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CSDS Publications

Below find a list of recent CSDS publications:

Brazys S. & Dukalskis A (2020) (opens in a new window)'China’s message machine'Journal of Democracy 31 (4) :59-73.

Brazys S. & Elkink JA (2020) (opens in a new window)'“Aid for Trade” Effectiveness? Micro-level Evidence from Nepal'European Journal of Development Research 

Brazys S. & Vadlamannati KC (2020) (opens in a new window)'Aid curse with Chinese characteristics? Chinese development flows and economic reforms'Public Choice 

Brazys, S. & Kotsadam, A. (2020) '(opens in a new window)Sunshine or Curse? Foreign Direct Investment, the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, and Individual Corruption Experiences in Africa'. International Studies Quarterly, 64(4), 956-967.

Brazys, S., & Mahmud, M. (2023) 'The Political Economy of Donor Control and Elite Capture in Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh'. The Journal of Environment & Development, 10704965231211592.

Brazys, S., Cooray, A., Kolås, Å., & Vadlamannati, K. (2021) 'Editorial: (opens in a new window)New conversations in development studies'. Journal of International Development, 33(6), 947-952.

Brazys, S., de Soysa, I., & Vadlamannati, K. C. (2023) 'Blessing or curse? Assessing the local impacts of foreign direct investment on conflict in Africa'. Journal of Peace Research, 00223433231200928.

Brazys, S., Mahmud, M., & Pillai, A. (2023) 'Who Gets the Goodies? Overlapping Interests and the Geography of Aid for Trade Allocation in Bangladesh'. The Journal of Development Studies59(2), 242-257.

Brazys, S., Dukalskis, A., & Müller, S. (2023) 'Leader of the Pack? Changes in “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy” after a Politburo Collective Study Session'. The China Quarterly254, 484-493.

Coakley, J. & Todd, J. (2020) Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland 1969-2019. Oxford University Press Jan 2020 (paperback 2023)

Coakley, J. (2021). '(opens in a new window)Is a middle force emerging in Northern Ireland?'. Irish Political Studies, 36(1), 29-51. 

Dornschneider S; Todd J (2020) (opens in a new window)'Everyday sentiment among unionists and nationalists in a Northern Irish town'Irish Political Studies, 36(2), pp.185-213. 

Dornschneider, S. (2021). '(opens in a new window)Analyzing ethnographic interviews: Three studies on terrorism and nonviolent resistance'. International Political Science Review, 42(2), 149-163. 

Dornschneider, S. (2021). '(opens in a new window)Exit, Voice, Loyalty ? or Deliberate Obstruction? Non-Collective Everyday Resistance under Oppression'. Perspectives on Politics, pp.1-16.

Dornschneider, S., & Edmonds, B. (2021). '(opens in a new window)Building a Bridge from Qualitative Analysis to a Simulation of the Arab Spring Protests '(pp. 229-241).

Dowd, C. (2023). 'Food-related violence, hunger and humanitarian crises'. Journal of Peace Research, 60(6), 935-950. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1177/00223433221099309

Durac, V. (2021). Civil society, social mobilisation and the Arab Spring. Orient, 62(1), 42-49.

Durac, V. (2023) 'Adversarial Power-Sharing and “Forced Marriages”: Governing Coalitions in Lebanon and Yemen' (with Tamirace Fakhoury), Middle East Law and Governance, 15, 2023.

Garikipati S. (2023) “What socio-demographic factors support disposable vs. sustainable menstrual choices? Evidence from India’s National Family Health Survey-5”, PLos ONE, 18(8 August). (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0290350

Garikipati S. (2023) “Gender Inclusivity of India’s Digital Financial Revolution for Attainment of SGDs: Macro Achievements and the Micro Experiences”, (with M. Duvendack and L. Sonne), European Journal of Development Research, 35(6):1369-1391. https//(opens in a new window)doi.org/10.1057/s41287-023-00585-x

Garikipati S. (2024) “Alleviating Period Poverty in the Global South: Information as a Public Policy Instrument”, in K. Standing and S. Parker (eds.), Experiences of Menstruation from the Global South and North, British Academy, Oxford University Press.

Regan, A. (2024) Growth models and the comparative political economy of Europe. Comp Eur Polit 22, 1–4. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1057/s41295-023-00372-2

Todd, J. & McEvoy, J. (2023) 'Obstacles to Constitutional Participation: Lessons from Diverse Voices in Post-Brexit Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland', British J of Politics and International Relations, DOI: (opens in a new window)10.1177/13691481231160044

Todd, J. & Walsh, D. (2020) (opens in a new window)'Unionisms in times of change: Brexit, Britain, Northern Ireland and the Balkans'. Irish Political Studies 

Todd, J. (2020) (opens in a new window)'Unionisms and the challenges of change'. Irish Political Studies

Todd, J. (2021). (opens in a new window)Unionism, identity and irish unity: Paradigms, problems and paradoxesIrish Studies in International Affairs, 32(2), 53-77. 

Todd, J., Curristan, S. & Dornschneider-Elkink, S. (2022) 'How moderates make boundaries after protracted conflict', British Journal of Sociology. (opens in a new window)https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-4446.12962

Todd, J., McEvoy, J. & Doyle, J. (2023) Time for deliberation, not decision, on the shape of a new United Ireland: evidence from the ARINS Survey focus groups’ Irish Studies in International Affairs, 34.2 open access. 

Vadlamannati, K. C., & de Soysa, I. (2020) (opens in a new window)Oil price volatility and political unrest: Prudence and protest in producer and consumer societies, 1980–2013. Energy Policy, 145. 

Vadlamannati, K. C., Brazys, S., Dukalskis, A., & Li, Y. (2023). Building bridges or breaking bonds? The Belt and Road Initiative and foreign aid competition. Foreign Policy Analysis19(3), orad015.

Vadlamannati, K. C., Cooray, A., & de Soysa, I. (2021). (opens in a new window)Health-system equity, egalitarian democracy and COVID-19 outcomes: An empirical analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 49(1), 104-113. 

Vadlamannati, K., & de Soysa, I. (2021). Does Free-Market Capitalism Inhibit Income Equality and Equitable Access to Opportunity? An Empirical Test, 1990-2016. International Political Science Review.

Vadlamannati, K.C. & Indra, D.S. (2020) (opens in a new window)'Economic Openness, Health Equity and Health Openness – An Empirical Analysis, 1960-2015'. Global Public Health

Vadlamannati, K.C. (2020) (opens in a new window)'Can IMF program design resurrect investor sentiment? An empirical investigation'. Business and Politics  :339-382.

Vadlamannati, K.C. (2020) (opens in a new window)'Welfare Chauvinism? Refugee Flows and Electoral Support for Populist-Right Parties in Industrial Democracies'. Social Science Quarterly 101 (4) :1600-1626.

Vadlamannati, K.C., Brazys, S. (2023) Does cultural diversity hinder the implementation of IMF-supported programs? An empirical investigation. Rev Int Organ 18, 87–116. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1007/s11558-022-09454-4

Vadlamannati, K.C., Janz, N. & de Soysa, I. (2020) (opens in a new window)'U.S. Multinationals and Human Rights: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of Extractive Versus Nonextractive Sectors'. Business and Society 

Walsh, P.P., Murphy, E. & Horan, D. (2020) (opens in a new window)'The role of science, technology and innovation in the UN 2030 agenda'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 154

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