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Research Publications


Breast ultrasound imaging systems performance evaluation using novel Contrast-Detail (C-D) and Anechoic-Target (A-T) phantoms.
Cournane, S., Fagan, A.J., Browne, J.E.
Physica Medica 130, 104910 (2025)

A duplicate diet survey for the assessment of the annual effective dose to the Irish adult population from the ingestion of natural radionuclides in food.
Kinahan, A., Kelleher, K., León Vintró, L., Currivan, L.
Food Chemistry 474, 143227 (2025)


An experimental and computational evaluation of a novel Timepix detector for Compton imaging in nuclear medicine.
Kamtchou, B., León Vintró, L., Cournane, S.
Journal of Instrumentation 
19, P12004 (2024)

Use of real-time electronic extremity dosimeters for monitoring and optimisation of radiopharmacy technique.
Cournane, S., McCavana, J., Maguire, D., Tutty, L., Harris, L., Lucey, J. and Kenneally, C.
Journal of Radiological Protection in press https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6498/ad71d9 (2024)

Development of a TOPAS Monte Carlo (MC) model extension to simulate the automatic exposure control function of a C-arm CBCT.
McWilliams, N., Perl, J., McCavana, J., Cournane, S., León Vintró, L.
Physica Medica 125, 104506 (2024)

Blood micro-sampling: an alternative blood collection method for radioiodine therapy dosimetry
Al Jabri, A., Cooke, J., Cournane, S., Healy, M.-L.
Physica Medica 124, 103430 (2024)

Estimation of the relative biological effectiveness for double strand break induction of clinical kilovoltage beams using Monte Carlo simulations.
McElligott, O., Nikandrovs, M., McCavana, P., McClean, B., León Vintró, L.
Medical Physics
51, 3796-3805 (2024) 

Evaluating dose coverage and conformity in stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) plans.
O’Keeffe, S., Fleming, León Vintró, L., McClean, B. 
Physica Medica
118, 103213. (2024) 


A strategy to reduce fraction number in peripheral lung stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy.
O’Keeffe, S., Higgings, M.J., Fleming, C., Armstrong, J., Thirion, P., McClean, B., León Vintró, L. 
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 
26, 100429. (2023) 

The architectural characteristics of the hamstring muscles do not differ between make and female elite-level Rugby Union players
Cronin, K., Foley, S., Cournane, S., De Vito, G., Kerin, F., Farrell, G., Delahunt, E.
Frontiers in Physiology 14, 1129061, 7 pp. (2023)

Interobserver Variability of Gross Tumor Volume Delineation for Colorectal Liver Metastases Using Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Marshall, C., Thirion, P., Mihai, A., Armstrong, J.G., Cournane, S., Hickey, D., McClean, B., Quinn, J.
Advances in Radiation Oncology 8(1), 101020 (2023)

Clinical treatment planning for kilovoltage radiotherapy using EGSnrc and Python
Nikandrovs, M., McClean, B., Shields, L., McCavana, P., León Vintró, L.
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 24(2), e13832 (2023)


Hamstring muscle architecture assessed sonographically using wide field of view: A reliability study
Cronin, K., Foley, S., Cournane, S., De Vito, G., Delahunt, E.
17 (2023)

Development of a focal lesion phantom with clinically relevant lesion characteristics for image quality evaluation of breast ultrasound scanners
Browne, J.E., Cannon, L.M., Fagan, A.J., Cournane, S.
Physica Medica 
94, 65-74 (2022)

Energy dependence investigation for a range of clinically used detectors from 70 kV-6 MV
Shields, L., Nikandrovs, M., León Vintró, L., McClean, B.
Medical Physics 50, 582-589 (2022) 

Semi-automated Tracing of Hamstring Muscle Architecture for B-mode Ultrasound Images
Cronin, K., Delahunt, R., Foley, S., De Vito, G., McCarthy, C., Cournane, S.
International Journal of Sports Medicine 43(1), 23-28 (2022)

Development of a scatter correction technique for planar 99mTc-MAA imaging to improve accuracy in lung shunt fraction estimation
McArdle, N., Cournane, S., McCavana, J., Lucey, J., León Vintró, L.
Physica Medica 99, 94-101 (2022)

Theoretical design of an absorption hologram-based sensor for dose quantification in daylight photodynamic therapy
O'Callaghan, J., Cournane, S., McCavana, J., Cody, D.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science and Vision 39(1), 127-135 (2022)


Assessment of occupational exposure from shielded and unshielded syringes for clinically relevant Positron Emission Tomography (PET) isotopes - a Monte Carlo approach using EGSnrc
McCann, A., León Vintró, L., Cournane, S., Lucey
Journal of Radiological Protection, 1-14. doi: 10.1088/1361-6498/ac0df5 (2021)

Modelling automatic exposure control response to the presence of the patient scanning bed in a hybrid PET/CT scanner
Cournane, S., Reade, M., McCavana, J., Lucey, J.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 
196(3-4), 199-206 (2001)

The influence of Acuros XB on dose volume histogram metrics and tumour control probability modelling in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer
Fleming, C., O'Keeffe, S., McDermott, R., Dunne, M., McClean, B., León Vintró, L. 
Physica Medica 81, 295-301 (2021)

Semi-automated tracing of hamstring muscle architecture for B-mode ultrasound images
Cronin, K., Delahunt, E., Foley, S., De Vito, G., McCarthy, C., Cournane, S.
International Journal of Sports Medicine 43, 23-28 (2021) 

Gender differences in estimating I-131 thyroid uptake from Tc-99m thyroid uptake for benign thyroid disease
Al-Jabri, A., Cooke, J., Cournane, S., Healy, M-L.
British Journal of Radiology 94(118), 20200700 (2021)

Is there excesive troponin testing in clinical practice? Evidence from emergency medical admissions
Conway, R., Byrne, D., Cournane, S., O'Riordan, D., Coveney, S., Silke, B.
European Journal of Internal Medicine 86, 48-53 (2021)


Dose volume histogram metrics and tumour control probability in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: average intensity dataset versus individual four-dimensional CT phases
Fleming, C., McDermott, R., O'Keeffee, S., Dunne, M., Armstrong, J.G., McClean, B., León Vintró, L.
Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S146039692000076X (2020)

Troponin status predicts 30-day in-hospital mortality
Conway, R., Byrne, D., Cournane, S., O'Riordan, D., Coveney, S., Silke, B.
Vessel Plus 4:25. doi: 10.20517/2574-1209.2020.19 (2020)

Air pollution and age: do older persons suffer more?
Cournane, S., Conway, R., Byrne, D.G., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
Environmental Disease 5(2), 44-51 (2020)

Women of lower socio-economic status have worse acute medical outcomes
Cournane, S., Byrne, D.G., Conway, R., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
Medical Research Archives 8(4), 16pp. (2020)

Editorial: The 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine (IAPM ASM 2019)
Kenny, E., Lavin, D., Colgan, N., McClean, B., Cournane, S.
Journal of Medical Physics 75, 55-57 (2020)

Multimodal breast phantoms for microwave imaging, ultrasound, mammography, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography
Ruvio, G., Fiaschetti, G., Cuccaro, A., Tobon, J., Solimene, R., Ammann, M.J., Fagan, A.J., Cournane, S., Cooke, J., Browne, J.E.
Sensors 20(2), 2400. doi: 10.3390/s20082400 (2020)

Diagnostic accuracy of SUVmax in predicting malignancy of supraclavicular lymph nodes from primary oesophageal cancer
O'Rourke, C., Welaratne, I., Cournane, S., McLoughlin, L.C., Reynolds, J.V., Johnston, C., Sheey, N.
European Journal of Radiology 125, 108860. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrd.2020.108860 (2020) 

Polyvinyl alcohol cryogel based vessel mimicking material for modelling the progression of atherosclerosis
Malone, A., Cournane, S., Fagan, A.J., Browne, J.E.
Physica Medica 69, 1-8 (2020) 


Relative response of dosimeters to variations in scattered X-ray energy spectra encountered in interventional radiology
Masterson, M., Cournane, S., McWilliams, N., Maguire, D., McCavana, J., Lucey, J.
Physica Medica 67, 141-147 (2019)

Investigation of the assessment of low degree (<50%) renal artery stenosis based on velocity flow profile analysis using Doppler ultrasound: an in-vitro study
Malone, A., Chari, D., Cournane, S., Fagan, A.J., Browne, J.E.
Physica Medica 65, 209-218 (2019)

Yttrium-90 selective internal radiation therapy, examining dose rates and radiation protection precautions
Cournane, S., McCavana, J., Manley, M., Gray, L., McCann, J., Lucey, J.
Physica Medica 65, 121-127 (2019) 

Socio-ecomomic status and multioriginal morbidity - fact or fiction?
Byrne, D.G., Conway, R., Cournane, S., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B. 
Acute Medicine 18(2), 64-70 (2019)

Establishing how patient size and degree of miscentring affects CTDIvol, using patient data from a dose tracking system
Cournane, S., Brunell, E., Rowan, M.
British Journal of Radiology 92(1099), 20180992 (2019)

The problems with risk prediction during an emergency medical admission using laboratory data - evidence from potassium
Conway, R., Byrne, D.G., Cournane, S., O'Riordan, D., Coveney, S., Silke, B. 
Acute Medicine 18(1), 20-26 (2019)


Lung function and outcomes in emergency medical admissions
Akasheh, N., Byrne, D.G., Coss, P., Conway, R., Cournane, S., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
European Journal of Internal Medicine 59, 34-38 (2018)

The potential for increased tumour control probability in non-small cell lung cancer with a hypofractionated integrated boost to the gross tumuor volume
C. Fleming, O'Keeffe, S., Dunne, M., Armstrong, J.G., McClean, B., León Vintró, L.
Medical Dosimetry 43(3), 352-357 (2018)

A Phase II toxicity end point trial (ICORG 00-09) of accelerated dose-escalated hypofractionated radiation in non-small cell lung cancer.
Cagney, D.N., Thirion, P.G., Dunne, M.T., Fleming, C., Fitzpatrick, D., O'Shea, C.M., Finn, M.A., O'Sullivan, S., Booth, C., Collins, C.D., Buckley, S.J., Shannon, A., Armstrong, J.G. 
Clinical Oncology 30, 30-38 (2018)

Quantitative ultrasound of the mandible as a novel screening approach for osteoporosis
Beattie, A., Cournane, S., Finucane, C., Walsh, J.B., Stassen, L.F.A.
Clinical Densitometry 21(1), 110-118 (2018)

Rising emergnecy admission and readmission rates - a retrospective study of demographic and socio-economic factors
Byrne, D.G., Conway, R., Cournane, S., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
Journal of General Internal Medicine 33(10), 1623-1625 (2018)

Mortality outcomes and emergency departments wait times - the paradox in the capacity limited system
Byrne, D.G., Conway, R., Browne, J., Cournane, S., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
Acute Medicine 17(3), 130-136 (2018)

Hyponatraemia during an emergency medical admission as a marker of illness severity and case complexity
McCarthy, K., Conway, R., Byrne, D.G., Cournane, S., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
European Journal of Internal Medicine 59, 60-64 (2018) 

Persons with disability, social deprivation and an emergency medical admission
Cournane, S., Conway, R., Byrne, D.G., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
Irish Journal of Medical Science 187(3), 593-600 (2018)


Deprivation status and the hospital costs of an emergency medical admission
McCabe, J.J., McElroy, K., Cournane, S., Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Fitzerald, B., Silke, B.
European Journal of Internal Medicine 46, 30-34 (2017)

The dynamics of the emergency medical readmission — The underlying fundamentals
Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Conway, R., Cournane, S., Silke, B.
European Journal of Internal Medicine 45, 78-83 (2017)

Social factors determine the emergency medical admission workload
Cournane, S., Conway, R., Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Coveney, S., Silke, B.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 6(6), 59. doi: 10.3390/jcm6060059. PMID: 28598361 (2017)

High Risk subgroups sensitive to air pollution levels following an emergency medical admission
Cournane, S., Conway, R., Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Coveney, S., Silke, B.
Toxics 5(4), 27. doi: 10.3390/toxics5040027. PMID: 29051459 (2017)

Predicting Outcomes in Emergency Medical Admissions Using a Laboratory Only Nomogram
Cournane, S., Conway, R., Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2017:5267864. doi: 10.1155/2017/5267864 (2017)

Age and the economics of an emergency medical admission-what factors determine costs?
McCabe, J.J., Cournane, S., Byrne, D., Conway, R., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
QJM 110, 83-88 (2017)


Phase correlation applied to the 3D registration of CT and CBCT image volumes
Foley, D., O'Brien, D., León Vintró, L., McClean, B., McBride, P.
Physica Medica 32(4), 618-624 (2016) 

Normal tissue considerations and dose-volume constraints in moderately hypofractionated treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
Fleming, C., Cagney, D.N., O'Keeffe, S., Brennan, S.M., Armstrong, J.G., McClean, B.
Radiotherapy and Oncology 119, 423-431 (2016)

Small field detector correction factors for silicon-diode and diamond detector with circular 6 MV fields derived using both empirical and numerical methods
O'Brien, D.J., León Vintró, L., McClean, B.
Medical Physics 43, 411-423 (2016)

Time patterns in mortality after an emergency medical admission; relationship to weekday or weekend admission
Conway, R., Cournane, S., Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
European Journal of Internal Medicine 36, 44-49 (2016)

A Business Analytics Software Tool for Monitoring and Predicting Radiology Throughput Performance
Jones, S., Cournane, S., Sheehy, N., Hederman, L.
Journal of Digital Imaging 29(6), 645-653 (2016)

Influence of social deprivation, overcrowding and family structure on emergency medical admission rates
Conway, R., Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Cournane, S. Coveney, S., Silke, B.
QJM 109(10), 675-680 (2016)

Radiology imaging delays as independent predictors of length of hospital stay for emergency medical admissions
Cournane, S., Conway, R., Creagh, D., Byrne, D.G., Sheehy, N., Silke, B.
Clinical Radiology 71(9), 912-918 (2016)

Air quality and hospital outcomes in emergency medical admissions with respiratory disease
Cournane, S., Conway, R., Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Silke, B.
Toxics 4(3), 15. doi: 10.3390/toxics4030015. PMID: 29051420 (2016)

The relationship between resource utilization, clinical risk and hospital costs for emergency medical admissions
Cournane, S., Byrne, D., O'Riordan, D., Fitzgerald, B., Silke, B.
Acute Medicine 15(1), 7-12 (2016) 

PhD Theses

Monte Carlo Modelling of Kilovoltage Radiotherapy
Mihails Nikandrovs (2024)

Electron FLASH Beams from a Modified Elekta Precise Linac: Characterisation and Dosimetry 
Majed Hussain Mousli (2024)

Novel Methods of Wuantifying Tumour Characteristics on PET/CT and Their Application in Personalised Dosimetry and Therapy for Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumours
Ann McCann (2024)

Optimisation of Hypofractionation in Radiation Therapy
Serena O'Keeffe (2023)

Radioactive Iodine Dosimetry for Benign and Malignant Thyroid Disease
Amna Al Jabri (2023)

Radiobiology of Advanced Treatment Techniques in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 
Cathy Fleming (2021)

The Use of Fluid Haemodynamics in the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease
Andrew Malone (2020)

Identification of Error Sources in Modulated Radiotherapy
Paul Kinsella (2020)

Dosimetric Analysis of Patient and Organ Motion
Daniel Foley (2017)

Characterisation and Effect of Out-of-field Radiation in Radiotherapy
Laura Shields (2016)

Small Field Dosimetry of Flattened and Flattening-Filter-Free Beams
Daniel James O'Brien (2014)

UCD Centre for Physics in Health and Medicine

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
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