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Research Centres

There are ten Academic Research Centres in the UCD College of Engineering and Architecture established by the UCD Academic Council.

Each Centre comprises a Centre Director, academic staff, associated research staff and students, who have a common research expertise and work towards a shared programme of sustainable activity.

Academic Research Centres

The UCD Centre of Adhesion and Adhesives focusses on the manufacture, characterisation and modelling of adhesive joints, with the aim of predicting joint performance and improving design.

UCD Adhesion Research Centre

The UCD Centre for Biomedical Engineering is an interdisciplinary research and education centre drawing expertise across many disciplines including Engineering, Physical Sciences, Medical Science together with clinicians and industry. Current collaborations involve researchers from within UCD and researchers from other national and international universities, institutes and centres.

UCD Biomedical Engineering

The UCD Centre for Critical Infrastructure Research (CCIR) is a multi-disciplinary research centre that seeks to address key issues on how society manages its infrastructural assets. With expertise in engineering, planning and smart cities, we work closely with national and international partners to develop solutions that optimise our use of this built environment. Key research themes for centre are:

  • Structural health monitoring
  • Transport policy & infrastructure
  • Mobility for smart cities

UCD Centre for Critical Infrastructure Research (CCIR)

CfIT was initiated in 2019 by Orla Murphy and Philip Crowe and is hosted by the UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy. CfIT was the recipient of funding from the UCD Earth Institute’s Strategic Priority Support Mechanism in 2019.

The UCD Centre for Irish Towns (CfIT) brings together researchers and stakeholders from across the island of Ireland to support the revitalisation of Irish towns.

Centre for Irish Towns (CfIT)

The UCD Centre for Children’s Orthopaedic Research & Innovation (CORI) is a translational research centre striving to directly impact upon paediatric orthopaedics patient care and outcomes.

The Dooge Centre for Water Resources Research (CWRR) established in 1989 is part of the School of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at University College Dublin (UCD). Its researchers and postgraduate students are involved in activities covering the broad spectrum of water resources engineering.

The Dooge Centre for Water Resources Research (CWRR)

The Centre will support the co-creation of critical design research which will challenge and influence contemporary thinking and policy-making regarding the built and unbuilt environments. It proposes to do so through a collaboration between history, theory and practice and through a series of essential partnerships, to connect the University to the wider design and construction professions.

The Inclusive Design Research Centre of Ireland @ UCD was launched in December 2013 as a research centre to facilitate and promote post-disciplinary action research and scholarship with significant real world impact, in the domain of Inclusive Design. The centre supports the educational, physical, communication and social needs of ALL people ( with all abilities and assistive technology requirements) and positions the requirements of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at the centre of all we do. Our novel design methods are applied across application areas: from Assistive Technology, Hardware and Software Accessibility, Wearable Tech, Inclusive Policy, Creative Curriculum, Built Environment Design including Connect Health. Our creative technology innovation tools include Virtual and Augmented Reality, Ai for Good, and Gamification/Serious Games for Inclusion. The IDRC operates as the main academic European and EMEA hub for the international ID network as one of three key sites globally using our unique methodology. We serve as a national resource, with faculty and research team members from the width and breadth of the Island of Ireland. We host large IMI, Horizon Europe, HSE, SFI, IRC, WEF, UN, industry and international funded projects and support and mentor a large global network of PhDs, Postdocs and communities. We are INCLUSIVE BY DESIGN.

UCD Inclusive Design Research Centre of Ireland

The IoE2 Lab is a multi-disciplinary research laboratory particularly focusing on developing enabling technologies and making scientific breakthroughs for next generation internet of things and future (5G) communication networks. The research topics cover from ultra-low-power electronic circuits for enabling autonomous intelligent sensor nodes to ubiquitous communication technologies for power efficient and smart network infrastructures as well as complex system optimization algorithms for effective management and control of billions of smart “things”. Advanced signal processing, energy harvesting, microwave and optical device characterisation and complex modelling of bio sensors are also included. The lab is supported by various funding agencies and industry partners.

UCD Centre for the Internet of Things (IoE2 LAB)

The UCD Centre for Mechanics is a leading research centre dedicated to advancing the knowledge and application of fundamental and applied mechanics in Ireland. Impacting modern sectors like:

  • Micro-nano technologies
  • Built infrastructure systems
  • Fundamental dynamical systems
  • Biomedical design and sensor technology
  • Renewable energy
  • Manufacturing 4.0,
  • Robotics to name a few.

 UCD Centre for Mechanics

The Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing (MNMT-Dublin) is located in University College Dublin (UCD), School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, which is considered as the largest of its kind in Ireland and a world player in both research and education. MNMT-Dublin is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Professorship Program with over €10 million research grant.

MNMT-Dublin is a world-leading research centre that focuses on cutting-edge research in design, manufacturing and measurement.  Applications include bio-implants, medical devices, implant manufacturing, aspheric & freeform optics and phonics.

(opens in a new window)UCD Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology

The cross-fertilization of ideas derived from different, but complementary scientific backgrounds holds the potential for ‘real’ break-through discoveries and entirely new research avenues.  The rationale behind the establishment of the Spatial Dynamics Lab is to provide advancements in the analysis of innovation processes, environmental impact, evolutionary patterns and structural change in cities, as well as to contribute to the fields of regional studies at the intersection of socio-economic and environmental processes and economic development.  The long-term objective of the research centre is to establish itself as an international renowned hub of scientific expertise specialising in the visualisation and analysis of socio-economic spatial data.

UCD Spatial Dynamics Lab (SDL)

Members of the College participate in national Research Centres linking scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions
These include many of the (opens in a new window)Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres(opens in a new window)SFI Strategic Partnerships, and Enterprise Ireland Funded Technology Centres.

National Research Centres

NexSys (Next Generation Energy Systems) is an ambitious multidisciplinary energy research programme (2022-26). It is hosted by the UCD Energy Institute, in partnership with eight other leading research institutions:  DCU, ESRI, Maynooth University, NUI Galway, Queen's University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, UCC and Ulster University.

NexSys is an All-Island partnership with a team of 51 leading academics. It has received €16 million in funding from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), 9 industry partners and one philanthropic donor.

(opens in a new window)https://www.nexsys-energy.ie/

Welcome to I-Form. Our Centre is funded under the SFI Research Centres programme, which has established a network of SFI Research Centres focusing on key research areas in Ireland ( (opens in a new window)https://www.sfi.ie/sfi-research-centres/). By partnering with 7 research institutes, I-Form brings together a nationwide pool of expertise in materials science, engineering, data analytics and cognitive computing. I-Form is actively engaged across a range of different materials processing technologies, with a particular focus on Additive Manufacturing (3D printing).

I-Form also works in close collaboration with industry, delivering a step-change in competitiveness for Irish manufacturing.  We work with Industry to advance the low-cost, low-risk design of new products and the manufacture of high-value components exhibiting enhanced material performance, while reducing processing times and achieving improved process reliability. 

(opens in a new window)https://www.i-form.ie/

At Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, we undertake high impact research in data analytics that has significant benefits for the individual, industry and society by enabling better decision making. All of our research is informed by our vision; Empowering Citizens. Smarter Societies.

Making good decisions is dependent on having the best and most accurate information at your fingertips. Our research helps to transform data into knowledge.

Insight is one of the largest data analytics centres in Europe. It seeks to derive value from Big Data and provides innovative technology solutions for industry and society by enabling better decision-making.

(opens in a new window)https://www.insight-centre.org/

CÚRAM, the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices, is developing the next-generation of medical devices and training a highly-skilled workforce. Set up in 2015, CÚRAM is now a world-leading Irish Medical Device R&D Centre based out of University of Galway. While led by University of Galway, CÚRAM’s partner institutes include University College Dublin, University College Cork, Trinity College Dublin, University of Limerick, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Dublin City University, Technological University of the Shannon, National Institute Bioprocessing Research and Training and Technological University Dublin. The Centre is focused on the development of biomedical implants, therapeutic and diagnostic devices that address the needs of patients living with chronic illness. They also partner with local small-and-medium-enterprises (SMEs), and multinational medical device and pharmaceutical companies to increase employment in Ireland.

(opens in a new window)https://curamdevices.ie/curam/

DPTC is a centre of excellence for dairy processing research and innovation. The Centre will help to fuel growth in the Irish dairy sector by performing research focused on cost-efficient processing, facilitating a step-change in environmental sustainability and creating, validating and commercialising a pipeline of science and technology based manufacturing platforms for dairy ingredients.

The foundation of the DPTC is a strong, long-term industry– academic collaborative partnership that will develop, build and translate the knowledge and capabilities in dairy processing that are needed today and for the long-term growth and development of the sector.

(opens in a new window)https://www.dptc.ie/

APC was created out of a passion for science and research. In 2011, Dr. Mark Barrett and Prof. Brian Glennon of the UCD School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering in Dublin, Ireland, embarked on a mission to disrupt the pharma and biotech industries with a hyper-focused, accelerated approach to drug process development. Foregoing outside investment, APC has grown organically to become a global powerhouse in process development, partnering with companies large and small to bring medicines to market at unprecedented speed.

(opens in a new window)https://approcess.com/

MaREI is the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine research and innovation co-ordinated by the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) at University College Cork. The Centre comprises over 220 researchers focusing on defined global challenges such as the Energy Transition, Climate Action and the Blue Economy.

(opens in a new window)https://www.marei.ie/

SSPC is a world-leading hub of Irish research expertise developing innovative technologies to address key challenges facing the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. Our in-depth scientific and engineering research expertise aids companies who need tailored solutions to their bespoke challenges.

(opens in a new window)https://sspc.ie/

CONNECT is the world leading Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications. CONNECT is funded under the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres programme, which has established a network of SFI Research Centres focusing on key research areas in Ireland.

(opens in a new window)https://connectcentre.ie/

UCD College of Engineering and Architecture

Room 122 & Room 126, UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1868 | E: eng.arch@ucd.ie