
  • The lead applicant and at least one co-applicant must be either UCD faculty, postdoctoral staff or UCD postgraduate students.
  • The lead Applicant and at least one co-applicant must hold an employment contract (staff) or be fully registered (students) at UCD for the full duration of the proposed activities.
  • Each proposal must include applicants from at least two different disciplines, preferably from different UCD Schools.
  • The competition is open to members and non-members of the Institute though each proposal must include at least one Institute member (as the lead applicant or co-applicant). Non-members involved in successful proposals will be expected to apply for membership.

What is the application process?

Applicants should complete an application form (available following call launch) which includes the following:

  • Details of project team
  • Background and rationale of the proposal
  • Objectives
  • Deliverables
  • Impact
  • Work plan
  • Budget and justification
  • Sustainable travel statement  

When is the application deadline?

The scheme runs annually, with the following indicative dates

  • Call launch: February
  • Application deadline: June
  • Notification of results: August
  • Launch of projects: October

Any questions?

We encourage prospective applicants to do discuss their ideas with us prior to submitting their application. Please contact the(opens in a new window)Earth Institute team with any question regarding the scheme.

Climate Fellowships

The UCD Climate Fellows Programme supports the wider dissemination of climate research and the career development of leading-edge climate academics and researchers, with a particular emphasis on enhancing the societal impact of climate research, with new fellowships awarded annually.

Who is it for?

Fellows can be from any discipline who are pursuing research in any field that is broadly climate related. This could be concerned with the science of, or action related to, climate change. 

The programme’s two strands seek to support established and early career researchers:

  • Academic staff - two years duration
  • Early career researchers (PhD and Postdoctoral Research Fellows) - one year duration

Climate Fellow Supports

  • Stipend of €1,000 per annum per awardee to support Climate Fellows’ activities
  • Training and expert advice to help support Climate Fellows build relevant engagement skills and impact
  • Networking opportunities with other Climate Fellows and Earth Institute partners
  • Access to technical, research management and event supports from Earth Institute professional staff
  • Profile on dedicated 'UCD Climate Fellows’ website

Find out more

Collaboration and Capacity-Building Awards

The Earth Institute Collaboration and Capacity-Building Awards aim to support Earth Institute members and associate members in undertaking activities that are beneficial to the applicant and wider Institute community in developing new connections, collaborations and networks. The scheme complements the existing Institute Strategic Priority Support Mechanism, providing regular, smaller awards throughout the year.

What's it for?

Contributions of up to €500 for activities that may build or strengthen connections and lead directly to funding applications and/or other research activity, including but not limited to:

  • Developing new initiatives and projects
  • Hosting of workshops and networking events
  • Support for visiting researchers and/or speakers
  • Attending events nationally or internationally to develop new connections, collaborations and networks

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Academic members of the Earth Institute
  • Postgraduate, postdoctoral, technical and research support staff Associate Members of the Earth Institute

What is the application process?

Applicants should complete our short online form which includes the following:

  • Personal details
  • What is funding requested for?
  • How will the proposed activity benefit you?
  • How will the proposed activity benefit the Institute community?
  • Budget and justification
  • Sustainable travel statement  

When is the application deadline?

The scheme runs three application deadlines annually:

  • 28 February
  • 31 May
  • 31 October

Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application within 2-3 weeks of the deadline.

Any questions?

Please contact the (opens in a new window)Earth Institute team with any question regarding the scheme.

(opens in a new window)Online application form

UCD Earth Institute

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777